Kya finished giving her last commands to moonstone and Bunsen who had remained behind and not gone off running to the bunker with Thomas. She could have used Shasta's help. Bunsen was still new to the clan and Moonstone was still just a welp. She looked up at the sky to try and judge the time but the dark clouds covered the sun. The wind was still a brisk breeze which made Kya think that maybe bringing everything inside would be good. But that would take time she did not have. The two diplomats, Veldet and Erist, from the next village over were coming to share notes on what has been going on around the world.

A particularly hard gust of wind made the ends of the table cloth dance and whip around threatening to take off and spill all the food she had prepared. It also brought with it the loud voice of Veldet and the answering sarcastic Erist. The two diplomats crested the small hill that overlooked the village. Kya could easily see the white of Veldet against the dark forest behind him. Erist on the on the other hand was harder to spot as his gray coat blended in the dark shadows of the forest.

"And I'll tell you again! There is no way you're going to tame that Hojenst!" Veldet argued loudly. Seeming to not care at all who could hear their conversation.

"You had your chance and might I remind you, you failed. Quite spectacularly might I add." Erist answered sarcastically. "And we can't just turn it loose. Not with the limb twisted the way it is. It would not survive."

Kya stood watching as the two talked about a Hojenst no less. They did not seem to be in a hurry and were taking their time. When they got close enough and there was a break in the conversation Kya cleared her throat.

"I welcome you with open arms and full tables. " Kya was excited to finally be meeting these two.

It was then that a powerful wind came. More powerful than the ones that had come before it. It whipped up the table cloths and all the food and decorations went flying. They tumbled off the tables and onto the ground. Most of the food became tangled in the sheets of fabric. And the decorations went airborne and landed in a heap a little distance away.

The smile that had graced Kya's face instantly vanished. She stared at the mess that was her hard work. What was she going to do now? She wanted to cry. Why did she decide an outdoor feast would be good at this time of year? Why didn't she listen to her gut and do it inside even though she would not have had the room to do everything she wanted to do. And now it was ruined. She felt like she was going to cry.

But she was the village diplomat and she would get through this.

"Well it looks like the tables are empty but we will accept your open arms. "Veldet said as he slowly moved through the mess. Erist barely glanced down as he walked forward. "Well I guess this is what happens when you try to have a banquet during the middle of Geshem. Although I will have to hand it to you. It did look rather nice."

"I am truly sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I got a little carried away." Kya said. She tried to laugh but it came out strained.

"Oh don't worry about it." Veldet said. He picked up a red apple from amongst the linen. "Not all the food fell on the ground. I bet if we looked we could salvage some of this meal. But we better hurry. I can smell the rain coming. And that will ruin whatever is left out here.

Erist started to rummage through the linen. He held up a second apple.

Kya could see the wisdom in this. She went over to the largest of the houses and opened the door. "MoonStone, Bunsen!" She called out. Soon her summons was answered.

MoonStone took one look and burst into tears. "Oh Kya all that hard work! And it's all ruined."

Kya leaned down so that she was at Moonstone's height. "Now. As Veldet has pointed out not all is ruined. There is bound to be some food that is still good. And we will just have our meal inside. I am just sorry that I made you help me with all this. But now I need your help to find all the good food. Can you help?"

Moonstone nodded and went out to look for what could be salvaged. Bunsen gave Kya a look that said 'told you so' but she also went out to look. They turned one of the table cloths into a

sack and put all the good food in it. They had it pretty full when the rain came. It came on suddenly and in sheets. Visibility became poor and any leftovers quickly became soaked. Kya took the linen in her two hands and ran for cover. Bunsen and Moonstoon out ran her and flung the door open. Veldet and Erist were close behind and as soon as they made it in. Moonstone closed the door. They all took deep breaths. Outside they could hear the rain pounding on the door as the wind blew it sideways. It looked and sounded like one of mid geshem's famous storms.

"Well, I guess we should set up. We won't be leaving anytime soon. " Velvet said.

With the help of Moonstone, Bunsen and Erist they set the one large table. They ladened it with their rescued fruits and vegetables. Sadly only a couple of pieces of the meat had been saved. But it was enough. They ate in silence for a while.

"So what do you know about the bunkers?" Velvet asked once he was done with his apple.

Total Wordcount: 1004
1 to 200
Kya finished giving her last commands to moonstone and Bunsen who had remained behind and not gone off running to the bunker with Thomas. She could have used Shasta's help. Bunsen was still new to the clan and Moonstone was still just a welp. She looked up at the sky to try and judge the time but the dark clouds covered the sun. The wind was still a brisk breeze which made Kya think that maybe bringing everything inside would be good. But that would take time she did not have. The two diplomats, Veldet and Erist, from the next village over were coming to share notes on what has been going on around the world. A particularly hard gust of wind made the ends of the table cloth dance and whip around threatening to take off and spill all the food she had prepared. It also brought with it the loud voice of Veldet and the answering sarcastic Erist. The two diplomats crested the small hill that overlooked the village. Kya could easily see the white of Veldet against the dark forest behind him. Erist on the on the other hand was harder to spot as his gray coat
Mention Counter
Erist: 3 mentions
Veldet: 3 mentions
Kya: 3 mentions

201 to 400
blended in the dark shadows of the forest. "And I'll tell you again! There is no way you're going to tame that Hojenst!" Veldet argued loudly. Seeming to not care at all who could hear their conversation. "You had your chance and might I remind you, you failed. Quite spectacularly might I add." Erist answered sarcastically. "And we can't just turn it loose. Not with the limb twisted the way it is. It would not survive." Kya stood watching as the two talked about a Hojenst no less. They did not seem to be in a hurry and were taking their time. When they got close enough and there was a break in the conversation Kya cleared her throat. "I welcome you with open arms and full tables. " Kya was excited to finally be meeting these two. ((It was then that a powerful wind came. More powerful than the ones that had come before it. It whipped up the table cloths and all the food and decorations went flying. They tumbled off the tables and onto the ground. Most of the food became tangled in the sheets of fabric. And the decorations went airborne and landed in a heap
Mention Counter
Erist: 1 mentions
Veldet: 1 mentions
Kya: 3 mentions

401 to 600
a little distance away.)) The smile that had graced Kya's face instantly vanished. She stared at the mess that was her hard work. What was she going to do now? She wanted to cry. Why did she decide an outdoor feast would be good at this time of year? Why didn't she listen to her gut and do it inside even though she would not have had the room to do everything she wanted to do. And now it was ruined. She felt like she was going to cry. But she was the village diplomat and she would get through this. "Well it looks like the tables are empty but we will accept your open arms. "Veldet said as he slowly moved through the mess. Erist barely glanced down as he walked forward. "Well I guess this is what happens when you try to have a banquet during the middle of Geshem. Although I will have to hand it to you. It did look rather nice." "I am truly sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I got a little carried away." Kya said. She tried to laugh but it came out strained. "Oh don't worry about
Mention Counter
Erist: 1 mentions
Veldet: 1 mentions
Kya: 2 mentions

601 to 800
it." Veldet said. He picked up a red apple from amongst the linen. "Not all the food fell on the ground. I bet if we looked we could salvage some of this meal. But we better hurry. I can smell the rain coming. And that will ruin whatever is left out here. Erist started to rummage through the linen. He held up a second apple. Kya could see the wisdom in this. She went over to the largest of the houses and opened the door. "MoonStone, Bunsen!" She called out. Soon her summons was answered. MoonStone took one look and burst into tears. "Oh Kya all that hard work! And it's all ruined." Kya leaned down so that she was at Moonstone's height. "Now. As Veldet has pointed out not all is ruined. There is bound to be some food that is still good. And we will just have our meal inside. I am just sorry that I made you help me with all this. But now I need your help to find all the good food. Can you help?" Moonstone nodded and went out to look for what could be salvaged. Bunsen gave Kya a look that said 'told
Mention Counter
Erist: 1 mentions
Veldet: 2 mentions
Kya: 4 mentions

801 to 1000
you so' but she also went out to look. They turned one of the table cloths into a sack and put all the good food in it. They had it pretty full when the rain came. It came on suddenly and in sheets. Visibility became poor and any leftovers quickly became soaked. Kya took the linen in her two hands and ran for cover. Bunsen and Moonstoon out ran her and flung the door open. Veldet and Erist were close behind and as soon as they made it in. Moonstone closed the door. They all took deep breaths. Outside they could hear the rain pounding on the door as the wind blew it sideways. It looked and sounded like one of mid geshem's famous storms. "Well, I guess we should set up. We won't be leaving anytime soon. " Velvet said. With the help of Moonstone, Bunsen and Erist they set the one large table. They ladened it with their rescued fruits and vegetables. Sadly only a couple of pieces of the meat had been saved. But it was enough. They ate in silence for a while. "So what do you know about the bunkers?" Velvet asked once he was
Mention Counter
Erist: 2 mentions
Veldet: 1 mentions
Kya: 1 mentions

1001 to 1004
done with his apple.
Mention Counter
Erist is in 5 chunks
Veldet is in 5 chunks
Kya is in 5 chunks
Avatar of WhiteRaven

Diplomat Disaster

In The Six Crucibles ・ By WhiteRaven ・ 1 Favourite ・ 1 Comment
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Submitted 3 weeks ago Last Updated 2 weeks ago
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[Diplomat Disaster by WhiteRaven (Literature)](
Spear Avatar
Spear   3w and 1d ago
Love how you wrote Veldet and Erist! Poor Kya and her food, but they saved it in the end haha.
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