Ramsay peeked his head into the mining building. He was relieved to see that there still were two sleds positioned along the wall. One of the sleds had packs and shovels and a couple of picks. It looked like he came just in time.
Ramsay cleared his throat loudly. "Excuse me! Anyone here?" He called out. Silence greeted him for all of a few seconds before there was a loud crash and muffled shout.
"Oh Ramsey! You scared me." Toffee said as she emerged from the supply closet. In her hand was a scoffed and dirty med-kit which had obviously seen better days.
"What are you doing here?" Toffee asked as she placed the battered medkit into the sled next to a leather pack that seemed to be about to burst with the items it carried.
"I was wondering if I could join you and Kel today? Ramsey answered. "I already asked my parents and they said I could go as long as no new tunnels were being opened today." Ramsey quickly added.
"Sure we could always use more hands. But I would have to ask Kel first. He is after all the leader of the mining company." Toffee said.
"Indeed I am. And yes you may. I am always eager to teach mining to anyone. The thrill of finding gems and precious metals never goes away." Kel said as he entered the building. He had a pack strapped to his back. "Go with Toffee and she will teach you what and how to pack. Then we can leave."
After finishing packing and making sure that Ramsey's pack fit properly the left the small village behind. They entered the towering evergreen forest that lined the village and soon lost sight of the buildings.
Ramsey skipped ahead only to run back when he lost sight of the much slower older colonists.
"Ramsey! Stay close to us. We are almost there." Kel called out. Toffee was concentrating on pulling the sled to do much talking.
Ramsey obeyed immediately and stuck close to Kel. Soon Ramsey saw them come to the base of the black mountain. Large black boulders and smaller rocks lay haphazardly around the base of the mountain. The entrance of a Tunnel lay open. Ramsey could see that inside was lite up by lanterns.
Toffee pulled the sled inside a large cavern and parked it along the wall. Ramsey noted that the sled fit perfectly which probably meant that it was always placed there.
"Alright kiddo. Let's get going. Grab that smaller pickaxe and then we will start. I know exactly where to go. There was a stubborn gem that I was working on last time I was here. I am sure you will be able to find something." Toffee said as she grabbed several packs out of the sled. Including the first aid kit. Kel also grabbed some packs and the last remaining pickaxe.
They traveled down a tunnel that was near the parked sled. The walls of the tunnel had obviously been chiseled out and lined with lamps to light their way.
As soon as they entered the cavern the tunnel connected to, Toffee was scrambling over the stone floor and toward where she had last worked. The glow of her tail bobbing as she ran.
Kel took Ramsey to a different section and proceeded to show him how to use a pickaxe properly so that he would not injure himself. Then he showed him how to take a different tool to gently scrape away the stone around whatever he was trying to dig out. Soon Ramsey found himself by himself with just his pickaxe and the stone wall in front of him. He became lost in the rhythm of the swinging of pickaxe.
He came out of his trance when a strange sound finally pierced his concentration. He paused and listened hard. There it was again.
"Kel! Did you hear that?" Ramsey shouted. His voice echoed around the cavern. All noise stopped and pretty soon both Kel and Toffee were standing next to him.
They stood waiting for a while and then the sound came again.
"It sounds like it's coming from over here." Toffee said as she pointed one of her paws. The glow of her pads made it easy to see what direction she was pointing. Kel grabbed a lantern and they all walked in the direction Toffee indicated.
They soon came to an area of the cavern that they had never been to before. The light of the lantern caste it's feeble light into the darkness. Several times Kel stumbled over rocks the light had not illuminated. Both Toffee and Ramsey had no trouble seeing where they were going.
A great tunnel revealed its self when the finally reached the otherside. To Kel and Toffee's trained eye they knew that this was once a lava tunnel. A strange sound came from the tunnel. It sounded like a low moan.
"Should we go explore a little?" Kel asked with excitement in his voice.
"Is it safe?" Ramsey asked.
"Oh perfectly safe. Old lava tubes are pretty stable. And who knows what we will find inside." Toffee answered, already eager to go inside.
Just then another moan came through the tunnel.
"Are you sure?" Ramsey asked.
"You are safe with us. Besides, we should probably find out what's making that noise. Could be a hurt animal." Toffee answered.
"Or it could be only the wind rushing in from the other side. But the only way to find out will be to go inside." Kel said.
Ramsey thought for a tiny bit. "Alright. Sounds like fun. Let's go."
Toffee: 3 mentions
Ramsay: 5 mentions
Toffee: 3 mentions
Ramsay: 7 mentions
Toffee: 2 mentions
Ramsay: 1 mentions
Toffee: 4 mentions
Ramsay: 3 mentions
Toffee: 3 mentions
Ramsay: 3 mentions

First time mining and hearing noises
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