Matter looked around at their makeshift medical centre, which she had set up together with Scale right away after coming back from their visit to Quetzalcoatl. They had managed to put something together, even though the small medical centre was quite obviously a bit of a DIY project. Bloo had told them both that, while he appreciated and admired their efforts, medicine wasn't his first priority right now, with the colony being filled with young, health Xunari who didn't have a need for frequent medical care.
Of course, Scale had given him a piece of mind for that after which Matter hadn't seen their founder stop by for another chat. It was probably for the best. 
Scale had been carrying around boxes and such with stuff all day, to which Matter had helped to the best of her capabilities. She had never been that strong, and in all honesty, was very glad someone else would do the heavy lifting. Matter had mostly been taking care of the last things- organizing their stuff into the right places, keeping everything clean- and occasionally chasing off one of the whelps who had wandered in with muddy feet. And then, obviously, she'd be cleaning again- until someone came barging in again and the cycle continued.
This all continued for a bit, Matter and Scale making final adjustments- until at one point Fawn walked in with one of the whelps.
Matter happily chirped in greeting, recognizing the whelp as young Predict- one of the whelps the colony had picked up a while ago. Predict was a young belemoid with interesting fur patterns. His appearance had briefly made Matter wondered what she would've looked like had she not been all white.
She also instantly noted something more concerning, that being that the whelp was limping, clearly not wanting to put one of his paws on the ground. Fawn gently ushered the whelp further into the small building, smiling at Matter.
"I think little Predict here might've stepped on something. I've tried taking a look at it alright, but my little friend here isn't so keen on that, so I haven't been able to hold him and look at his feet at the same time." this was all said throughout various complaints from Predict's side, of course, who near the end of the explanation seemed convinced he could push his caregiver out of the medical centre and have her simply forget about everything as soon as she left the building.
Matter tried her best at making a noise that'd sound comforting, and then called for Scale who had heard the commotion, and had poked her head around the corner of the backrooms. "Matter can take care of that for you! I'm a little busy but give me a bit and Ill see what's up too." Matter nodded, happy that Scale wasn't taking the opportunity to play one of her odd jokes. She was sure her friend could tell that the whelp was probably already scared enough as-is.
Leading the two down into a small side room, Matter made quick work of helping Fawn with the whelp. As it turns out, the kid had a thorn stuck between his toes, which had been digging it's way deeper into his skin each time he walked. Matter could take it out quite easily as soon as she had found it, Predict not even noticing, preoccupied with trying to squiggle his way out of Fawn's grasp.
As Fawn was thanking Matter, Scale had walked into the room "Already done? Perfect then!" Fawn shyly explained what had just happened- briefly asking if there would be any check-ups or care needed after the two left. "Hmm? Just try to keep him out of the mud for a bit, I suppose." and with a final thank you to Matter, the two left again.
Matter started sweeping the floor again, with Scale praising her from the backrooms. Eventually, Scale emerged, giving Matter a pat on the back "You did great. I told you you'd do fine." Matter happily nodded, and then made a confused noise as Scale headed for the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me," Scale started "I have a point to make to Bloo."
Total Wordcount: 701
1 to 200
Matter looked around at their makeshift medical centre, which she had set up together with Scale right away after coming back from their visit to Quetzalcoatl. They had managed to put something together, even though the small medical centre was quite obviously a bit of a DIY project. Bloo had told them both that, while he appreciated and admired their efforts, medicine wasn't his first priority right now, with the colony being filled with young, health Xunari who didn't have a need for frequent medical care. Of course, Scale had given him a piece of mind for that after which Matter hadn't seen their founder stop by for another chat. It was probably for the best. Scale had been carrying around boxes and such with stuff all day, to which Matter had helped to the best of her capabilities. She had never been that strong, and in all honesty, was very glad someone else would do the heavy lifting. Matter had mostly been taking care of the last things- organizing their stuff into the right places, keeping everything clean- and occasionally chasing off one of the whelps who had wandered in with muddy feet. And then, obviously, she'd be cleaning
Mention Counter
Mermaid's Scale: 3 mentions
Matter: 4 mentions

201 to 400
again- until someone came barging in again and the cycle continued. This all continued for a bit, Matter and Scale making final adjustments- until at one point Fawn walked in with one of the whelps. Matter happily chirped in greeting, recognizing the whelp as young Predict- one of the whelps the colony had picked up a while ago. Predict was a young belemoid with interesting fur patterns. His appearance had briefly made Matter wondered what she would've looked like had she not been all white. She also instantly noted something more concerning, that being that the whelp was limping, clearly not wanting to put one of his paws on the ground. Fawn gently ushered the whelp further into the small building, smiling at Matter. "I think little Predict here might've stepped on something. I've tried taking a look at it alright, but my little friend here isn't so keen on that, so I haven't been able to hold him and look at his feet at the same time." this was all said throughout various complaints from Predict's side, of course, who near the end of the explanation seemed convinced he could push his caregiver out of the medical centre and
Mention Counter
Mermaid's Scale: 1 mentions
Fawn: 2 mentions
Matter: 4 mentions
Predict: 4 mentions

401 to 600
have her simply forget about everything as soon as she left the building. Matter tried her best at making a noise that'd sound comforting, and then called for Scale who had heard the commotion, and had poked her head around the corner of the backrooms. "Matter can take care of that for you! I'm a little busy but give me a bit and Ill see what's up too." Matter nodded, happy that Scale wasn't taking the opportunity to play one of her odd jokes. She was sure her friend could tell that the whelp was probably already scared enough as-is. Leading the two down into a small side room, Matter made quick work of helping Fawn with the whelp. As it turns out, the kid had a thorn stuck between his toes, which had been digging it's way deeper into his skin each time he walked. Matter could take it out quite easily as soon as she had found it, Predict not even noticing, preoccupied with trying to squiggle his way out of Fawn's grasp. As Fawn was thanking Matter, Scale had walked into the room "Already done? Perfect then!" Fawn shyly explained what had just happened- briefly asking if
Mention Counter
Mermaid's Scale: 3 mentions
Fawn: 4 mentions
Matter: 6 mentions
Predict: 1 mentions

601 to 701
there would be any check-ups or care needed after the two left. "Hmm? Just try to keep him out of the mud for a bit, I suppose." and with a final thank you to Matter, the two left again. Matter started sweeping the floor again, with Scale praising her from the backrooms. Eventually, Scale emerged, giving Matter a pat on the back "You did great. I told you you'd do fine." Matter happily nodded, and then made a confused noise as Scale headed for the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me," Scale started "I have a point to make to Bloo."
Mention Counter
Mermaid's Scale: 4 mentions
Matter: 4 mentions
Mermaid's Scale is in 4 chunks
Fawn is in 2 chunks
Matter is in 4 chunks
Predict is in 2 chunks
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In Class Specialization ・ By LostInProgres ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments

Submitted By LostInProgres for Physician Education ・ Location: L'Hatzif (B'Av)
Submitted 1 year ago ・ Last Updated 1 year ago
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[PHYSICIAN EDUCATION II by LostInProgres (Literature)](
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