Comments on Antella's submission

Antella Avatar
Antella  â­˜ 02/01/2021
so sorry, the RP amount should be 32 not 34!!
Or'sol Avatar
Or'sol  â¬¤ 02/02/2021
Hi there! Could you please clarify which Charisma Crucible prompt is being depicted in the submission? I cannot see any mention of it in either the submission nor the description.
Antella Avatar
Antella  â­˜ 02/02/2021
Oh sorry!! I totally forgot OTL
The idea here is that Fleece convinces Murali that they are relatives, and Murali being naive totally believes it without a second thought. Zubin and Fleece have smug / almost sorrowful looks on their faces for totally tricking him while Murali is completely blind to it.
Or'sol Avatar
Or'sol  â¬¤ 02/02/2021
Sounds good! Thanks :D
Xione Avatar
Xione  â­˜ 02/01/2021
Actually, Crucibles are considered Actions so have a +2 bonus automatically applied! That's probably where the 34 came from :D
Antella Avatar
Antella  â­˜ 02/01/2021
OH you know what thats probably it HAHA thank you!!