Submission (#2551)



Home: Mireh

Submitted 1mo and 1w ago

Processed 1mo and 4d ago by Xione



XP: Goe'titania 1273

Base: 2
High Quality: 3
Focus of Improvement: Overall pose of Tsabhua
Coloured: 3
Shaded: 2
Background: 3
Home Region : 1
Text : 2
"I found this diary when Goe sent me to the place where she found the unusual ore deposit. Ruins of what she considered to be her home for long days were difficult to traverse. Even though the lanterns she constructed throughout the cave system helped me to not get lost, she clearly left the overall structure in a terrible condition. Moving rocks and rubble from one cave opening to the other not only was cumbersome, but dangerous at that. When I reached the deposit, I scoured the area, and found this last piece of documentation she left down here. I will not read it, but deliver it to her after talking about some guidelines on navigating the hollow beneath Cortex in the future.
Lazulithium, Goetitanite, Blue Mireh Twinkle Stone, ... I will never be able to decide! This funky stone looks like a mere pigment, but it vibrates! It vibrates on touch and certain liquid contact. My pickaxe rammed against the hollow walls of this cave, and after some rubble fell off the ceiling, I couldn't help but awe at what I saw within this hollow. Those walls support the cave, and the vibrations resonate with whatever is above, underneath or beyond. I won't lie - I am excited and eager to pause my excursion into the depths of the Bunker surroundings. Meet me wandering the Plains for answers. I can't stop here. 
More funny names for the funny stones:
Sum: 16 XP


Base: 16RP
Sum: 16 RP

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Atmen


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to C1 - Arrival [A1 - A3] and C1.A1

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.

Goe'titania 1273


No addons are included in this submission.


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