Submission (#1982)
Diving Beetle
Submitted 1yr and 9mos ago
Processed 1yr and 9mos ago by Xione
Diving Beetle
Diving Beetle
Never done a pose/prespective like this so ik it loks a little wonky but that's alright
xp breakdown
base - 2xp
colored - 3xp
background - 2xp
7 xp total
rp breakdown
7 xp = 7 rp
action bonus - 2rp
event bonus - 5rp
14 rp total
I have absolutely no idea if I did this right so I apologise if I did anything wrong
Colony Rewards
Deleted Reward
Focus Colonist Rewards
Specific to TT.S1 - Search for Suspicious Reports
5 Experience, added automatically. Does not get added to RP calculations.
Colonists and Their Rewards

Class: Thief
No addons are included in this submission.
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