Submission (#1977)

TT.S2 - 20 Leagues Under


Home: L'Hatzif — Submission: Ocean

Submitted 1yr and 9mos ago

Processed 1yr and 9mos ago by Xione



maaaa there's a weird fuckin fish outside, looks like grandma the fuckin thing

XP Breakdown:

+2 XP - Base

+3 XP - High Quality (the background & composition took me a while hehe)

+3 XP - Colored

+2 XP - Shaded

+2 XP - Background

+1 XP (x2) - Foreign Colonist

+5 XP - Bonus XP

= 19 XP


RP Breakdown:

76 RP - Base

152 RP - Research +

157 RP - Event Bonus

= 157 RP

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to WeepingWillows

Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to TT.S2 - 20 Leagues Under

5 Experience, added automatically. Does not get added to RP calculations.

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Findan the Far-Seeing 0783

Findan the Far-Seeing 0783

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
Observations in Ocean
How peculiar! Findan the Far-Seeing 0783 approaches you with Blue Powder.
Findan the Far-Seeing 0783 managed to secure a ship during a storm. It was a chilling experience and they earned 3 XP.
Bartlett 0858

Bartlett 0858

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
Observations in Ocean
Bartlett 0858 managed to secure a ship during a storm. It was a chilling experience and they earned 3 XP.
Cirrus the Firefly 0899

Cirrus the Firefly 0899

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
Observations in Ocean
Cirrus the Firefly 0899 found a lover during a visit to shore.
Pride 0941

Pride 0941

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
Observations in Ocean
Pride 0941 starts up a sea shanty with their fellows.
Pride 0941 was attacked by a flock of seagulls. Ouch! (-2 health)
Pride 0941 is certain they saw a mermaid!

No addons are included in this submission.

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