Applicator Philter of Underbelly

This item applies Un to a colonist's genome via design update.

Expressed Genes:
Underbelly: Un un – Un+r un – Un un+r
Dominant Underbelly: Un Un – Un+r Un – Un Un+r

Underbelly is a common gene in which the fur along the underbelly or extremities is paler than elsewhere. It can cover the underbelly mane and tail mane, when present, but doesn't have to affect it entirely or at all. While it may have portions that are blurred, the majority of the marking should be fairly hard-edged, showing a clear distinction between it and the base coat or markings around it.

Underbelly is an optional two-toned marking, meaning that it can have two separate tones, though the paler of the two should always be closest to the underbelly or toes/tail tip, whichever is closer. For example, you should not have a darker colour on the feet and a lighter colour above it

Direct Inheritance

Underbelly also allows for some direct inheritance in coloration.

Example: if a parent has an underbelly marking that is yellow in hue, for instance if they are oat, their offspring may inherit that specific colour (colour-picked or very close) from the parent if they wish even if they are not oat. This does not allow for underbelly to be darker than what it's on!

An exception to this rule of direct inheritance is of pure genos - those who were generated via items being the most common source. These may inherit the specific colour from the underbelly marking of any applicable ancestor visible in their tree, even if it is not a direct parent.

The closest to the extremities and the ventral (belly) line should still be the lightest.

Clarification: Holes

Something we see a lot in the approval queue is misunderstandings over the "no holes" rule as well as the "extremities first" spreading rule. This means that feet, face, and tail tip (etc) should not have holes where the marking isn't present, unless those holes are connected to the larger area of marking-absence on the back.

Image example showing illegal holes in underbelly


Hexapod Range

Quadruped Range

Apoda Range

Examples Good in-game examples