Submission (#1595)

Miner Education


Home: L'Hatzif — Submission: L'Hatzif

Submitted 2yrs and 10mos ago

Processed 2yrs and 10mos ago by Sprouts



Polly becoming a miner's assistant!

XP Breakdown:

Base- 3xp

High quality (worked on my perspective here, with xander's paw, polly being in the midground, and then the vanishing point of the cave behind them... think I did well!)- 3xp

Colored- 3xp

Shaded- 2xp

Background- 2xp

Tribal visitor- 3xp

Accurate region- 1xp

Total: 17xp


RP Breakdown:

Base- 17rp

R+- 34rp

Total: 34rp


Colony Rewards

These rewards went to WeepingWillows


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Miner Education

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Polly 0694 Background

Polly 0694

20 Xen
Observations in L'Hatzif
Polly 0694 led you to higher ground.
20 Xen fell out of someone's pocket and Polly 0694 found it.

No addons are included in this submission.

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