It was a beautiful cold day. The suns were shining overhead, no clouds in sight. The snow covered trees glittered as the suns light touched them. And the black mountains of Rekes was no longer covered in clouds. For the first time in what seemed like ages the snow had quit falling.
Noel padded along the snow packed trail on her way to her best friend's place by the lake. She had not seen Shasta and Thomas in a while and was worried. Next to her was her other friend Moon Stone. She had brought her medical bag with her. Noel had asked about it earlier but all she got from Moon Stone was a shrug and a just in case.
Noel was startled when a nearby tree lost some of its snow and it cascaded to the ground. She and Moon Stone hurried on. Eager to get there before a tree they were under decided to divest its white load on her.
She was happy to see the trail end and the ice covered lake in the distance. A small hut sat next to the frozen lake and she made a beeline toward it.
"Shasta! Thomas! Are you there?" Noel called out as soon as came to the door. She rapped on the door with her long claws.
"Noel! Is that you?" came a voice from inside just before the door was pulled open.
Shasta stood in the hallway. And beyond her they could see into the house. It was small and very open. A light blue Belemiod lay on the mound of pillows.
"What's going on Shasta?" Moon Stone said as she came inside. Noel right behind her.
Shasta closed the door so as to keep the cold out and the heat in.
"I am glad you came. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just leave him. But I also knew I needed to get him to the clinic. And I am not strong enough to get him to the sled." Shasta said as she quickly walked back to her mate.
Moon Stone followed quickly with Noel coming behind her.
Moon Stone sat next to Thomas and took out a very high tech looking scanner. She ran it along his body in a smooth motion then looked at the screen's output.
"He is running a temp. Can you explain to me what happened? Did he get sick? How long ago was it." Moon Stone asked. She noticed that Noel was looking on in ramp attention.
"He came home two weeks ago. He showed me his most recent injury. It looked so small we didn't think anything about it. But then he started to not feel well. He said it would be ok. That it was nothing. But now well…." Here Shasta stopped and shrugged.
"Well he needs to get to the clinic. I suspect Thomas has an infection from his injury. Next time he gets hurt just have him come in right away. Even if you think it's no big deal." Moon Stone sternly.
Moon Stone turned to Noel. " Go and get the sled ready. Shasta and I are going to get Thomas up."
"Here" Shasta said as tossed some blankets to Noel. Noel left.
"I mean it. Next time he gets hurt, don't wait. Bring him in. Even if you have to drag him in by his ear." Moon Stone said.
"Alright, Alright. I will." Shasta agreed. She and Moon Stone bent down and picked up Thomas and placed him on a blanket. They then dragged him to the door. Noel had the sled by the door. Two of the blankets lay nicely folded on the bottom of the sled. With the help of Noel they managed to get Thomas on the sled. Moon Stone was a little concerned that he had not moved much during all this. First thing when they got him to the clinic she was going to have to put an iv in. She suspected he was dehydrated and it would also be easy to get whatever antibiotic he needed quickly.
Shasta trotted alongside the sled and readjusted any of the blankets if they started to slid off the prone Belemiod.
The day was still bright. The suns still cast their light and the snow still sparkled as the four colonists made their way back to the village and to the clinic.
Thomas: 2 mentions
Moon Stone: 3 mentions
Noel: 3 mentions
Thomas: 1 mentions
Moon Stone: 3 mentions
Noel: 4 mentions
Thomas: 3 mentions
Moon Stone: 5 mentions
Noel: 5 mentions
Thomas: 1 mentions
Moon Stone: 1 mentions
Noel: 1 mentions

[HEAL] Healing Thomas again.
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