Submission (#132)

Tendrils Promo Event


Home: Mireh

Submitted 4yrs and 6mos ago

Processed 4yrs and 6mos ago by Xione



URL: Advertisement Hype

I'd love a Belemoid please (if I can choose gender, female please)
Specifically tagged 8+ people, so could I please have a Leucistic Base please

I tagged 8 People: Fluffypuppy77 , Rosedraq , ReadNeko , comet-strike-art , DovahCourts , MonochromeFox , TheAsterik , Wolfenru 
2 people joined (that I know of ;) ) But I didn't tag either of them (I did post in a bunch of Discord chats though ;D)

1) @firedragoran / Tagova - Journal! :D  || I'd like Marozi please

2) @blacktiger128 / Tsidal || I'd like Stripe please

+3 random genes for the total of 5

Colony Tagova posted their own journal (linked above) - Random Mutation please!!!! <3


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