Rose was in no way pleased to have ended up at the Physician's office back in L'hatzif. She had always hated the place. The walls were painted a stark white, and the floor was covered in slightly reflective white tiles. The atmosphere felt sterile and cold, and she always hated every second of being in the building. At least the physicians themselves were kind, she supposed. Of course, she said that only ever having met Matter.
Unfortunately for her, Matter wasn't in today. Instead, when she walked into the building, holding a cold towel to her face, she was met with a low whistle.
"What'd you get to earn that?" Scale said, faking being impressed. Rose groaned. It was embarrassing enough as-is, without having to explain to judgemental strangers. "Huldah to the face." She mumbled, not wanting to meet Scale's eyes.
Scale chuckled. "That must've been a whole thing. Alright, let's just get you patched up."
Muttering a quick thanks, Rose followed her further in the building. Scale quickly ushered her into a small room off to the side, and sat her down.
"Well, let me see then." She said, reaching to take the towel from Rose. As soon as it was gone Rose blinked at the bright lights, surprised at how bothered she was by the brightness.
"Wow." Scale said, looking at the wound on Rose's face. "Must've been a feisty little bastard."
Rose shrugged. "You could say that. He's a nice pelt now, strongly considering turning him into a new wallet."
Scale snorted in amusement. "Well, you'll definitely consider it even more when you're done here. Afraid that that's gonna need a good cleaning out and then stitches."
Rose groaned. "Well, do what you must, I suppose."
While they spoke, Scale had walked over to the light switch, dimming the light a tad. Rose felt like the Tsabhua was not one to care much for a thank you, and opted to just keep the gesture quiet.
Scale had started walking around the room, grabbing various bits and bobs from the clean-looking metal cabinets and shelves. The needles shone menacingly, shining because of the sun shining trough the window in the room. Rose wasn't afraid of needles, but she was sure the experiences wouldn't be pleasant, regardless. She hated people touching her face, after all.
"I'll numb it first, of course." Scale said, mostly to fill the silence- perhaps picking up on some of Rose's unease. Rose nodded. "I would've probably punched you if you didn't-" she said, with a slight chuckle.
"Wouldn't have blamed ya." Scale answered back. "You'll have to make sure to keep this clean after, alright? Especially around your eyes."
Rose nodded. She was not one to ignore medical advice- especially since it would likely lead to more prodding and poking later on, which was the last thing she wanted.
"The good part is that with something *that* obvious, you'll be able to get pity points from everyone." Scale joked, before turning around with her equipment all gathered. "Alright, let's get started then."
Mermaid's Scale: 4 mentions
Mermaid's Scale: 5 mentions
Mermaid's Scale: 2 mentions

[HEAL] Tending an injury: Rose
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