Submission (#2795)



Home: Mireh — Submission: Ocean

Submitted 6mos and 5d ago

Processed 6mos and 3d ago by Wayward Station



Alter +9
Word count = +5
Environment = +2
Prime Friends = +2

Crown +9
Word count = +5
Environment = +2
Prime Friends = +2

Finn +9
Word count = +5
Environment = +2
Prime Friends = +2

Wait +9
Word count = +5
Environment = +2
Prime Friends = +2

RP = 96
Base = 32
BoO = 32 (Alter, Seal, Finn, Wait)

Please mind the items when processing this submission!

Climbing gear is being used to add a 4th focus colonist.
Finn and Crown are both miners, and get an extra roll.
All four colonists have pickaxes for an extra roll.


The scale in the lit was supposed to be crown- same for one of the Alter's, lol. Appearently Crown was not on my mind.

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to LostInProgres


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Mining

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.

No addons are included in this submission.

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