Content Warning: Fight scene (minor injuries)
Two weeks had passed since the unsettling encounter with the blue and white Tark’ee in the fields of Mireh. The incident had left its mark on the colony, filling many of the colonists with worry, but life had a way of moving forward. Roam, Fawn, Wait, and Alter had resumed their recent routine of foraging, although Wait and Alter had taken up some training sessions with the guards to better protect the two Tsabhua. They knew they had to remain vigilant around Mireh, but they were determined not to let fear rule their lives. The colony had been in need of some fruit, after all, and Mireh was the most logical place to get it.
The days had grown warmer, and the fields of Mireh were bursting with vibrant life. Flowers bloomed across the grasslands, filling the terrain with beautiful colours. It was a perfect day for foraging, and the group had set out once more, their spirits lifted by the beauty of their surroundings.
Roam and Fawn led the way, their still empty bags slung over their shoulders. Wait and Alter followed closely, not wanting to make the older Xunari feel like the two younger Belemoids were trying to lead them, their eyes scanning the landscape for any signs of danger. The memory of the Tark’ee was still fresh, but the two felt more than ready to face whatever challenges came their way. Especially with Roam and Fawn at their side, the group could handle whatever.
As they moved through the fields, they chatted and laughed, their earlier tension gradually dissipating. They reached a grove of fruit trees, their branches heavy with ripe, juicy fruits. Fawn's eyes lit up with excitement as she began to pick the fruits, carefully placing them in her bag. Roam quickly joined her, while Wait and Alter let their eyes scan the horizon.
The two Tsabhua were far more nimble with their hands, so the job division was easy. When the bags that the Tsabhua were carrying were filled, they would swap the empty bags with Alter and Wait, and fill up all sets. As Roam and Alter were swapping bags though, Wait pointed to something in the distance. As Alter squinted at the distance, he saw it too. A blue an white form, slithering trough the tall grasses.
Roam’s heart sank as he recognized the familiar silhouette. "It's him," he muttered under his breath. He grabbed one of the bags, flinging it over his shoulder, dropping a few of the fruits as he did. "We should head out. If we run now we should be able to make it out without having to confront him."
Fawn, overhearing him, stopped what she was doing and moved closer to the group. "Do you think he’s coming for us again?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern. "Maybe we should have put our foot down last time..." She squinted into the distance, using her hand to shield her eyes from the sun.
"We should be cautious," Alter advised, his training with the guards fresh in his mind. "But we also need to protect what we’ve gathered. We can't let this guy keep trying to wrangle our harvest from us."
Wait nodded in agreement, fastening the straps of his fruit-filled bag. "We can try heading out, but since he's much bigger than us, he'll probably out-speed us once he realize we're trying to run from him."
The group started moving, the serpentine beast following behind them, still thinking he hadn't been seen yet. The colonists did manage to get some distance between them, but couldn't manage to shake the Tark'ee off.
Wait sighed, fidgeting with one of the straps on his bag nervously. "He's gonna catch on eventually- maybe we should just prepare to kick some ass."
Fawn turned, looking at Wait, Alter, and Roam with a mixture of determination and apprehension. "You're right. Running isn't going to solve this. We need to stand our ground and show him we won't be bullied."
Fawn nodded, her expression steely. "Let's find a good spot to confront him. Somewhere we can have the advantage."
The group quickly scouted the area, settling on a small clearing surrounded by tall grasses and low shrubs. It provided enough space to maneuver while but also offered some natural cover. They formed a tight circle, fruit filled bags in the center, readying themselves for the inevitable confrontation.
The Tark'ee emerged from the grasses, red eyes gleaming with malice. He towered over them, his serpentine body coiled and ready to strike. "So, you thought you could run, did you? Pathetic."
Roam stepped forward, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through him. "We don't want any trouble. But we won't let you take what we've worked for."
The Tark'ee sneered. "Your misplaced faith is amusing." he laughed, looking down on the group. "But you're outmatched."
Fawn, ready to protect her companion, moved to Roam's side. "We're not afraid of you. If you want a fight, you'll get one."
Wait and Alter flanked them, their posture tense but resolute. The Tark'ee hissed, lunging forward with surprising speed. The group scattered, dodging his initial attack and regrouping quickly.
Wait, using his training, moved with calculated precision. He feinted left, drawing the Tark'ee's attention, while Alter circled around, looking for an opening. Fawn and Roam stayed close, their eyes locked on the enemy, but knowing they were better off not getting in the way of the two belemoids.
The Tark'ee struck again, his powerful tail sweeping across the clearing. Fawn narrowly avoided the blow, retaliating with a swift, well-placed kick to the creature's side. The Tark'ee roared in anger, but the hit seemed to slow him down, even if only slightly.
Alter seized the opportunity, darting forward and delivering a quick, sharp strike to the Tark'ee's exposed flank using his claws. The beast recoiled, his movements growing more erratic as he realized that the attack he was facing was way more coordinated than last time he tried challenging the colonists.
Roam, watching for an opening, saw his chance. With a burst of speed, he launched himself at the Tark'ee, aiming for the creature's vulnerable underbelly. The impact knocked the Tark'ee off balance, sending him crashing to the ground. Roam didn't try stabbing into the other creature- more than happy to instead just startle the beast.
Panting and adrenaline-fueled, the group closed in, ready to finish the fight off if nee be. The Tark'ee, realizing he was clearly outmatched, hissed in frustration backing off from the group a tad desperately. "This isn't over," he spat, his voice filled with venom. "I'll be back. I'll make you pay for this."
With that, the Tark'ee slithered away, disappearing into the tall grasses. The group remained on high alert until they were sure he was gone, then collapsed into relieved, yet nervous, laughter and cheers.
"We did it!" Fawn exclaimed, her eyes shining with triumph.
Wait grinned, patting Alter on the back. "Nice work, everyone. We showed him we won't be pushed around."
As the adrenaline faded, they gathered their scattered bags and began the trek back to L’hatzif. The encounter had left them shaken, but feeling more confident than ever as they travelled back home.
The sun was beginning to set as they reached L’hatzif, the warm glow casting long shadows across the fields. The sight of their home made everyone excited. They were all ready for a nice rest after all the excitement of the day.
Total Wordcount: 1247
1 to 200
Two weeks had passed since the unsettling encounter with the blue and white Tark’ee in the fields of Mireh. The incident had left its mark on the colony, filling many of the colonists with worry, but life had a way of moving forward. Roam, Fawn, Wait, and Alter had resumed their recent routine of foraging, although Wait and Alter had taken up some training sessions with the guards to better protect the two Tsabhua. They knew they had to remain vigilant around Mireh, but they were determined not to let fear rule their lives. The colony had been in need of some fruit, after all, and Mireh was the most logical place to get it. The days had grown warmer, and the fields of Mireh were bursting with vibrant life. Flowers bloomed across the grasslands, filling the terrain with beautiful colours. It was a perfect day for foraging, and the group had set out once more, their spirits lifted by the beauty of their surroundings. Roam and Fawn led the way, their still empty bags slung over their shoulders. Wait and Alter followed closely, not wanting to make the older Xunari feel like the two younger Belemoids were trying to
Mention Counter
Roam: 2 mentions
Fawn: 2 mentions
Alter: 3 mentions
Wait: 3 mentions

201 to 400
lead them, their eyes scanning the landscape for any signs of danger. The memory of the Tark’ee was still fresh, but the two felt more than ready to face whatever challenges came their way. Especially with Roam and Fawn at their side, the group could handle whatever. As they moved through the fields, they chatted and laughed, their earlier tension gradually dissipating. They reached a grove of fruit trees, their branches heavy with ripe, juicy fruits. Fawn's eyes lit up with excitement as she began to pick the fruits, carefully placing them in her bag. Roam quickly joined her, while Wait and Alter let their eyes scan the horizon. The two Tsabhua were far more nimble with their hands, so the job division was easy. When the bags that the Tsabhua were carrying were filled, they would swap the empty bags with Alter and Wait, and fill up all sets. As Roam and Alter were swapping bags though, Wait pointed to something in the distance. As Alter squinted at the distance, he saw it too. A blue an white form, slithering trough the tall grasses. Roam’s heart sank as he recognized the familiar silhouette. "It's him," he muttered under his
Mention Counter
Roam: 4 mentions
Fawn: 2 mentions
Alter: 4 mentions
Wait: 3 mentions

401 to 600
breath. He grabbed one of the bags, flinging it over his shoulder, dropping a few of the fruits as he did. "We should head out. If we run now we should be able to make it out without having to confront him." Fawn, overhearing him, stopped what she was doing and moved closer to the group. "Do you think he’s coming for us again?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern. "Maybe we should have put our foot down last time " She squinted into the distance, using her hand to shield her eyes from the sun. "We should be cautious," Alter advised, his training with the guards fresh in his mind. "But we also need to protect what we’ve gathered. We can't let this guy keep trying to wrangle our harvest from us." Wait nodded in agreement, fastening the straps of his fruit-filled bag. "We can try heading out, but since he's much bigger than us, he'll probably out-speed us once he realize we're trying to run from him." The group started moving, the serpentine beast following behind them, still thinking he hadn't been seen yet. The colonists did manage to get some distance between them, but couldn't manage
Mention Counter
Fawn: 1 mentions
Alter: 1 mentions
Wait: 1 mentions

601 to 800
to shake the Tark'ee off. Wait sighed, fidgeting with one of the straps on his bag nervously. "He's gonna catch on eventually- maybe we should just prepare to kick some ass." Fawn turned, looking at Wait, Alter, and Roam with a mixture of determination and apprehension. "You're right. Running isn't going to solve this. We need to stand our ground and show him we won't be bullied." Fawn nodded, her expression steely. "Let's find a good spot to confront him. Somewhere we can have the advantage." The group quickly scouted the area, settling on a small clearing surrounded by tall grasses and low shrubs. It provided enough space to maneuver while but also offered some natural cover. They formed a tight circle, fruit filled bags in the center, readying themselves for the inevitable confrontation. The Tark'ee emerged from the grasses, red eyes gleaming with malice. He towered over them, his serpentine body coiled and ready to strike. "So, you thought you could run, did you? Pathetic." Roam stepped forward, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through him. "We don't want any trouble. But we won't let you take what we've worked for." The Tark'ee sneered. "Your misplaced faith is
Mention Counter
Roam: 2 mentions
Fawn: 2 mentions
Alter: 1 mentions
Wait: 2 mentions

801 to 1000
amusing." he laughed, looking down on the group. "But you're outmatched." Fawn, ready to protect her companion, moved to Roam's side. "We're not afraid of you. If you want a fight, you'll get one." Wait and Alter flanked them, their posture tense but resolute. The Tark'ee hissed, lunging forward with surprising speed. The group scattered, dodging his initial attack and regrouping quickly. Wait, using his training, moved with calculated precision. He feinted left, drawing the Tark'ee's attention, while Alter circled around, looking for an opening. Fawn and Roam stayed close, their eyes locked on the enemy, but knowing they were better off not getting in the way of the two belemoids. The Tark'ee struck again, his powerful tail sweeping across the clearing. Fawn narrowly avoided the blow, retaliating with a swift, well-placed kick to the creature's side. The Tark'ee roared in anger, but the hit seemed to slow him down, even if only slightly. Alter seized the opportunity, darting forward and delivering a quick, sharp strike to the Tark'ee's exposed flank using his claws. The beast recoiled, his movements growing more erratic as he realized that the attack he was facing was way more coordinated than last time he tried
Mention Counter
Roam: 2 mentions
Fawn: 3 mentions
Alter: 3 mentions
Wait: 2 mentions

1001 to 1200
challenging the colonists. Roam, watching for an opening, saw his chance. With a burst of speed, he launched himself at the Tark'ee, aiming for the creature's vulnerable underbelly. The impact knocked the Tark'ee off balance, sending him crashing to the ground. Roam didn't try stabbing into the other creature- more than happy to instead just startle the beast. Panting and adrenaline-fueled, the group closed in, ready to finish the fight off if nee be. The Tark'ee, realizing he was clearly outmatched, hissed in frustration backing off from the group a tad desperately. "This isn't over," he spat, his voice filled with venom. "I'll be back. I'll make you pay for this." With that, the Tark'ee slithered away, disappearing into the tall grasses. The group remained on high alert until they were sure he was gone, then collapsed into relieved, yet nervous, laughter and cheers. "We did it!" Fawn exclaimed, her eyes shining with triumph. Wait grinned, patting Alter on the back. "Nice work, everyone. We showed him we won't be pushed around." As the adrenaline faded, they gathered their scattered bags and began the trek back to L’hatzif. The encounter had left them shaken, but feeling more confident than ever
Mention Counter
Roam: 2 mentions
Fawn: 1 mentions
Alter: 1 mentions
Wait: 1 mentions

1201 to 1247
as they travelled back home. The sun was beginning to set as they reached L’hatzif, the warm glow casting long shadows across the fields. The sight of their home made everyone excited. They were all ready for a nice rest after all the excitement of the day.
Mention Counter
Roam is in 5 chunks
Fawn is in 6 chunks
Manfred is in 0 chunks
Alter is in 6 chunks
Wait is in 6 chunks
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Wooing Manfred II

In Diplomacy ・ By LostInProgres ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments

Lore wise, they are not doing great at this "convincing the native to join" thing... Trying to write Manfred as a more fight/strentgh oriented character... So while it doesn't really look like he is being convinced to join, in his own mind he's actually rather impressed by the colony's display of strength and their bravery in actually facing him in the end. He got his ass kicked a little, but he is impressed nonetheless.

Submitted By LostInProgres for Woo a Native ・ Location: Mireh (B'Av)
Submitted 3 months ago ・ Last Updated 3 months ago
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[Wooing Manfred II by LostInProgres (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** Fight scene (minor injuries)](
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