"It's back!" Alexander sang out as he sauntered into the large dining room. A large rectangle table stood in the middle of the room. It was large enough that fifteen colonists could stand around during any meal. Right now it was bare except for a bowl of fruits and nuts in the center which Alexander helped himself too.

"What's back?" Kya asked as she put away the last of the plates.

"Yeah what's back?" echoed Toffee from behind Kya. The marking around her eye glowed softly. And light leaked out from the soles of her paws.

"Nope, got to guess. " Alexander said as he popped a grape into his mouth. The twinkle in his eye and the smile on his face showed how much he was enjoying himself.

"Is it the ship?" Toffee asked, her face lit up with excitement. Usually when the ship came into port there were new foods and treats to try.

"No." Laughed Alexander. "It's not due for another couple of weeks. " Added Kya.

Kya started to speak when Kel entered the room. "You would not guess what came back." he said, almost echoing Alexander.

Kya let out an exasperated sigh. "Would you just tell me please!"

"Alright, Alright. " Alexander said. "Party pooper" he said under his breath to quiet for the older Tsabhua to hear.

"The Arktikos is back and she has decided to make her nest in the very same cave we use to store our winter supplies." Kel said before Alexander could draw this out too far.

"Our storage cave. But we need that cave." Kya said. "We haven't gotten the storage house up yet and the cave worked so well last year. "

"Maybe we can trade it for a new cave?" Toffee said.

"It's not that easy. Arktikoses are not known to move once they have picked their nesting place." Kya answered.

"Trade it a new cave. " Kel got a thoughtful look and started to pace in the small kitchen. "We know that they love fish and there is a slightly bigger cave not to far from here that is even more protected by the weather which would be perfect for her to nest in."

"Fish?" Kya and Toffee said together.

"Oh fish!" Alexander said. "I think I know just where to go. But first let me get something. I will be right back."

Alexander ran out of the room and out of the main house to his little hut. He quickly grabbed a large net that leaned against his far wall. And raced back.

"Alright, got what we need. Now let's go get those fish. The weather outside is starting to turn nasty, which is the perfect time. " Alexander said with a wink then out the door he went, Kel right behind him with Toffee and Kya taking up the rear.

Outside the clouds hung low and dark with the promise of rain that was surely going to fall soon. The air was still warm but it had a bit of cold to it that indicated that winter was fast approaching. The evergreen trees that surrounded the little colony was bare from the apples that normal hung from their branches.The tall black mountains stood tall in the background.

Alexander led them through the trees a short distance away to a crystal clear lake. Shasta had shown him her lake a couple of weeks ago. And even had offered him some swimming lessons, which he had declined, politely of course. But he had discovered that the lake was brimming with fish.

"Alright. We need to scare the fish closer to the shore and then I can scoop them up in the net. " Alexander said as moved to the banks of the lake.

"I don't know how to swim. " Toffee spoke up.

"Kel and I will do it. " Kya spoke up. "Toffee, you stay here and be a look out okay."

"Okay!" Toffee said and she sat down so that she faced the trail they had followed.

Kel and Kya swam out to the middle of the lake then dived underwater. They quickly saw a school of fish and working together as a team herded them toward where Alexander waited with the net.

The net hit the water with a loud splash and most of the fish spooked and got away. Kel was afraid that they had not caught enough but when Alexander held up the net there were five good sized fish flopping around inside the net.

"Got them!" Alexander said as he wound up the net so that the fish would not be able to escape.

They quickly left the lake behind and made it back to the colony. They walked past it and made for the second cave. By the time they got there the fish were no longer flopping. Kel took three of them and placed them in the center of the cave. Then they went to the winter storage cave.

"How are we going to do this?" Whispered Kya.

"Alexander. You need to get close to the cave entrance with those fish. I am hoping that the smell alone will do the trick and then we can just lead the Arktikos to the other cave."

"Are you sure that will be safe?" Kya said.

"I don't know. It should be. She doesn't have any cubs yet and shouldn't be overly protective. But just in case, take Toffee and move away. If something happens, run and take Toffee with you. " Kya answered, his gaze never taking his eyes off of Alexander as he made his way to the entrance of the den.

Alexander waved the net with the now dead fish in it several times before they heard the sound of the creature inside stirring. Alexander backed up, still waving the net over in front of him.

Soon a creature white as the snow that was about to come came out. Its fur was long and thick. It's back was covered in white scales that would have shimmered if the light of the sun could have reached it through the thick clouds. It walked on six legs and had a short stubby tail. Its head was round with triangle ears that sat high on its head and its muzzle was long and square. It's black nose was working hard as it smelled the air toward the waving net.

"Come on, you can do it. " Alexander was cooing to it as he was walking backwards.

Kel kept close just in case and Kya and Toffee kept their distance and walked in the shadows of the trees.

It took twice as long to get the second cave but they made it with no issue. Alexander took the fish out of the net and threw them into the cave.

The Arkikos lumbered past and started devouring one of the fish. When it was done it carried the other fish into the cave.

"That went rather well. " Alexander said. The fishing net hung empty over his shoulder.

"Yes it did. " Kel agreed. And they headed home.

Total Wordcount: 1187
1 to 200
"It's back!" Alexander sang out as he sauntered into the large dining room. A large rectangle table stood in the middle of the room. It was large enough that fifteen colonists could stand around during any meal. Right now it was bare except for a bowl of fruits and nuts in the center which Alexander helped himself too. "What's back?" Kya asked as she put away the last of the plates. "Yeah what's back?" echoed Toffee from behind Kya. The marking around her eye glowed softly. And light leaked out from the soles of her paws. "Nope, got to guess. " Alexander said as he popped a grape into his mouth. The twinkle in his eye and the smile on his face showed how much he was enjoying himself. "Is it the ship?" Toffee asked, her face lit up with excitement. Usually when the ship came into port there were new foods and treats to try. "No." Laughed Alexander. "It's not due for another couple of weeks. " Added Kya. Kya started to speak when Kel entered the room. "You would not guess what came back." he said, almost echoing Alexander. Kya let out an exasperated sigh. "Would you just
Mention Counter
Kel: 1 mentions
Kya: 5 mentions
Toffee: 2 mentions
Alexander: 5 mentions

201 to 400
tell me please!" "Alright, Alright. " Alexander said. "Party pooper" he said under his breath to quiet for the older Tsabhua to hear. "The Arktikos is back and she has decided to make her nest in the very same cave we use to store our winter supplies." Kel said before Alexander could draw this out too far. "Our storage cave. But we need that cave." Kya said. "We haven't gotten the storage house up yet and the cave worked so well last year. " "Maybe we can trade it for a new cave?" Toffee said. "It's not that easy. Arktikoses are not known to move once they have picked their nesting place." Kya answered. "Trade it a new cave. " Kel got a thoughtful look and started to pace in the small kitchen. "We know that they love fish and there is a slightly bigger cave not to far from here that is even more protected by the weather which would be perfect for her to nest in." "Fish?" Kya and Toffee said together. "Oh fish!" Alexander said. "I think I know just where to go. But first let me get something. I will be right back." Alexander ran out
Mention Counter
Kel: 2 mentions
Kya: 3 mentions
Toffee: 2 mentions
Alexander: 4 mentions

401 to 600
of the room and out of the main house to his little hut. He quickly grabbed a large net that leaned against his far wall. And raced back. "Alright, got what we need. Now let's go get those fish. The weather outside is starting to turn nasty, which is the perfect time. " Alexander said with a wink then out the door he went, Kel right behind him with Toffee and Kya taking up the rear. Outside the clouds hung low and dark with the promise of rain that was surely going to fall soon. The air was still warm but it had a bit of cold to it that indicated that winter was fast approaching. The evergreen trees that surrounded the little colony was bare from the apples that normal hung from their branches.The tall black mountains stood tall in the background. Alexander led them through the trees a short distance away to a crystal clear lake. Shasta had shown him her lake a couple of weeks ago. And even had offered him some swimming lessons, which he had declined, politely of course. But he had discovered that the lake was brimming with fish. "Alright. We need to scare
Mention Counter
Kel: 1 mentions
Kya: 1 mentions
Toffee: 1 mentions
Alexander: 2 mentions

601 to 800
the fish closer to the shore and then I can scoop them up in the net. " Alexander said as moved to the banks of the lake. "I don't know how to swim. " Toffee spoke up. "Kel and I will do it. " Kya spoke up. "Toffee, you stay here and be a look out okay." "Okay!" Toffee said and she sat down so that she faced the trail they had followed. Kel and Kya swam out to the middle of the lake then dived underwater. They quickly saw a school of fish and working together as a team herded them toward where Alexander waited with the net. The net hit the water with a loud splash and most of the fish spooked and got away. Kel was afraid that they had not caught enough but when Alexander held up the net there were five good sized fish flopping around inside the net. "Got them!" Alexander said as he wound up the net so that the fish would not be able to escape. They quickly left the lake behind and made it back to the colony. They walked past it and made for the second cave. By the time
Mention Counter
Kel: 3 mentions
Kya: 2 mentions
Toffee: 3 mentions
Alexander: 4 mentions

801 to 1000
they got there the fish were no longer flopping. Kel took three of them and placed them in the center of the cave. Then they went to the winter storage cave. "How are we going to do this?" Whispered Kya. "Alexander. You need to get close to the cave entrance with those fish. I am hoping that the smell alone will do the trick and then we can just lead the Arktikos to the other cave." "Are you sure that will be safe?" Kya said. "I don't know. It should be. She doesn't have any cubs yet and shouldn't be overly protective. But just in case, take Toffee and move away. If something happens, run and take Toffee with you. " Kya answered, his gaze never taking his eyes off of Alexander as he made his way to the entrance of the den. Alexander waved the net with the now dead fish in it several times before they heard the sound of the creature inside stirring. Alexander backed up, still waving the net over in front of him. ((Soon a creature white as the snow that was about to come came out. Its fur was long and thick. It's back
Mention Counter
Kel: 1 mentions
Kya: 3 mentions
Toffee: 2 mentions
Alexander: 4 mentions

1001 to 1187
was covered in white scales that would have shimmered if the light of the sun could have reached it through the thick clouds. It walked on six legs and had a short stubby tail. Its head was round with triangle ears that sat high on its head and its muzzle was long and square. It's black nose was working hard as it smelled the air toward the waving net. )) "Come on, you can do it. " Alexander was cooing to it as he was walking backwards. Kel kept close just in case and Kya and Toffee kept their distance and walked in the shadows of the trees. It took twice as long to get the second cave but they made it with no issue. Alexander took the fish out of the net and threw them into the cave. The Arkikos lumbered past and started devouring one of the fish. When it was done it carried the other fish into the cave. "That went rather well. " Alexander said. The fishing net hung empty over his shoulder. "Yes it did. " Kel agreed. And they headed home.
Mention Counter
Kel: 2 mentions
Kya: 1 mentions
Toffee: 1 mentions
Alexander: 3 mentions
Kel is in 6 chunks
Kya is in 6 chunks
Toffee is in 6 chunks
Alexander is in 6 chunks
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It came back

In The Six Crucibles ・ By WhiteRaven ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By WhiteRaven for Crucible of Charisma ・ Location: Obsidian Mountain (Rekes)
Submitted 4 months ago ・ Last Updated 4 months ago
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[It came back by WhiteRaven (Literature)](https://xiun.us/gallery/view/1314)
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