Noodle, Ambergris, and Bloodstone were in Issiq, helping Boti out, when the sandstorm warning sirens began to wail, and their wristbands beeped to life with the weather alert. All four of them paused in their retrofitting of one of the air conditioners, and Boti made a disgruntled noise.
"That storm wasn't supposed to hit until tomorrow -!"
Their feathers rose and fell in agitation, and Bloodstone cocked her head. "Is there anything we can do to help prepare?"
"No - Yes - Let me think, let me think."
The aerobic bent their head to start putting the tools back into their bag, then started up again. "Ballor!"
Bloodstone, Noodle, and Ambergris blinked at them.
"Ballor?" Ambergris ventured after the aerobic didn't elaborate and continued to pace agitatedly.
"One of our foragers, he went out to get some of the prickle cacti - will he hear the sirens? Is his wristband in range of the network -? And I need to put things away and batten things down…"
Noodle perked up, having been becoming bored with the air conditioner. "We could go look for him?" ze offered.
Ambergris shot zem a 'oh no you didn't' look but stayed quiet, while Bloodstone merely gave zem a long-suffering stare. Noodle only shrugged. If they wanted to be boring, fine. But ze thought the idea of searching for someone more intriguing than closing shutters.
Boti perked up markedly and paused in their pacing. "Oh, could you -? That'd be very kind! He's a yellow draconic with horns and wings and here… let me send you where he thought he was going to go." Their brow crinkled in worry. "He might have gone off elsewhere… but it should give you an idea of where to start."
Boti began to make their way down into their tribe's canyons, toolbag in hand, before turning back.
"And don't forget to pick up some masks and protective gear!"
"Masks and protective gear!" Ambergris echoed after Boti was out of earshot before turning to Noodle. "What have you gotten us into now?"
"A trek through a sandstorm, it seems," Bloodstone sighed wearily and eyed the horizon. "Come on. We best leave as soon as possible."
Noodle, Bloodstone and Ambergris went and gathered their supplies, along with an extra mask and goggles for Ballor in case he hadn't brought one, and then set out into the desert, following the map Boti had given them. The sand was warm underfoot, but the weak winter sun hadn't baked it to the overwhelming heat of summer. The sky was starting to go strange, with the horizon seeming to bubble and roil in the distance as the sandstorm built in power.
Thankfully, Ballor was right where he'd said he'd be, cheerfully gathering prickly cacti in a sheltered depression in the desert near an oasis.
"Why hello!" He called, sunshades glinting as he looked up to them. "How can I help you?" He had headphones on, which had blocked the noise of the gathering wind, but has he tipped them off one ear to hear their responses, he frowned.
Noodle hurried down and handed him a mask and a pair of goggles before hastily putting on their own.
Ballor swore. "Sandstorm, huh?" he grunted before putting the protective equipment on.
And none too soon. The sky above darkened, and the wind began to howl, sand whipping up to sting against their exposed skin.
"Come on!" Ambergris called through the radio the masks had installed, "let's get out of here!"
Bloodstone, thankfully, had thought to grab a rope, and was tying an end to herself and Ambergris, before hurting over to tie it to Noodle and Ballor. She hesitated a moment at the sight of the draconic's wings, but Ballor shook his head.
"Too windy to fly. I'll be following you."
Bloodstone nodded, and finished her task.
"We all need to move together! If the rope loosens, stop and yell!"
Everyone called affirmative, and the group set off, laboriously wading through the sand-laden air back to Boti and Ballor's tribe's home.
The air was so dark to be almost night - but not from a lack of sunlight. Instead, the air around them was so full of sand as to almost feel solid, especially with the wind driving it against them like a thousand stinging needles. The sandy ground under their feet and body shifted as they walked, blowing away but also building up at the same time.
It was hard and not comfortable in the least, but eventually they made it back, Ballor in tow. Noodle shook out their fur in the sanctuary of the ravine, while Bloodstone sneezed profusely and Ambergris looked morose. Ballor thanked them and went off to find Boti, slithering away into the corridors as the wind howled outside.
Bloodstone nudged Ambergris with a shoulder. "Cheer up," she said, sounding cheerful herself, "there's a pool!"
Ambergris just sighed.
Noodle: 3 mentions
Bloodstone: 4 mentions
Boti: 2 mentions
Ambergris: 4 mentions
Noodle: 3 mentions
Bloodstone: 2 mentions
Boti: 4 mentions
Ambergris: 2 mentions
Noodle: 1 mentions
Bloodstone: 1 mentions
Ambergris: 2 mentions
Noodle: 2 mentions
Bloodstone: 3 mentions
Boti: 2 mentions
Ambergris: 2 mentions

[CON] Sandstorm Guidance
You must escort a lost native through harsh weather to return them to their tribe.
CON for Noodle, Ambergris, Bloodstone
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