Submission (#2543)
Wayward Station
Submitted 7mos and 2w ago
Processed 7mos and 2w ago by Xione
Wayward Station
Wayward Station
Genes being researched: Leopard Appaloosa, Flaxen, and Nyala
(Composer of Stars is nicknamed Starsong)
XP Count (Starsong):
Fullbody: 2
Colored: +3
Background: +2
Home Region: +1
Total: 8
XP Count (Cloudspace, Revenant):
Fullbody: 2
Colored: +3
Background: +2
Home Region: +1
Prime Friend (Starsong): +1
Total: 9
RP Count:
9 x 2 = 18 + 8 = 26
R+ = 52
Starsong BoA 8 + 52 = 60
Colony Rewards
Focus Colonist Rewards
Specific to TT.S2 - Genetic Research
Colonists and Their Rewards

Composer of Stars 0303
Observations in Mireh
Composer of Stars 0303 commented that your telecom is beeping. (+1 Unopened Simple Report)

Revenant 0646
No addons are included in this submission.
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