Professor Kee
Professor Kee is an engimatic figure. At a glance they look like a human in a slightly odd space suit, but several features reveal their strangeness; namely, their four fingers, their inability to breathe Xiunus' atmosphere, and their total intolerance of even the mildest amount of UV radiation. Nobody has ever seen Kee without their suit, much less without their UV visor meaning that nobody actually knows what they look like. In fact, even their name isn't widely known-- none of the species that inhabit Xiunus have the anatomy required to pronounce their actual name, so they are simply called Professor Kee.
They conduct their experiments with single-minded focus-- questions about them are rarely answered because they simply aren't interesting. They can be quite blunt in their communication, and often say things that sound quite rude. Fortunately it seems to be a translation issue, because Kee is surprisingly attentive to the emotional needs of their colonists. In particular, they make a good babysitter.