First Aid Appointment (#1349)



Lazara 2172

of Othermoons

1mo and 3h ago
Admitted to the hospital due to a health of 50%
3w and 6d ago
Was tended to by Taiah 0469. It was a incredible success. They felt very well cared for. (4 HP).


Taiah 0469

of Othermoons

3w and 6d ago
Cared for Lazara 2172. It was a incredible success. They performed excellently. (6 XP).
Note from Othermoons

I don't mind if someone else gives a go at healing poor lil her! If nobody takes it on, I've got Taiah and can do it, so it's all good either way! Don't feel like you have to but don't feel like you can't or shouldn't.

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