Alexander leaned on the deck railing and watched the waters rushing by throwing sea spray up the side of the boat. He wondered what lay below the waves, in the dark. Could there be another boat down there? Ever since Kel had come back with the tale of finding the wrecked ship his curiosity had grown. He and Kya and Kandanse were on their way to L'hatzif, the land of the giant mushroom trees. They were going to meet a native named Tapyre who was going to show them the land. And teach them what mushrooms would be great for eating.
"What are you looking at dad?" Dahlia said quietly. Kya had decided at the last moment to take along her granddaughter. Kandanse had been very glad to have her whole family on this trip.
"Oh just thinking about what could be down there. Your grandfather said that he saw a whole other world down there."
"Oh, I don't think I would want to go down there. It looks scary. How would you breathe?" Dahlia asked, once again in her customary soft voice.
"Your granddad had a special suit that helped him see and breathe under water." Alexander answered.
"Land Ho!" The captain of the ship called out.
Alexander and Dahlia looked out across the water. Sure enough they could see L'hatzif. Even from this distance they could see the massive towering mushroom trees against the clear lavender sky.
"Those are trees?" Dahlia asked in awe.
"I think so." Alexander said with the same awe as his daughter. "Soon we will find out for sure."
"Alexander! Dahlia!" Kya called from the opposite side of the ship where the crew were in the process of getting a smaller boat to the side of the ship. Kandanse stood next to her mom.
"Coming!" Alexander called back. Then they walked quickly over to them.
They had to coax Dahlia into the boat but once they were safely in. The sailors lowered them down into the water.
It took them a good hour before they reached the dock.
As they got near they were able to see that a lone figure stood waiting for them. She was Brown in color with lighter broken stripes running across her body.
As soon as they were in hearing distance she called out to them.
"Welcome to L'hatzif! My name is Tapyre" She said as she waved at them with a paw.
Alexander threw her the rope and she tied the boat to the dock. Then they all clambered out of the small boat and onto the dock.
As they walked off the dock Tapyre said. " I am glad you arrived safely. I was afraid that you might have gotten caught up in bad weather."
"Oh, we had a splendid trip here." Kya said. She noticed that Kadanse was walking close to Dahlia and they seemed to be having a deep conversation.
"Thank you for meeting us." Alexander said with as much charm as he could muster. "We really appreciate the time that you're taking."
Tapyre waved a paw dismissively. "No problem. I am glad to help you and to show you all that I can about L'hatzif. "But in return I want to hear all about your land."
"You have a deal." Alexander said with a smile.
"Hey you two!" Kya yelled out to Kadanse and Dahlia. They both turned to her. "It's time to go. We need to gather our things."
When they strapped on their packs they all gathered at the edge of the dock. The sand of the beach felt grainy beneath their toes. Dahlia kept trying to flick the sand out from between her toes.
"I think the first thing to do will be to take you to my village. There we have set up a hut for visitors. And you can unpack." Tapyre said as she led the group across the beach and onto a path through the ever thickening mushroom forest.
"Can I pick some of the mushrooms?" Dahlia asked Tapyre.
"Of course. But don't eat any. " She warned the blue and pink Tsabhua welp. Dahlia nodded. Then she proceeded to dash from one colorful mushroom to patch to the next, picking up a blue one and then a red one. Kadanse strolling along behind her.
Alexander smiled. "It must be nice to live near such a beautiful place. He indicated the tall mushroom tree they were currently under. Its stalk was thick and a pale cream color. He could see red from the tips of the mushroom.
"Oh it is. But I long to know more about this world." Tapyre said. "Tell something from where you live. "
Alexander and Kya started telling Tapyre all about their trees that were always green, even in winter.
Tapyre: 1 mentions
Alexander: 2 mentions
Kadense: 2 mentions
Dahlia: 2 mentions
Tapyre: 1 mentions
Alexander: 4 mentions
Kadense: 1 mentions
Dahlia: 4 mentions
Tapyre: 2 mentions
Alexander: 3 mentions
Kadense: 2 mentions
Dahlia: 2 mentions
Tapyre: 4 mentions
Alexander: 2 mentions
Kadense: 1 mentions
Dahlia: 3 mentions

Wooing Tapyre
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