The two whelps were still noticeably shaken up the days that went by after their encounter with Leviathan. The adults had, of course, taken their time to explain what had happened and told Choose and Retreat that they had never been in any real danger. Still, the two seemed wary about the swamp, which Fawn supposed was reasonable, albeit a tad dramatic, too.
Eventually they had, quite begrudgingly, taken the whelps for another walk just to show them nothing bad would happen to them out in the swamps. After all, while the swamps were dangerous they were not such a level of danger that they had to be avoided at all cost. The swamps were also a valuable source of resources, after all.
Still, the whelps didn't seem much of a fan after the Incident.
After a while of wandering around, mostly on the outskirts of the swampy areas, Fawn felt Roam nudge her though, and when she glanced over at him he pointed at the waters- and a familiar long, green shape in the waters. It seems Leviathan had been waiting for them to notice him, likely not wanting to scare the two whelps again.
Fawn instantly padded over to the waterside, happy to greet Leviathan. Choose still seemed hesitant about the stranger, but Retreat shyly followed after his mother-figure to greet the Tark'ee in the waters. Leviathan watched the two approached, and poked his head out of the water as they did, shaking off a piece of seaweed in the process.
Fawn smiled at him, telling him good morning as she gently nudged Retreat over. The whelp didn't seem a big fan, still, but hesitantly stepped closer to reach out a hand. "Hello, sir, my name is Retreat. I'm sorry for being scared last time we met." Leviathan happily reached out a fin to shake. "Lovely to meet you, Retreat. I'm sorry for scaring you last time we met- I didn't mean to."
Retreat nodded, huffing "I mean, Roam told us about swamp monsters. So really it was his fault." Leviathan chuckled ay this, looking over at Roam who was pulling along a mildly resistant Choose. It seemed the whelp had *somewhat* gotten over his previous reservations. But still, meeting swamp monsters was scary.
"This is my friend Choose!" Retreat proudly proclaimed. "He's really good at telling stories!" Leviathan nodded enthusiastically, "Is that so? I'd love to come around and hear sometime, then!" Retreat nodded again, "He told all the other whelps about the swamp monster we met!" she paused, throwing in a quick "err, no offense," before continuing "they've all been wanting to meet you!"
Fawn hadn't heard that before. Although she guessed that these whelps would be more scheming by now, and less likely to ask their caretakers before going off and doing things. Fawn supposed she'd have to start keeping an eye out for whelps sneaking out of camp to find swamp monsters then.
At least Leviathan didn't seem too offended, instead throwing his head back laughing. "I'm not actually a swamp monster, though." He said after a while. Choose frowned at that. "But you live in the swamp. And you smell like swamp. And you also look all- swamp." Leviathan smiled gently "I actually come from the ocean." he said, pointing vaguely in the direction of the beaches. "I lived very deep underwater before I came here."
Choose pouted "So my story is all wrong then?" The "swamp monster" didn't quite seem sure what to do with the now upset whelp. "Oh, uh- I mean, it's not wrong, per say." Choose huffed, frustrated "Well Ill have to rewrite it now! It's not a scary story anymore if it's all fake. Roam always said that fake things aren't scary because they can't actually hurt you." Leviathan nodded "I- suppose that makes sense." Choose looked over at Fawn "Can Leviathan come over to the colony soon to help me with my story?"
Fawn was a bit taken aback- especially considering that the whelp had still been fairly afraid only a minute ago, but nodded nonetheless. "Sure, but only if he wants to help you." Choose instantly weaponized his big eyes, turning them at Leviathan. "O-oh! Sure, I can stop by." which settled that, Fawn supposed.
Roam cleared his throat, gesturing at the slowly setting sun. "Oh! It's getting late." Fawn said, and started to user the whelps back after exchanging goodbyes with leviathan. It seemed she had a guest to prepare for, after all.
Total Wordcount: 748
1 to 200
The two whelps were still noticeably shaken up the days that went by after their encounter with Leviathan. The adults had, of course, taken their time to explain what had happened and told Choose and Retreat that they had never been in any real danger. Still, the two seemed wary about the swamp, which Fawn supposed was reasonable, albeit a tad dramatic, too. Eventually they had, quite begrudgingly, taken the whelps for another walk just to show them nothing bad would happen to them out in the swamps. After all, while the swamps were dangerous they were not such a level of danger that they had to be avoided at all cost. The swamps were also a valuable source of resources, after all. Still, the whelps didn't seem much of a fan after the Incident. After a while of wandering around, mostly on the outskirts of the swampy areas, Fawn felt Roam nudge her though, and when she glanced over at him he pointed at the waters- and a familiar long, green shape in the waters. It seems Leviathan had been waiting for them to notice him, likely not wanting to scare the two whelps again. Fawn instantly padded overMention Counter
Roam: 1 mentions
Fawn: 3 mentions
Leviathan: 2 mentions
Choose: 1 mentions
Retreat: 1 mentions
Fawn: 3 mentions
Leviathan: 2 mentions
Choose: 1 mentions
Retreat: 1 mentions
201 to 400
to the waterside, happy to greet Leviathan. Choose still seemed hesitant about the stranger, but Retreat shyly followed after his mother-figure to greet the Tark'ee in the waters. Leviathan watched the two approached, and poked his head out of the water as they did, shaking off a piece of seaweed in the process. Fawn smiled at him, telling him good morning as she gently nudged Retreat over. The whelp didn't seem a big fan, still, but hesitantly stepped closer to reach out a hand. "Hello, sir, my name is Retreat. I'm sorry for being scared last time we met." Leviathan happily reached out a fin to shake. "Lovely to meet you, Retreat. I'm sorry for scaring you last time we met- I didn't mean to." Retreat nodded, huffing "I mean, Roam told us about swamp monsters. So really it was his fault." Leviathan chuckled ay this, looking over at Roam who was pulling along a mildly resistant Choose. It seemed the whelp had *somewhat* gotten over his previous reservations. But still, meeting swamp monsters was scary. "This is my friend Choose!" Retreat proudly proclaimed. "He's really good at telling stories!" Leviathan nodded enthusiastically, "Is that so? I'd love to comeMention Counter
Roam: 2 mentions
Fawn: 1 mentions
Leviathan: 5 mentions
Choose: 3 mentions
Retreat: 6 mentions
Fawn: 1 mentions
Leviathan: 5 mentions
Choose: 3 mentions
Retreat: 6 mentions
401 to 600
around and hear sometime, then!" Retreat nodded again, "He told all the other whelps about the swamp monster we met!" she paused, throwing in a quick "err, no offense," before continuing "they've all been wanting to meet you!" Fawn hadn't heard that before. Although she guessed that these whelps would be more scheming by now, and less likely to ask their caretakers before going off and doing things. Fawn supposed she'd have to start keeping an eye out for whelps sneaking out of camp to find swamp monsters then. At least Leviathan didn't seem too offended, instead throwing his head back laughing. "I'm not actually a swamp monster, though." He said after a while. Choose frowned at that. "But you live in the swamp. And you smell like swamp. And you also look all- swamp." Leviathan smiled gently "I actually come from the ocean." he said, pointing vaguely in the direction of the beaches. "I lived very deep underwater before I came here." Choose pouted "So my story is all wrong then?" The "swamp monster" didn't quite seem sure what to do with the now upset whelp. "Oh, uh- I mean, it's not wrong, per say." Choose huffed, frustrated "WellMention Counter
Fawn: 2 mentions
Leviathan: 2 mentions
Choose: 3 mentions
Retreat: 1 mentions
Leviathan: 2 mentions
Choose: 3 mentions
Retreat: 1 mentions
601 to 748
Ill have to rewrite it now! It's not a scary story anymore if it's all fake. Roam always said that fake things aren't scary because they can't actually hurt you." Leviathan nodded "I- suppose that makes sense." Choose looked over at Fawn "Can Leviathan come over to the colony soon to help me with my story?" Fawn was a bit taken aback- especially considering that the whelp had still been fairly afraid only a minute ago, but nodded nonetheless. "Sure, but only if he wants to help you." Choose instantly weaponized his big eyes, turning them at Leviathan. "O-oh! Sure, I can stop by." which settled that, Fawn supposed. Roam cleared his throat, gesturing at the slowly setting sun. "Oh! It's getting late." Fawn said, and started to user the whelps back after exchanging goodbyes with leviathan. It seemed she had a guest to prepare for, after all.Mention Counter
Roam: 2 mentions
Fawn: 4 mentions
Leviathan: 3 mentions
Choose: 2 mentions
Fawn: 4 mentions
Leviathan: 3 mentions
Choose: 2 mentions
Roam is in 3 chunks
Fawn is in 4 chunks
Leviathan is in 4 chunks
Choose is in 4 chunks
Retreat is in 3 chunks

Wooing Leviathan
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Submitted 1 year ago ・
Last Updated 1 year ago
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[Wooing Leviathan by LostInProgres
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