Ramsay's light blue head peeked around the large tree trunk. He was pretty sure the large tree was able to hide most of him. Unlike the welp towering over him.

"Are you sure you can get in?" Dionysus said in a hushed tone as he leaned his large brown body around the tree trunk. His wings tucked close to his side and he had to lean over to see under the evergreen tree.

They were both looking at a squat square building that sat at the edge of the village. Ramsay knew that inside lay the tools they were going to need to go on their adventure.

"Why are you guys hiding?" Delano asked as he and his brother, Ferdinand, came trotting out of the woods.

"Shhh!" Ramsay hissed. "Hide quickly!"

Delano looked at his brother. Ferdinand shrugged then smiled with all of his teeth showing.

The two brothers quickly did as asked and hid behind a nearby tree.

"So whatcha two doing?" Why are you hiding?" Delano asked again in a stage whisper.

Ever since the two brothers had joined the village Delano had been loud, while Ferdinand seemed to not talk at all. Preferring to let his brother speak for him.

Ramsay sighed, giving up all hopes of ever actually sneaking into the building. "Dionysus and I were going to 'borrow' one of the sleds and some packs to go look at that empty lava tube. There has to be more there than a lone stinky hojenst."

"Hey can we come too?" Delano asked excitedly. Ferdinand nodded his head and looked expectantly at Ramsay.

"I don't know." Ramsay answered slowly. He turned to his partner in crime.

Dionysus shrugged. "More the merrier?"

"Oh all right. We will just need to grab more stuff." I haven't seen anyone for awhile and we have been making enough noise that if there was someone in there they would have come out. Lets go." Ramsay said as he stepped out from behind the tree trunk. The two saltwater tsabhua came running out from around their tree. Dionysus came out from the tree and stretched his stiff body and then followed the three smaller welps.

Ramsay put a clawed paw up to the door and pushed. To his surprise the door was not locked and he pushed the door open even more. "Packs are hanging over there and the picks are over there. I am going to get something from the back"

Delano and Ferdinand ran over and gathered enough packs for all four of them. Dionysus walked over to the picks and quickly grabbed four.

Ramsay came running out of the back, he had a beat up med kit under his arm.

"Ok, we got everything." He tossed the med kit into the full sled.

Dionysus took up the rope and pulled the sled out of the miners' building. Delano and Ferdinand ran alongside it. Ramsay quickly pulled the door shut then ran after them.

They entered the dense evergreen forest which seemed to block half of the daylight making everything dark.

The shorter welps found that they had to run to keep up with the brown aerobic tark'ee stride. They ran along the trail for some time until they came upon the entrance to the mine.

"You think you can fit Dionysus?" Ramsay asked his tall friend.

Dionysus sized up the entrance. "Yeah I can fit." he assured his friend.

He let the three smaller welps go in first. Then brought the sled in. The entrance was bigger than it looked and he made it inside with room to spare. Large stalagmites reached down from the ceiling to connect to the ones on the ground. Some even connect to make large pillars.

"We need to park the sled here." Ramsay said as he pointed over to the wall of the cavern.

Dionysus parked the sled and Delano and Ferdinand pulled out the packs and handed them out. Once they got everything they needed they headed deeper into the cave system. Ramsay leading the way. Soon they came to the same cave entrance from last time Ramsay was here last and they entered. Lanterns hung around the entrance.

Ramsay chose one. "It was farther inside." Delano and Ferdinand walked quickly next to him. Their short legs made it so that they almost had to run to keep up. Dionysus brought up the rear. He made sure to walk slowly so as not to step on his friends.

They walked on in silence, the only light coming from the feeble lantern.

Soon they came to the other side where the entrance to a round tunnel lay. The old lava tube looked just as dark and dangerous as when he was here last. A foul stench came from the tunnel. And the sound of something scraping against the walls.

"Well, are we going in or what?" Delano asked as his brother Ferdinand leaned around the edge of the tunnel to try and see if he could peer into the darkness.

"We came all the way here. We might as well go in." Dionysus said. Ramsay agreed. Besides what would even want to mess with an aerobic tark'ee as big as Dionysus.

Total Wordcount: 867
1 to 200
Ramsay's light blue head peeked around the large tree trunk. He was pretty sure the large tree was able to hide most of him. Unlike the welp towering over him. "Are you sure you can get in?" Dionysus said in a hushed tone as he leaned his large brown body around the tree trunk. His wings tucked close to his side and he had to lean over to see under the evergreen tree. They were both looking at a squat square building that sat at the edge of the village. Ramsay knew that inside lay the tools they were going to need to go on their adventure. "Why are you guys hiding?" Delano asked as he and his brother, Ferdinand, came trotting out of the woods. "Shhh!" Ramsay hissed. "Hide quickly!" Delano looked at his brother. Ferdinand shrugged then smiled with all of his teeth showing. The two brothers quickly did as asked and hid behind a nearby tree. "So whatcha two doing?" Why are you hiding?" Delano asked again in a stage whisper. Ever since the two brothers had joined the village Delano had been loud, while Ferdinand seemed to not talk at all. Preferring to let his brother
Mention Counter
Ramsay: 3 mentions
Ferdinand: 3 mentions
Delano: 4 mentions
Dionysus: 1 mentions

201 to 400
speak for him. Ramsay sighed, giving up all hopes of ever actually sneaking into the building. "Dionysus and I were going to 'borrow' one of the sleds and some packs to go look at that empty lava tube. There has to be more there than a lone stinky hojenst." "Hey can we come too?" Delano asked excitedly. Ferdinand nodded his head and looked expectantly at Ramsay. "I don't know." Ramsay answered slowly. He turned to his partner in crime. Dionysus shrugged. "More the merrier?" "Oh all right. We will just need to grab more stuff." I haven't seen anyone for awhile and we have been making enough noise that if there was someone in there they would have come out. Lets go." Ramsay said as he stepped out from behind the tree trunk. The two saltwater tsabhua came running out from around their tree. Dionysus came out from the tree and stretched his stiff body and then followed the three smaller welps. Ramsay put a clawed paw up to the door and pushed. To his surprise the door was not locked and he pushed the door open even more. "Packs are hanging over there and the picks are over there.
Mention Counter
Ramsay: 5 mentions
Ferdinand: 1 mentions
Delano: 1 mentions
Dionysus: 3 mentions

401 to 600
I am going to get something from the back" Delano and Ferdinand ran over and gathered enough packs for all four of them. Dionysus walked over to the picks and quickly grabbed four. Ramsay came running out of the back, he had a beat up med kit under his arm. "Ok, we got everything." He tossed the med kit into the full sled. Dionysus took up the rope and pulled the sled out of the miners' building. Delano and Ferdinand ran alongside it. Ramsay quickly pulled the door shut then ran after them. They entered the dense evergreen forest which seemed to block half of the daylight making everything dark. The shorter welps found that they had to run to keep up with the brown aerobic tark'ee stride. They ran along the trail for some time until they came upon the entrance to the mine. "You think you can fit Dionysus?" Ramsay asked his tall friend. Dionysus sized up the entrance. "Yeah I can fit." he assured his friend. He let the three smaller welps go in first. Then brought the sled in. ((The entrance was bigger than it looked and he made it inside with room to spare. Large
Mention Counter
Ramsay: 3 mentions
Ferdinand: 2 mentions
Delano: 2 mentions
Dionysus: 4 mentions

601 to 800
stalagmites reached down from the ceiling to connect to the ones on the ground. Some even connect to make large pillars.)) "We need to park the sled here." Ramsay said as he pointed over to the wall of the cavern. Dionysus parked the sled and Delano and Ferdinand pulled out the packs and handed them out. Once they got everything they needed they headed deeper into the cave system. Ramsay leading the way. Soon they came to the same cave entrance from last time Ramsay was here last and they entered. Lanterns hung around the entrance. Ramsay chose one. "It was farther inside." Delano and Ferdinand walked quickly next to him. Their short legs made it so that they almost had to run to keep up. Dionysus brought up the rear. He made sure to walk slowly so as not to step on his friends. They walked on in silence, the only light coming from the feeble lantern. Soon they came to the other side where the entrance to a round tunnel lay. The old lava tube looked just as dark and dangerous as when he was here last. A foul stench came from the tunnel. And the sound of
Mention Counter
Ramsay: 4 mentions
Ferdinand: 2 mentions
Delano: 2 mentions
Dionysus: 2 mentions

801 to 867
something scraping against the walls. "Well, are we going in or what?" Delano asked as his brother Ferdinand leaned around the edge of the tunnel to try and see if he could peer into the darkness. "We came all the way here. We might as well go in." Dionysus said. Ramsay agreed. Besides what would even want to mess with an aerobic tark'ee as big as Dionysus.
Mention Counter
Ramsay: 1 mentions
Ferdinand: 1 mentions
Delano: 1 mentions
Dionysus: 2 mentions
Ramsay is in 5 chunks
Ferdinand is in 5 chunks
Delano is in 5 chunks
Dionysus is in 5 chunks
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Sneaky welps.

In Investigation ・ By WhiteRaven ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By WhiteRaven for InvestigationLocation: Obsidian Mountain (Rekes)
Submitted 6 days ago Last Updated 5 days ago
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[Sneaky welps. by WhiteRaven (Literature)](https://xiun.us/gallery/view/1725)
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