Submission (#2801)
Submitted 5mos and 3w ago
Processed 5mos and 3w ago by Wayward Station
Carus +8
Word count = +7
Prime Friends = +1
Morgain +8
Word count = +7
Prime Friends = +1
Crack +8
Word count = +7
Prime Friends = +1
Scorpius +7
Word count = +7
RP = 69
Base = 31
BoO = 7 (Scorpius)
Using research to allow a fourth colonist to tag along!
Using RP earned from this submission to pay for the investigation.
The woes of editing got me once again- swapped the very first dialogue to Carus instead of Morgain.
Bit confused since I've done that several times before- but here it is again-
Colony Rewards
Focus Colonist Rewards
Specific to Simple Social
Colonists and Their Rewards
No addons are included in this submission.
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