The sandstorm that had nearly overtaken Ballor had only worsened after they had reached the shelter of Boti's tribe's ravines, the wind screaming outside like a vengeful spirit. Depths and Nova had been here helping the tribe with some mining, and had stopped by to say hello to Ambergris.

"Like the weather?" Nova asked cheerfully, and Ambergris snorted, brushing sand out of aer fur.

"I think I like the air a little better when it's not solid, y'know?"

Nova just laughed as Ambergris continued to brush, Depths stepping into the room as well and settling down.

"Usually the weather's much nicer than this."

"You mean hot enough to fry an egg."

Depths shrugged. "Nicer."

Ambergris only grunted, and the three settled down, listening to the wind how past outside. This deep in the rock, the rasp of sand against rock wasn't able to be heard, but closer to the main doors, it slammed against them with a vengeance. The walls were carved out of the warm red stone of the Issiq mesa, with the tribe's tunnels branching off of a series of ravines that let in natural light and sun. Today, with the storm, the doors to the ravine were closed, and everyone clustered in the tunnels as the weather raged outside.

The sandstorm passed after a few days, and when everyone started to emerge, it became clear that some work would need to be done. Sand covered the vents for the ventilation system, it had piled up on the roof over the reservoir, making it dangerously stressed, and it had drifted down into the ravines, getting everywhere.

Boti came to get them, covered in powdery sand that turned their black feathers a slightly lighter grey.

"Everywhere," they muttered, brushing at one arm, then sighed and looked at Ambergris, Depths, and Nova. "I don't suppose I could trouble you to help out before you head home?"

Ambergris was about to say that heading home sounded nice, thank you, but Nova stepped on aer foot and Depths nodded agreeably.

"Of course. What do you need help with?"

Ambergris glared at Nova, but he ignored ae, tail flicking in slight amusement. Boti looked relieved, and Ambergris sat back with an internal sigh, resigning aeself to being covered in sand by the end of the day.

"If you could help shovel sand away from the intake vents, that would be the most helpful… we have backups, but they're not designed for constant use."

Depths nodded. "Just show us the tools and where to go."

Nova followed them as they headed out of the room, and Ambergris followed, albeit with a sigh. Nova shot ae a look and ae shrugged. Ae would do it, yes, but that didn't mean ae had to like it.

The three followed Boti, collecting shovels from a storeroom and heading out to where the intake vents were. The vents had been built into a sheltered part of the wall, with a small ledge for servicing above a drop to the ground. But the sandstorm the night before had been such that even out of the full wrath of the wind, sand had been deposited in a massive pile that turned the drop into an easily walkable slope.

Boti hovered a ways back from the vent, frowning and muttering to themself as the three carved a pathway through the sand. Seeing that they were settled, Boti waved and then turned to go and organize some more de-sanding efforts. Ambergris looked after them, longing for the ease with which their wings beat the air, letting them avoid the slog through the warming sands.

But, ae didn't have wings, so no use being jealous. Ae turned to help Depths and Nova, hefting eir shovel and eyeing the sand coating the ledge. Ae began to work at the slope below the ledge with a vengeance, thinking that if the wind kicked up again, it would make it easier to reblock the vent. The shovel was heavy, and ae soon began to sweat.

Depths and Nova above were shoveling the ledge clear, making sure not to dump their shovelfuls of sand on Ambergris' head. It was grueling work, especially as the sun began to rise, and soon all of their muscles were aching and a sheen of sweat had built up on their coats. But slowly but surely, the sand was being cleared from the vent.

It was hard work, but rewarding, Ambergris mused as ae paused for a second, muscles aching.

Total Wordcount: 749
1 to 200
The sandstorm that had nearly overtaken Ballor had only worsened after they had reached the shelter of Boti's tribe's ravines, the wind screaming outside like a vengeful spirit. Depths and Nova had been here helping the tribe with some mining, and had stopped by to say hello to Ambergris. "Like the weather?" Nova asked cheerfully, and Ambergris snorted, brushing sand out of aer fur. "I think I like the air a little better when it's not solid, y'know?" Nova just laughed as Ambergris continued to brush, Depths stepping into the room as well and settling down. "Usually the weather's much nicer than this." "You mean hot enough to fry an egg." Depths shrugged. "Nicer." Ambergris only grunted, and the three settled down, ((listening to the wind how past outside. This deep in the rock, the rasp of sand against rock wasn't able to be heard, but closer to the main doors, it slammed against them with a vengeance. The walls were carved out of the warm red stone of the Issiq mesa, with the tribe's tunnels branching off of a series of ravines that let in natural light and sun. Today, with the storm, the doors to the ravine were
Mention Counter
Depths: 3 mentions
Boti: 1 mentions
Nova: 3 mentions
Ambergris: 4 mentions

201 to 400
closed, and everyone clustered in the tunnels as the weather raged outside.)) The sandstorm passed after a few days, and when everyone started to emerge, it became clear that some work would need to be done. Sand covered the vents for the ventilation system, it had piled up on the roof over the reservoir, making it dangerously stressed, and it had drifted down into the ravines, getting everywhere. Boti came to get them, covered in powdery sand that turned their black feathers a slightly lighter grey. "Everywhere," they muttered, brushing at one arm, then sighed and looked at Ambergris, Depths, and Nova. "I don't suppose I could trouble you to help out before you head home?" Ambergris was about to say that heading home sounded nice, thank you, but Nova stepped on aer foot and Depths nodded agreeably. "Of course. What do you need help with?" Ambergris glared at Nova, but he ignored ae, tail flicking in slight amusement. Boti looked relieved, and Ambergris sat back with an internal sigh, resigning aeself to being covered in sand by the end of the day. "If you could help shovel sand away from the intake vents, that would be the most helpful…
Mention Counter
Depths: 2 mentions
Boti: 2 mentions
Nova: 3 mentions
Ambergris: 4 mentions

401 to 600
we have backups, but they're not designed for constant use." Depths nodded. "Just show us the tools and where to go." Nova followed them as they headed out of the room, and Ambergris followed, albeit with a sigh. Nova shot ae a look and ae shrugged. Ae would do it, yes, but that didn't mean ae had to like it. The three followed Boti, collecting shovels from a storeroom and heading out to where the intake vents were. The vents had been built into a sheltered part of the wall, with a small ledge for servicing above a drop to the ground. But the sandstorm the night before had been such that even out of the full wrath of the wind, sand had been deposited in a massive pile that turned the drop into an easily walkable slope. Boti hovered a ways back from the vent, frowning and muttering to themself as the three carved a pathway through the sand. Seeing that they were settled, Boti waved and then turned to go and organize some more de-sanding efforts. Ambergris looked after them, longing for the ease with which their wings beat the air, letting them avoid the slog through
Mention Counter
Depths: 1 mentions
Boti: 3 mentions
Nova: 2 mentions
Ambergris: 2 mentions

601 to 749
the warming sands. But, ae didn't have wings, so no use being jealous. Ae turned to help Depths and Nova, hefting eir shovel and eyeing the sand coating the ledge. Ae began to work at the slope below the ledge with a vengeance, thinking that if the wind kicked up again, it would make it easier to reblock the vent. The shovel was heavy, and ae soon began to sweat. Depths and Nova above were shoveling the ledge clear, making sure not to dump their shovelfuls of sand on Ambergris' head. It was grueling work, especially as the sun began to rise, and soon all of their muscles were aching and a sheen of sweat had built up on their coats. But slowly but surely, the sand was being cleared from the vent. It was hard work, but rewarding, Ambergris mused as ae paused for a second, muscles aching.
Mention Counter
Depths: 2 mentions
Nova: 2 mentions
Ambergris: 2 mentions
Depths is in 4 chunks
Boti is in 3 chunks
Nova is in 4 chunks
Ambergris is in 4 chunks
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[STR] Shoveling Sand

In The Six Crucibles ・ By Skyward ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By Skyward for Crucible of Strength
Submitted 2 days ago ・ Last Updated 1 day ago
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[[STR] Shoveling Sand by Skyward (Literature)](
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