Submission (#3221)

Woo a Native


Home: Ocean — Submission: L'Hatzif

Submitted 4mos and 1w ago

Processed 4mos and 1w ago by Wayward Station



Have: Diplomacy
Diplomatic immunity- 1 extra colonist 
Well met- 2 extra tickets 
Honey- 2 extra tickets 
Extradition- this is piece 2/2 allowed (7 natives in my colony) 
Wooing Rooibos

Fullbody- 2
Colored- 3
Shaded- 2
Background- 2
Prime friend (Alastor, Nalla)- 2
Native (Rooibos)- 3
Total: 14 XP

Fullbody- 2
Colored- 3
Shaded- 2
Background- 2
Prime friend (Skirmish, Nalla)- 2
Native (Rooibos)- 3
Total: 14 XP

Fullbody- 2
Colored- 3
Shaded- 2
Background- 2
Prime friend (Alastor, Skirmish)- 2
Native (Rooibos)- 3
Total: 14 XP

Fullbody- 2
Colored- 3
Shaded- 2
Background- 2
Prime friend (Alastor, Nalla)- 2
Native (Rooibos)- 3
Total: 14 XP

native- 3 xp

RP: 14 + 14 + 14 + 14 +3= 59 base
Research+: 59 x2= 118
Benefit of age on Nalla, Skirmish, Alastor = 42 more
118 + 42= 160
160+2 activity base= 162 total RP 

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Tsidal


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Woo a Native

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Skirmish 0017 Background

Skirmish 0017

Alastor 0210

Alastor 0210

Class: Bard
Nalla 0425

Nalla 0425

Observations in L'Hatzif
Nalla 0425 sniffed so many interesting plants.
Nalla 0425 ran into an old friend.
Mordoth 1275

Mordoth 1275

Unknown Raffle Ticket x 1
Observations in L'Hatzif
Mister Zatch LT22 peers up at Mordoth 1275 out of the shadows, showing interest in your colony.
Rooibos LT26 Background

Rooibos LT26


No addons are included in this submission.

Tsidal Avatar
Tsidal   4mos and 1w ago
Resubmitted with the honey attached, but t’d be a huge help if I could see on my end if items are actually attached. I can’t see if the honey got attached or not when viewing the pending submission. It always says “no addons are included in this submission” even though I have selected the honey.
Wayward Station Avatar
Wayward Station   4mos and 1w ago
I'll bring this up to the other staff! It definitely does make it hard to check if an item was properly attached.
Tsidal Avatar
Tsidal   4mos and 1w ago
Thank you! <3
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