Though most had survived the avalanche last week, there had been a few that had been lost to the onslaught of snow and ice. Thankfully there had not been any from his colony, but Depths had still volunteered to stand vigil at the site of the avalanche. It was going to be below freezing in the mountains that night, so he packed accordingly.

As he headed to the place, feet crunching on the ice and snow on the trail, he heard a pattering of footsteps behind him and looked back.

"I want to come too," Bloodstone said solemnly, stepping up beside him.

Depths considered her. "Are you sure?"

She nodded resolutely. "I packed supplies and warm clothes."

Depths tilted his head, then accepted her words and moved on. One of the other colonists that had helped him dig people out, Harbringer, had asked to stand vigil as well. Depths had agreed, and thought he heard the rustle of wings overhead, but had warned the foreigner about the severity of the cold this time of year, and the requirement of silence.

Within reasonable means of course, event danger and survival trumping the vigil. It was one thing to observe and respect the dead, it was quite another to join them.

It seemed Depths' hearing had been accurate, for on the path ahead, Harbringer landed with a soft thump and crunch of snow, wearing warm clothes and carrying some supplies.

"Bloodstone, Harbringer," Depths introduced them, then looked out through the last layer of trees before the path of the avalanche, where all that was left was shattered stumps. The snow shone in the light of the dying sun, looking like liquid gold. It contrasted with the blue glow of the bones erupting from the earth in the shadows of distant mountains, glowing softly in the growing darkness.

Harbringer and Bloodstone nodded at each other, then turned to look out as well.

"Where should we be?" Bloodstone asked hesitantly.

Harbringer nodded up the slope. "I remeber a nice plateau in the snow further up. It should give a good view for the vigil, and a place to put the candles."

Bloodstone and Depths nodded, and the small group began to trudge up the slope, snow crunching underfoot. It was beautiful but also eerie, and the solemnity of what they were here to do soon settled on the group. Harbringer's memory was right, and they soon reached a place where they could set up for the night.

Mutually agreeing that the silence started now, the trio began setting up. Harbringer readied a small heater in a protected dip, while Depths began to take out small memorial plaques for the victims, and placed them against a stone near where the ground began to slope again.

Bloodstone pulled out some colorful candles and set a few neat each plaque so that they would be illuminated through the night. Sure enough, the sun had sunk behind the nearby peaks, and the light was fading fast from the sky above. Soon it would be the full pitch black of the mountain night, and Depths was already feeling cold.

Harbringer set up the heater with a click, and the soft warm glow lit up the ground as the first stars began to come out above.

It provided some warmth so that they wouldn't be in danger of freezing to death, but the night was still chilly. Depths pulled out some more momentos the families had wanted to have here, while Harbringer helped Bloodstone with lighting the candles.

Soon, the small area was set up, and Depths, Bloodstone, and Harbringer settled back, before turning to look out into the night. Though it was part of 'guarding' the spirits of the departed, it was also practical - keeping a lookout for the very real danger of wild animals or rockfalls and the like. And facing away from the light would help keep their night vision intact.

The night passed in the cold march of time. The three shuffled, stomping their feet to keep them warm, but not speaking a word. Whether it be about the majesty of the stars spanning the tapestry of the night above, or complaints about the sharp bite of the chill air, it was kept inside out of respect for the dead.

It wasn't comfortable, but it wasn't supposed to be.

As the sky began to lighten once more, Depths, Bloodstone, and Harbinger bowed to the plaques, then began to tidy up. They hoped the spirits had found peace.

Total Wordcount: 753
1 to 200
Though most had survived the avalanche last week, there had been a few that had been lost to the onslaught of snow and ice. Thankfully there had not been any from his colony, but Depths had still volunteered to stand vigil at the site of the avalanche. It was going to be below freezing in the mountains that night, so he packed accordingly. As he headed to the place, feet crunching on the ice and snow on the trail, he heard a pattering of footsteps behind him and looked back. "I want to come too," Bloodstone said solemnly, stepping up beside him. Depths considered her. "Are you sure?" She nodded resolutely. "I packed supplies and warm clothes." Depths tilted his head, then accepted her words and moved on. One of the other colonists that had helped him dig people out, Harbringer, had asked to stand vigil as well. Depths had agreed, and thought he heard the rustle of wings overhead, but had warned the foreigner about the severity of the cold this time of year, and the requirement of silence. Within reasonable means of course, event danger and survival trumping the vigil. It was one thing to observe and respect
Mention Counter
Depths: 4 mentions
Bloodstone: 1 mentions
Harbringer: 1 mentions

201 to 400
the dead, it was quite another to join them. It seemed Depths' hearing had been accurate, for on the path ahead, Harbringer landed with a soft thump and crunch of snow, wearing warm clothes and carrying some supplies. "Bloodstone, Harbringer," Depths introduced them, then looked out through the last layer of trees before the path of the avalanche, where all that was left was shattered stumps. The snow shone in the light of the dying sun, looking like liquid gold. It contrasted with the blue glow of the bones erupting from the earth in the shadows of distant mountains, glowing softly in the growing darkness. Harbringer and Bloodstone nodded at each other, then turned to look out as well. "Where should we be?" Bloodstone asked hesitantly. Harbringer nodded up the slope. "I remeber a nice plateau in the snow further up. It should give a good view for the vigil, and a place to put the candles." Bloodstone and Depths nodded, and the small group began to trudge up the slope, snow crunching underfoot. It was beautiful but also eerie, and the solemnity of what they were here to do soon settled on the group. Harbringer's memory was right, and
Mention Counter
Depths: 3 mentions
Bloodstone: 4 mentions
Harbringer: 5 mentions

401 to 600
they soon reached a place where they could set up for the night. Mutually agreeing that the silence started now, the trio began setting up. Harbringer readied a small heater in a protected dip, while Depths began to take out small memorial plaques for the victims, and placed them against a stone near where the ground began to slope again. Bloodstone pulled out some colorful candles and set a few neat each plaque so that they would be illuminated through the night. Sure enough, the sun had sunk behind the nearby peaks, and the light was fading fast from the sky above. Soon it would be the full pitch black of the mountain night, and Depths was already feeling cold. Harbringer set up the heater with a click, and the soft warm glow lit up the ground as the first stars began to come out above. It provided some warmth so that they wouldn't be in danger of freezing to death, but the night was still chilly. Depths pulled out some more momentos the families had wanted to have here, while Harbringer helped Bloodstone with lighting the candles. Soon, the small area was set up, and Depths, Bloodstone, and
Mention Counter
Depths: 4 mentions
Bloodstone: 3 mentions
Harbringer: 3 mentions

601 to 753
Harbringer settled back, before turning to look out into the night. Though it was part of 'guarding' the spirits of the departed, it was also practical - keeping a lookout for the very real danger of wild animals or rockfalls and the like. And facing away from the light would help keep their night vision intact. The night passed in the cold march of time. The three shuffled, stomping their feet to keep them warm, but not speaking a word. Whether it be about the majesty of the stars spanning the tapestry of the night above, or complaints about the sharp bite of the chill air, it was kept inside out of respect for the dead. It wasn't comfortable, but it wasn't supposed to be. As the sky began to lighten once more, Depths, Bloodstone, and Harbinger bowed to the plaques, then began to tidy up. They hoped the spirits had found peace.
Mention Counter
Depths: 1 mentions
Bloodstone: 1 mentions
Harbringer: 1 mentions
Depths is in 4 chunks
Bloodstone is in 4 chunks
Harbringer is in 4 chunks
Avatar of Skyward

[Trade] [CON] Safeguarding

In The Six Crucibles ・ By Skyward ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments

Hold a silent vigil for the victims of a natural disaster.

Yet another con crucible, written for february!

counts, note to self:

Bloodstone, Depths
Wordcount 751: +7
Environment: +2
Home Region: +2
Foreign Colonist: +1
Total: 12

Wordcount 751: +7
Environment: +2
Foreign Colonist: +2
Total: 11


Base: +35
Research+: +35
Action: +2
Total: 72

Submitted 1 month ago ・ Last Updated 1 month ago
Trade With:   Or'sol
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#3773 by Skyward
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[[Trade] [CON] Safeguarding by Skyward (Literature)](
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