Moon Stone stepped out of the clinic for a brief moment. Everyone had gone home except for Jermaul. He had stayed a little longer to finish scrubbing down the corners of the window.

Both suns could be seen high overhead. The bigger of the two had reached its highest point and was starting to go down. And the smaller one was still climbing. The black snow capped mountain stood majestically over the snow covered evergreen trees that encircled the village.

Her first client should be coming soon. Shasta had told her that Thomas had somehow injured himself while on one of his 'adventures'. Shasta would not say what Thomas was exactly doing but Moon Stone could guess by the gash on his side.

She was just about to go inside when she saw a pale blue reef Belemoid coming up the snow packed trail. His long claws leaving behind long divots in the trail.

"Ah Thomas!" Moon Stone called out as soon as he was close enough.

"Moon Stone. See I told you I would be by." Thomas greeted.

"Yes but only because Shasta told you to. Now come inside where it's warmer and I will see to your wound." Moon Stone held open the door and Thomas came in.

"It's a little sparse. You need some more decorations. Maybe something on the wall." Thomas said as he took in the reception room.

"Hmm, maybe you're right. I will do that as soon as I get everything else up and running." Moon Stone said. She did not see Jermaul where she had left him. Maybe he had gone home.

"I think we will use room number one for you. I have all that I need to help you with that gash."

Moon Stone walked toward a door that had a one etched into the wood door and opened it. She flicked on the light and started pulling out all she might need from the cabinets. A white gauze roll and some gauze squares. A bottle of disinfectant joined the items on the counter. A canister of numbing cream and a small rolled up pouch of different sizes of needles and thread just in case the slash is worse than it looks.

"Alright up on the table." Moon Stone said as she patted the table. Thomas pulled himself up until he was sitting on the table.

Moon Stone took the disinfection and proceeded to clean the wound. When she was done she looked more closely at it. Luckily for Thomas it really was not that deep and would just need a bandage.

She reached for the roll when a short scream and a clatter of something metal falling came from the back room.

Moon Stone raced to the door with Thomas close beside her. The light was already on and Moon Stone's first reaction was to check the rat cages. She glanced at the one that ran along the wall and saw that there were three sets of beady eyes looking at her.

She then spotted green legs from behind a rolling cabinet she had yet to figure out where to place. Thomas and Moon Stone ran around the cabinet. Moon Stone spotted the wound on the side of Jermaul's face. Probably got it when he fell into the cabinet. Beside him was an empty rat cage with the release door hanging open.

"Hey Jermaul, can you hear me?" Moon Stone asked.

"Oh my head." Jermaul started to get up but Moon Stone put a firm paw on his chest to keep him down. "I need to check you over before you can get up."

"What happened?" Thomas asked curiously.

"I heard the traps go off and so I came and checked on them. We caught three and there were two in here. I picked this one up and I must have gotten my paws too close to the edge of the trap and one of them bit me. It surprised me and I jerked back. I think I stumbled over something and the next thing I know, I am falling and the trap is falling. I think I hit my head." Jermaul turned his head to the side and saw the trap lying on its side.

"Oh no. The rats are loose again." Jermaul groaned.

"They can wait." Moon Stone said as she finished examining him. "Ok let's get you into an exam room. I have all the things I need in room one. I will just do the two of you together and be done. Up you get." With Thomas's help, Moon Stone got Jermaul to his feet and they went into the exam room.

Moon Stone did not waste any time. She cleaned Jermaul's cut on the side of his face and checked him over for a concussion.

Next she finished bandaging up Thomas's side after recleaning it.

"You know. I know of two hunters that would get rid of your rat problem." Thomas said as he checked over the bandage. It looked alright. But he wouldn't be able to go out scavenging until this was off.

"Oh. At this point I would try anything and anyone. Do you think they will come?" Moon Stone asked as she put away the bandages.

"I don't know. But I could ask them." Thomas said.

Jermaul had been quiet up until now. "I am sorry. "

"Oh Jermaul. It's ok. Thomas will have these hunters come out and I will finally have a rat free clinic." Moon Stone reassured the green tark'ee.

Total Wordcount: 921
1 to 200
Moon Stone stepped out of the clinic for a brief moment. Everyone had gone home except for Jermaul. He had stayed a little longer to finish scrubbing down the corners of the window. Both suns could be seen high overhead. The bigger of the two had reached its highest point and was starting to go down. And the smaller one was still climbing. The black snow capped mountain stood majestically over the snow covered evergreen trees that encircled the village. Her first client should be coming soon. Shasta had told her that Thomas had somehow injured himself while on one of his 'adventures'. Shasta would not say what Thomas was exactly doing but Moon Stone could guess by the gash on his side. She was just about to go inside when she saw a pale blue reef Belemoid coming up the snow packed trail. His long claws leaving behind long divots in the trail. "Ah Thomas!" Moon Stone called out as soon as he was close enough. "Moon Stone. See I told you I would be by." Thomas greeted. "Yes but only because Shasta told you to. Now come inside where it's warmer and I will see to your wound."
Mention Counter
Thomas: 4 mentions
Moon Stone: 4 mentions
Jermaul: 1 mentions

201 to 400
Moon Stone held open the door and Thomas came in. "It's a little sparse. You need some more decorations. Maybe something on the wall." Thomas said as he took in the reception room. "Hmm, maybe you're right. I will do that as soon as I get everything else up and running." Moon Stone said. She did not see Jermaul where she had left him. Maybe he had gone home. "I think we will use room number one for you. I have all that I need to help you with that gash." Moon Stone walked toward a door that had a one etched into the wood door and opened it. She flicked on the light and started pulling out all she might need from the cabinets. A white gauze roll and some gauze squares. A bottle of disinfectant joined the items on the counter. A canister of numbing cream and a small rolled up pouch of different sizes of needles and thread just in case the slash is worse than it looks. "Alright up on the table." Moon Stone said as she patted the table. Thomas pulled himself up until he was sitting on the table. Moon Stone took the disinfection
Mention Counter
Thomas: 3 mentions
Moon Stone: 5 mentions
Jermaul: 1 mentions

401 to 600
and proceeded to clean the wound. When she was done she looked more closely at it. Luckily for Thomas it really was not that deep and would just need a bandage. She reached for the roll when a short scream and a clatter of something metal falling came from the back room. Moon Stone raced to the door with Thomas close beside her. The light was already on and Moon Stone's first reaction was to check the rat cages. She glanced at the one that ran along the wall and saw that there were three sets of beady eyes looking at her. She then spotted green legs from behind a rolling cabinet she had yet to figure out where to place. Thomas and Moon Stone ran around the cabinet. Moon Stone spotted the wound on the side of Jermaul's face. Probably got it when he fell into the cabinet. Beside him was an empty rat cage with the release door hanging open. "Hey Jermaul, can you hear me?" Moon Stone asked. "Oh my head." Jermaul started to get up but Moon Stone put a firm paw on his chest to keep him down. "I need to check you over before
Mention Counter
Thomas: 3 mentions
Moon Stone: 6 mentions
Jermaul: 3 mentions

601 to 800
you can get up." "What happened?" Thomas asked curiously. "I heard the traps go off and so I came and checked on them. We caught three and there were two in here. I picked this one up and I must have gotten my paws too close to the edge of the trap and one of them bit me. It surprised me and I jerked back. I think I stumbled over something and the next thing I know, I am falling and the trap is falling. I think I hit my head." Jermaul turned his head to the side and saw the trap lying on its side. "Oh no. The rats are loose again." Jermaul groaned. "They can wait." Moon Stone said as she finished examining him. "Ok let's get you into an exam room. I have all the things I need in room one. I will just do the two of you together and be done. Up you get." With Thomas's help, Moon Stone got Jermaul to his feet and they went into the exam room. Moon Stone did not waste any time. She cleaned Jermaul's cut on the side of his face and checked him over for a concussion.
Mention Counter
Thomas: 2 mentions
Moon Stone: 3 mentions
Jermaul: 4 mentions

801 to 921
Next she finished bandaging up Thomas's side after recleaning it. "You know. I know of two hunters that would get rid of your rat problem." Thomas said as he checked over the bandage. It looked alright. But he wouldn't be able to go out scavenging until this was off. "Oh. At this point I would try anything and anyone. Do you think they will come?" Moon Stone asked as she put away the bandages. "I don't know. But I could ask them." Thomas said. Jermaul had been quiet up until now. "I am sorry. " "Oh Jermaul. It's ok. Thomas will have these hunters come out and I will finally have a rat free clinic." Moon Stone reassured the green tark'ee.
Mention Counter
Thomas: 4 mentions
Moon Stone: 2 mentions
Jermaul: 2 mentions
Thomas is in 5 chunks
Moon Stone is in 5 chunks
Jermaul is in 5 chunks
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[HEAL] Healing of Jermaul and Thomas

In Healing ・ By WhiteRaven ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By WhiteRaven for Tend an Injury ・ Location: Obsidian Mountain (Rekes)
Submitted 2 months ago ・ Last Updated 2 months ago
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[[HEAL] Healing of Jermaul and Thomas by WhiteRaven (Literature)](
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