Submission (#2543)

TT.S2 - Genetic Research

Wayward Station

Home: Mireh — Submission: Mireh

Submitted 7mos and 2w ago

Processed 7mos and 2w ago by Xione

Wayward Station

Wayward Station

Genes being researched: Leopard Appaloosa, Flaxen, and Nyala

(Composer of Stars is nicknamed Starsong)

XP Count (Starsong):
Fullbody: 2
Colored: +3
Background: +2
Home Region: +1
Total: 8

XP Count (Cloudspace, Revenant):
Fullbody: 2
Colored: +3
Background: +2
Home Region: +1
Prime Friend (Starsong): +1
Total: 9

RP Count:
9 x 2 = 18 + 8 = 26
R+ = 52
Starsong BoA 8 + 52 = 60

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Wayward Station

Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to TT.S2 - Genetic Research

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Composer of Stars 0303

Composer of Stars 0303

Observations in Mireh
Composer of Stars 0303 commented that your telecom is beeping. (+1 Unopened Simple Report)
Cloudspace 0461

Cloudspace 0461

Observations in Mireh
Cloudspace 0461 chatted with a friend.

No addons are included in this submission.

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