Submission (#1518)

Woo a Native

Snip's Pinnacle Point

Home: Issiq — Submission: Rekes

Submitted 2yrs and 11mos ago

Processed 2yrs and 11mos ago by Xione

Snip's Pinnacle Point

Snip's Pinnacle Point

Diplomatic Immunity - extra entry (all four focus)
Well Met - bonus 2 tickets
Honey - bonus 2 tickets

Ne'tra, Carli, Nell, Mox
Base = 2
Colored = 3
Background = 2
Tribal Visitor = 3
Accurate Region = 1
Total = 11

Native Fullbody = 3 exp

Research Points
Base = 11+11+11+3 = 36
Research+ = 36
(Action = 2)
Total = 72

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Snip's Pinnacle Point


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Woo a Native

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Nell 0705

Nell 0705

Observations in Rekes
Nell 0705 called into the wind. Nothing.
Nell 0705 saw the ocean!
Mox 0725 Background

Mox 0725

Observations in Rekes
Mox 0725 wandered up to you with a Okums in their mouth.
Mox 0725 hid under some rocks during a hailstorm.

No addons are included in this submission.

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