The group enjoyed their break for a bit, but Bilo'bjorn quickly started digging up books from the bag he was carrying.
"So," he started, "I was hoping to look for specific bugs. I want to see what their numbers are at, mostly, and then bring a few home."
He opened the book on a specific page. "I'm mainly after these guys." everyone leaned in to see the page, which showed a drawing of a- very unremarkable moth of sorts.
Wait frowned "How are we supposed to recognise them?" he said, genuinely confused.
Bilo'bjorn excitedly pointed at the moth in the image. "I know it might not look like much to you, but it actually has a very unique wing shape."
He moved his claw to the top wings of the moth. "See this little notch?"
"Oh, right!" Alter exclaimed "Most moths have rounded wings, right?"
Bilo'bjorn nodded. "Most moths have straight, slightly rounded wings, but these guys haven't!"
He then pointed to another picture on the same page. "Another cool thing about these guys is that the males are this beautiful, deep blue!"
Value nodded. "We should be able to find some of those guys."
Near the end of the afternoon, Bilo'bjorn had packed up the remaining snacks he'd have brough out, and excitedly started herding the group of young Xunari up the mountain. He had explained previously that many cave entrances were located higher up, but luckily a not-too-long walk from the port. Alter, Wait, Value, and Bang were all not trained in climbing mountains in the slightest, and breathed a sigh of relief when Bilo'bjorn explained that the cave entrance he wanted to visit was just off of a well-traversed path, and wouldn't be a hard climb at all.
"There it is!" Bilo'bjorn exclaimed, excitedly pointing towards the cave entrance. "Now, be careful as we head in- the floor might be slippery."
Bilo'bjorn had given them all old lanterns, claiming that electric light might scare the bugs away or accidentally fry them. Since Bang, and Value didn't have hands to hold the lanterns with, they had agreed to just stay close to Wait and Value respectively.
Their lanterns cast a warm, flickering light upon the cave wall as they entered, illuminating the path ahead in a warm orange light. The air in the cave was cool and damp, carrying the earthy scent of moss and stone.
Bilo'bjorn led the way, chattering over the sound of water droplets rhythmically falling from the cave ceiling. The Belemoid's bioluminescent glow added a surreal feel to the cave's atmosphere, making it feel otherworldly. He moved trough the caves with ease, as if used to the cave's layout already.
"These moths are fascinating creatures. The males' blue coloration helps them attract females in the dim light of the caves." an all-brown moth landed on Bilo'bjorn as he spoke. "They like the spots I have, I suppose for the same reason," he chuckles, gently shooing the moth away.
Value and Bang were enthralled, taking in every detail. Bang's energetic nature had given way to a more cautious approach, his eyes darting around as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings.
"Do you think we'll find many moths here?" Bang asked, his voice echoing slightly in the confined space.
Bilo'bhorn smiled, appreciating Bang's enthusiasm. "I think so. I wouldn't have brought us here if I didn't think we'd find something interesting. Keep your eyes peeled for that unique wing shape I mentioned earlier. And make sure to only take the small ones. The bigger ones are more likely to get hurt during the journey back."
They stayed in the open room for a bit, putting some of the smaller moths in the jars Bilo´bjorn had given them. Eventually, Bilo´bjorn gestured at them to move further into the caves. As they moved deeper, the tunnel opened into another chamber, this one with a low ceiling covered in hanging stalactites. Wait held the lantern high, illuminating the chamber. "Look over there," he said, pointing to a cluster of small, dark shapes clinging to the wall.
Bang squinted, trying to make out the details. "Are those the moths?"
Wait nodded. "I think so. Let's get a closer look."
They approached the wall cautiously, careful not to startle the moths. Wait held the lantern close, revealing the distinctive notched wings and the deep blue coloration of the males. "We've found some all by ourselves!" he said, a sense of accomplishment in his voice. Most of the previous moths had been found by Bilo'bjorn.
Bang grinned. "Let's collect a few- I think we should almost be done, since Bilo´bjorn told us not to fill the jars up too much."
They headed back to Bilo'bjorn as soon as they finished, excitedly holding up the jars. Bilo'bjorn smiled at them. "You've all done wonderfully. These specimens will greatly help my research. Let's head back to the surface and get these moths settled in their new habitat."
Total Wordcount: 823
1 to 200
The group enjoyed their break for a bit, but Bilo'bjorn quickly started digging up books from the bag he was carrying. "So," he started, "I was hoping to look for specific bugs. I want to see what their numbers are at, mostly, and then bring a few home." He opened the book on a specific page. "I'm mainly after these guys." everyone leaned in to see the page, which showed a drawing of a- very unremarkable moth of sorts. Wait frowned "How are we supposed to recognise them?" he said, genuinely confused. Bilo'bjorn excitedly pointed at the moth in the image. "I know it might not look like much to you, but it actually has a very unique wing shape." He moved his claw to the top wings of the moth. "See this little notch?" "Oh, right!" Alter exclaimed "Most moths have rounded wings, right?" Bilo'bjorn nodded. "Most moths have straight, slightly rounded wings, but these guys haven't!" He then pointed to another picture on the same page. "Another cool thing about these guys is that the males are this beautiful, deep blue!" Value nodded. "We should be able to find some of those guys." Near the end of the
Mention Counter
Bilo'bjorn: 6 mentions
Alter: 1 mentions
Value: 1 mentions
Wait: 1 mentions

201 to 400
afternoon, Bilo'bjorn had packed up the remaining snacks he'd have brough out, and excitedly started herding the group of young Xunari up the mountain. He had explained previously that many cave entrances were located higher up, but luckily a not-too-long walk from the port. Alter, Wait, Value, and Bang were all not trained in climbing mountains in the slightest, and breathed a sigh of relief when Bilo'bjorn explained that the cave entrance he wanted to visit was just off of a well-traversed path, and wouldn't be a hard climb at all. "There it is!" Bilo'bjorn exclaimed, excitedly pointing towards the cave entrance. "Now, be careful as we head in- the floor might be slippery." Bilo'bjorn had given them all old lanterns, claiming that electric light might scare the bugs away or accidentally fry them. Since Bang, and Value didn't have hands to hold the lanterns with, they had agreed to just stay close to Wait and Value respectively. Their lanterns cast a warm, flickering light upon the cave wall as they entered, illuminating the path ahead in a warm orange light. The air in the cave was cool and damp, carrying the earthy scent of moss and stone. Bilo'bjorn led
Mention Counter
Bilo'bjorn: 10 mentions
Bang: 2 mentions
Alter: 1 mentions
Value: 3 mentions
Wait: 2 mentions

401 to 600
the way, chattering over the sound of water droplets rhythmically falling from the cave ceiling. The Belemoid's bioluminescent glow added a surreal feel to the cave's atmosphere, making it feel otherworldly. He moved trough the caves with ease, as if used to the cave's layout already. "These moths are fascinating creatures. The males' blue coloration helps them attract females in the dim light of the caves." an all-brown moth landed on Bilo'bjorn as he spoke. "They like the spots I have, I suppose for the same reason," he chuckles, gently shooing the moth away. Value and Bang were enthralled, taking in every detail. Bang's energetic nature had given way to a more cautious approach, his eyes darting around as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings. "Do you think we'll find many moths here?" Bang asked, his voice echoing slightly in the confined space. Bilo'bhorn smiled, appreciating Bang's enthusiasm. "I think so. I wouldn't have brought us here if I didn't think we'd find something interesting. Keep your eyes peeled for that unique wing shape I mentioned earlier. And make sure to only take the small ones. The bigger ones are more likely to get hurt during the journey back." They
Mention Counter
Bilo'bjorn: 3 mentions
Bang: 4 mentions
Value: 1 mentions

601 to 800
stayed in the open room for a bit, putting some of the smaller moths in the jars Bilo´bjorn had given them. Eventually, Bilo´bjorn gestured at them to move further into the caves. As they moved deeper, the tunnel opened into another chamber, this one with a low ceiling covered in hanging stalactites. Wait held the lantern high, illuminating the chamber. "Look over there," he said, pointing to a cluster of small, dark shapes clinging to the wall. Bang squinted, trying to make out the details. "Are those the moths?" Wait nodded. "I think so. Let's get a closer look." They approached the wall cautiously, careful not to startle the moths. Wait held the lantern close, revealing the distinctive notched wings and the deep blue coloration of the males. "We've found some all by ourselves!" he said, a sense of accomplishment in his voice. Most of the previous moths had been found by Bilo'bjorn. Bang grinned. "Let's collect a few- I think we should almost be done, since Bilo´bjorn told us not to fill the jars up too much." They headed back to Bilo'bjorn as soon as they finished, excitedly holding up the jars. Bilo'bjorn smiled at them. "You've all done
Mention Counter
Bilo'bjorn: 9 mentions
Bang: 2 mentions
Wait: 3 mentions

801 to 823
wonderfully. These specimens will greatly help my research. Let's head back to the surface and get these moths settled in their new habitat."
Mention Counter
Bilo'bjorn is in 4 chunks
Bang is in 3 chunks
Alter is in 2 chunks
Value is in 3 chunks
Wait is in 3 chunks
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Wooing Bilo'bjorn II

In Diplomacy ・ By LostInProgres ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By LostInProgres for Woo a NativeLocation: Rekes (B'Av)
Submitted 3 months ago Last Updated 3 months ago
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[Wooing Bilo'bjorn II by LostInProgres (Literature)](
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