Scorpius sulked trough the entire journey to the neighbouring tribe, loudly complaining about how unnecessary the trip was.
"Seriously, dude, can you at least *pretend* that you're not taking the piss out of this? Seymore trusted us with this- and boy will he be unhappy if you ruin it." Carus spoke, clearly annoyed.
"Well, I don't see how any of this is *my* problem. If Seymore wanted it handled, he should've gone and handled it."
"That's just- not how that works." Morgain chimed in. "We're all working together to keep the colony running- and if it's in the colony's best interest to check on an ally, then that's what we do- no arguing needed."
Crack, a Xunari who insisted she shouldn't be considered an elder that had only recently joined the colony, had been watching the argument unfold. Her eyes were narrowed, jaw clenched tight as she tried to be the voice of reason.
"If you don't want to talk to them, then fine, don't- but they've been struggling enough as-is. You do ***not*** need to make this any harder on them, or us for that matter, Scorpius. I don't want to hear anything- unsavoury coming out of your mouth, hear me?"

Scorpius just shrugged. "It's a waste of my time- I could be doing something more useful but No! Some random tribe forgot that L'hatzif has floods, and now we need to go and console them while they whine about it."
"Scorpius!" Morgain and Carus called out at the same time, astonished.
"You can't just- say that man. We're getting close to their territory, *please* just shut up." Morgain begged.
"Scorpius you don't know what-" Crack started, but was interrupted by Scorpius sighing agitatedly, and turning around to face the group blocking the path.
"I. Do. Not. Care. In the slightest. We just get this over with, give them a pat on their back, tell them we're oh-so sorry for their losses," scorpius' tone dripped with sarcasm as he spat the words out. "and then we go on our merry way! This does not have to be an entire thing. We just find whoever, and we leave as soon as we can!"
The group got silent. Scorpius rolled his eyes "What? Finally seeing how ridiculous this entire thing has been? We can just head back now-"
"Scorpius!" Crack hissed under her breath "Get back here- ***now***" she was looking at something behind her, and when Scorpius turned around he saw a very angry looking Tsabhua. He froze.

"I think," the Tsabhua started, voice tense and filled with barely concealed rage "it is best you leave now. Tell Seymore I send my regards, but your help will not be needed here."
Scorpius instantly realized his mistake, and despite running trough options in his head, he felt as if he was short-circuiting, not a single coherent thought managing to make it's way to his mouth.
Crack lowered her gaze "I- sincerely apologize. We didn't realize he would be like this. If there anything we can do to help please just as-"
The Tsabhua narrowed their eyes. "You have 'helped' enough. Just get out, please. Let's not make this useless trip last any longer, right?"
Morgain and Carus shot hateful glances at Scorpius, who was still too stunned to say or do anything.
The Tsabhua turned back, casting one final look at the colonists "Leave. We do not wish to see you again anytime soon."
Crack scowled, grabbing Scorpius by the harness he was wearing- the Colonists had been stocked up on gifts for the tribe. Gifts that were carefully prepared and would now likely go to waste- likely upsetting everyone at home who worked hard on them, too. This trip truly was about as disastrous as it could be.

The trip back was- awkward, to say the least. Neither Carus nor Morgain felt like chatting to each other like they had on the road to the colony, and Crack was still holding onto Scorpius tightly, almost as if he was a ill-behaved whelp that might wander off. They all braced themselves- Seymore would surely be pissed beyond belief, and none of the Xunari present could really blame him.
Total Wordcount: 697
1 to 200
Scorpius sulked trough the entire journey to the neighbouring tribe, loudly complaining about how unnecessary the trip was. "Seriously, dude, can you at least *pretend* that you're not taking the piss out of this? Seymore trusted us with this- and boy will he be unhappy if you ruin it." Carus spoke, clearly annoyed. "Well, I don't see how any of this is *my* problem. If Seymore wanted it handled, he should've gone and handled it." "That's just- not how that works." Morgain chimed in. "We're all working together to keep the colony running- and if it's in the colony's best interest to check on an ally, then that's what we do- no arguing needed." Crack, a Xunari who insisted she shouldn't be considered an elder that had only recently joined the colony, had been watching the argument unfold. Her eyes were narrowed, jaw clenched tight as she tried to be the voice of reason. "If you don't want to talk to them, then fine, don't- but they've been struggling enough as-is. You do ***not*** need to make this any harder on them, or us for that matter, Scorpius. I don't want to hear anything- unsavoury coming out of your mouth,
Mention Counter
Morgain: 1 mentions
Scorpius: 2 mentions
Carus: 1 mentions
Crack: 1 mentions

201 to 400
hear me?" Scorpius just shrugged. "It's a waste of my time- I could be doing something more useful but No! Some random tribe forgot that L'hatzif has floods, and now we need to go and console them while they whine about it." "Scorpius!" Morgain and Carus called out at the same time, astonished. "You can't just- say that man. We're getting close to their territory, *please* just shut up." Morgain begged. "Scorpius you don't know what-" Crack started, but was interrupted by Scorpius sighing agitatedly, and turning around to face the group blocking the path. "I. Do. Not. Care. In the slightest. We just get this over with, give them a pat on their back, tell them we're oh-so sorry for their losses," scorpius' tone dripped with sarcasm as he spat the words out. "and then we go on our merry way! This does not have to be an entire thing. We just find whoever, and we leave as soon as we can!" The group got silent. Scorpius rolled his eyes "What? Finally seeing how ridiculous this entire thing has been? We can just head back now-" "Scorpius!" Crack hissed under her breath "Get back here- ***now***" she was looking
Mention Counter
Morgain: 2 mentions
Scorpius: 6 mentions
Carus: 1 mentions
Crack: 2 mentions

401 to 600
at something behind her, and when Scorpius turned around he saw a very angry looking Tsabhua. He froze. "I think," the Tsabhua started, voice tense and filled with barely concealed rage "it is best you leave now. Tell Seymore I send my regards, but your help will not be needed here." Scorpius instantly realized his mistake, and despite running trough options in his head, he felt as if he was short-circuiting, not a single coherent thought managing to make it's way to his mouth. Crack lowered her gaze "I- sincerely apologize. We didn't realize he would be like this. If there anything we can do to help please just as-" The Tsabhua narrowed their eyes. "You have 'helped' enough. Just get out, please. Let's not make this useless trip last any longer, right?" Morgain and Carus shot hateful glances at Scorpius, who was still too stunned to say or do anything. The Tsabhua turned back, casting one final look at the colonists "Leave. We do not wish to see you again anytime soon." Crack scowled, grabbing Scorpius by the harness he was wearing- the Colonists had been stocked up on gifts for the tribe. Gifts that were carefully prepared and
Mention Counter
Morgain: 1 mentions
Scorpius: 4 mentions
Carus: 1 mentions
Crack: 2 mentions

601 to 697
would now likely go to waste- likely upsetting everyone at home who worked hard on them, too. This trip truly was about as disastrous as it could be. The trip back was- awkward, to say the least. Neither Carus nor Morgain felt like chatting to each other like they had on the road to the colony, and Crack was still holding onto Scorpius tightly, almost as if he was a ill-behaved whelp that might wander off. They all braced themselves- Seymore would surely be pissed beyond belief, and none of the Xunari present could really blame him.
Mention Counter
Morgain: 1 mentions
Scorpius: 1 mentions
Carus: 1 mentions
Crack: 1 mentions
Morgain is in 4 chunks
Scorpius is in 4 chunks
Carus is in 4 chunks
Crack is in 4 chunks
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Investigation SOC-L1 I

In Investigation ・ By LostInProgres ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments

Scorpius is in his villain arc, you see.

man has some things to process-

Submitted By LostInProgres for Simple SocialLocation: L'Hatzif (B'Av)
Submitted 4 weeks ago Last Updated 3 weeks ago
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[Investigation SOC-L1 I by LostInProgres (Literature)](
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