As always, smaller footsteps followed Roam as she wandered trough the mushroom forest. It had been a while since Roam and Fawn had been given the time to wander around outside, but with most of the whelps in the nursery growing up to the point they could take care of themselves for the day, the two had been doing mundane tasks further away from camp.
Still, as they had grown accustomed to, [[Choose]] and [[Retreat]] had begged them to let them come along on the thrilling task of gathering swamp water for research. Roam had shrugged at her when the two started asking, knowing very well that the whelps wouldn't give up whether they said no or not, it was probably better if they just allowed them to coma along than have the two sneak out after them.
Reaching into the murky water using her bucket, Fawn started scooping up water while Roam stood back, lecturing the two whelps on safety near the waters. Which basically boiled down to "Do not step near the water." the whelps looked pretty scared by whatever Roam was telling them- likely an overly detailed anecdote- but Fawn knew it'd probably be for the best for now. They'd eventually grow less wary as they aged anyways. She was pretty deep in thoughts as she scooped up another bucket- surprised that this time she hit something hard.
Fawn didn't get much of a chance to be surprised at the sudden obstacle, as a giant green form emerged from the waters. She backed up quickly, partially to protect the now terrified whelps behind her as a serpentine creature emerged from the swamps. She didn't have much time to process that the "swamp monster" looked quite similar to Matter, and quickly opted to throw her bucket at the creature in an attempt at self-defence.
The "swamp monster" groaned. "What was *that* for?" Fawn wasn't sure what to say to that, really. Choose and Retreat were crying now, being comforted by a very confused Roam. "uh-" Fawn was stunned, she knew swamp monsters weren't real, so why had she reacted so harshly? She stammered a bit, before managing to mutter out a full sentence, beet red "I'm so sorry. We've uh- we've been telling horror stories about swamp monsters and they might have gotten into my head a little." The swamp monster only raised an eyebrow, "So you thought I was a swamp monster, and decided 'hey, my weapon of choice in this should be a bucket!'" Fawn looked even more embarrassed. "it uh, was what I was holding at the moment and-"
The "swamp monster" started to chuckle, "my friends aren't going to believe me when I tell them this." Fawn awkwardly chuckled along with them, happy that the other Xunari at least didn't seem mad anymore. She cleared her throat, reaching out a hand to introduce herself. "I am Fawn. And these-" she looked back, to Roam who shrugged at her apologetically and two whelps who were hiding behind the trunk of a mushroom. "Are my partner Roam and two of my colony's whelps, Choose and Retreat. I think- I think the whelps got scared off, sorry about that."
They shook hands, or in the other Xunari's case flippers. "I'm leviathan. I only moved her just now, though it might be nice if you could tell your colony not to go around throwing buckets." Fawn chuckled, still feeling a little awkward. "Can do! We live just over the hill," she gestured behind her, where on the hill the colony buildings could quite easily be seen poking trough. "We should really head back now, but you're welcome to visit any time." Leviathan gave a whole hearted chuckle "Maybe I will. Good luck with those two." He said, once again disappearing into the murky waters.
Total Wordcount: 636
1 to 200
As always, smaller footsteps followed Roam as she wandered trough the mushroom forest. It had been a while since Roam and Fawn had been given the time to wander around outside, but with most of the whelps in the nursery growing up to the point they could take care of themselves for the day, the two had been doing mundane tasks further away from camp. Still, as they had grown accustomed to, [[Choose]] and [[Retreat]] had begged them to let them come along on the thrilling task of gathering swamp water for research. Roam had shrugged at her when the two started asking, knowing very well that the whelps wouldn't give up whether they said no or not, it was probably better if they just allowed them to coma along than have the two sneak out after them. Reaching into the murky water using her bucket, Fawn started scooping up water while Roam stood back, lecturing the two whelps on safety near the waters. Which basically boiled down to "Do not step near the water." the whelps looked pretty scared by whatever Roam was telling them- likely an overly detailed anecdote- but Fawn knew it'd probably be for the bestMention Counter
Roam: 5 mentions
Fawn: 3 mentions
Choose: 1 mentions
Retreat: 1 mentions
Fawn: 3 mentions
Choose: 1 mentions
Retreat: 1 mentions
201 to 400
for now. They'd eventually grow less wary as they aged anyways. She was pretty deep in thoughts as she scooped up another bucket- surprised that this time she hit something hard. Fawn didn't get much of a chance to be surprised at the sudden obstacle, as a giant green form emerged from the waters. She backed up quickly, partially to protect the now terrified whelps behind her as a serpentine creature emerged from the swamps. She didn't have much time to process that the "swamp monster" looked quite similar to Matter, and quickly opted to throw her bucket at the creature in an attempt at self-defence. The "swamp monster" groaned. "What was *that* for?" Fawn wasn't sure what to say to that, really. Choose and Retreat were crying now, being comforted by a very confused Roam. "uh-" Fawn was stunned, she knew swamp monsters weren't real, so why had she reacted so harshly? She stammered a bit, before managing to mutter out a full sentence, beet red "I'm so sorry. We've uh- we've been telling horror stories about swamp monsters and they might have gotten into my head a little." The swamp monster only raised an eyebrow, "So you thoughtMention Counter
Roam: 1 mentions
Fawn: 3 mentions
Choose: 1 mentions
Retreat: 1 mentions
Fawn: 3 mentions
Choose: 1 mentions
Retreat: 1 mentions
401 to 600
I was a swamp monster, and decided 'hey, my weapon of choice in this should be a bucket!'" Fawn looked even more embarrassed. "it uh, was what I was holding at the moment and-" The "swamp monster" started to chuckle, "my friends aren't going to believe me when I tell them this." Fawn awkwardly chuckled along with them, happy that the other Xunari at least didn't seem mad anymore. She cleared her throat, reaching out a hand to introduce herself. "I am Fawn. And these-" she looked back, to Roam who shrugged at her apologetically and two whelps who were hiding behind the trunk of a mushroom. "Are my partner Roam and two of my colony's whelps, Choose and Retreat. I think- I think the whelps got scared off, sorry about that." They shook hands, or in the other Xunari's case flippers. "I'm leviathan. I only moved her just now, though it might be nice if you could tell your colony not to go around throwing buckets." Fawn chuckled, still feeling a little awkward. "Can do! We live just over the hill," she gestured behind her, where on the hill the colony buildings could quite easily be seen poking trough.Mention Counter
Roam: 2 mentions
Fawn: 4 mentions
Choose: 1 mentions
Retreat: 1 mentions
Fawn: 4 mentions
Choose: 1 mentions
Retreat: 1 mentions
601 to 636
"We should really head back now, but you're welcome to visit any time." Leviathan gave a whole hearted chuckle "Maybe I will. Good luck with those two." He said, once again disappearing into the murky waters.Mention Counter
Leviathan: 1 mentions
Roam is in 3 chunks
Fawn is in 3 chunks
Leviathan is in 1 chunks
Choose is in 3 chunks
Retreat is in 3 chunks

Wooing Leviathan I
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Submitted 1 year ago ・
Last Updated 1 year ago
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[Wooing Leviathan I by LostInProgres
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