This time, it was Depths that was injured, and Glow was taking the youngsters along on the hunting trip. He had gotten some sort of ear infection from the swampy water, and Glow was careful to avoid the deeper puddles as she splashed to the meeting point, strange, fungi-like foliage rising overhead. She also wished she had extra arms to corral the youngsters. Since while they had listened to Glow's warnings… she could see them eyeing the puddles hopefully.

Bloodstone was very seriously pointing at the marshy ground and mushroom-like trees with their strange fruit and explaining to Noodle that you were not supposed to eat those. And also a winged tar'kee had come out of them, once. Noodle was paying rapt attention, eyes wide, not noticing Rocky about to pounce on their tail.

It was with no shortage of relief that she spotted Marchus and Lairi approaching, and waved. They waved back with their extra set of limbs, and joined her on the moderately dry patch of dirt.

Marchus looked at the youngsters with no small amount of trepidation, while Lairi let out a laugh at Rocky finally pounced on Noodle's tail, causing Noodle to jump about a food in the air. Glow picked up Rocky before they could try something else and shrugged.

"They asked to come again."

Marchus shrugged dismissively. "I hope they like digging."

The group was out to set snares again, in the same location they had last time, hoping to have some more luck with the golden nukap. The swamplands, though, were hard to navigate, even with maps and compasses. The more electronic navigation systems… well, they wouldn't fare well with all the water.

Lairi and Glow monitored the youngsters, pointing at their surroundings and pointing out the strange flora and fauna. Marchus, instead, focused on his maps and the ground, studying it for clues. While the soft, marshy ground held prints well, it was also subject to water that softened the prints, and the tracks of other animals that had crossed it. Instead of grass, there were strange fungi-like protrusions, which Lairi and Glow and to shoo Rocky away from trying to sample.

Thankfully Noodle and Bloodstone seemed to have more common sense, as they eyed the strange flora curiously but didn't try to taste.

Marchus looked up from his examining of the ground and seemed to be about to speak, when a voice from above interrupted him.

"Are you going hunting, again?"

Glow nearly jumped out of her skin, as did Marchus and Lairi, but the youngsters all just made ooo-ing noises at the two aerobics in the trees above, heads tilted on long necks.

"Lumen?" Lairi asked, confused, while Marchus looked disgruntled about being interrupted.

The green, glowing aerobic preened slightly. "Yes. This is Boti," they motioned at the black aerobic next to them, who seemed much shyer than their companion. "They wanted to see your techniques. As I said before, we are unused to hunting in this… environment," Lumen gestured almost distastefully at the surrounding mushroom forest and swampy ground.

"We're hungry," Boti agreed, softly, craning down at the Bloodstone, Noodle, and Rocky who had gathered beneath them, making excited chatter between them.

Glow blinked. Depths had mentioned strangers, briefly - but aerobics? Oh, she was going to strangle him for information when she got back. She exchanged glances with Lairi and Marchus, who all three shrugged.

"You set your own stakes," Marchus stated, but then moved off.

Thankfully, with the newcomers, Glow had no problem getting the youngsters to follow. Rocky seemed to be fascinated with the glowing stripes on Lumen's tail, and both Bloodstone and Noodle seemed to sense Boti's shyness in the way children do, and had decided to reassure the older aerobic.

Boti seemed to appreciate it, though Lumen kept flicking their tail in annoyance at Rock's fascination. Thankfully, Lairi scooped the youngster up before they could alienate their strange guest. Marchus ignored all of this, following a trail only he could see beneath the fan of mushroom caps.

Soon, both he and Lairi seemed to recognize the area, for they sped up slightly, and soon enough, the group emerged into a clearing with clear signs of being used as a foraging ground. Marchus looked around and nodded, then beckoned Boti over to show them how to set the stakes for snares.

Boti moved over hesitantly, Noodle now curled between their shoulder blades, and Bloodstone very seriously telling them that it was very important to set stakes right. Glow thought the aerobic almost seemed to be sweating, but Lumen shared none of their companion's uncertainty. They and Lairi began working, Lairi occasionally correcting their form.

Glow turned to her own patch of dirt, still carrying Rocky, and absently gave them a stake to entertain themselves with. Rocky proceeded to hoist it over their head and let out a fearsome war cry before stabbing it into the ground. The others blinked at the youngster, who seemed quite proud of their work.

More than a little amused, Glow handed them a rock and let them hammer in the stake, and then other stakes she placed for them. Rocky seemed to take the task quite seriously.

Elsewhere in the clearing, Boti was learning quickly from Marchus' teachings, hammering in a stake while Bloodstone held it for them while Noodle still curled between the aerobic's wings, apparently asleep. Lumen and Lairi continued their work, seeming to get along well. The group finished setting in their stakes, and started on the wires, which Glow was careful to keep the youngsters away from.

As the sun began to fade from the sky above, with the youngsters yawning, Glow decided to head back with them. She trusted Marchus and Lairi to pick up her share of the carcasses. Boti seemed almost reluctant to leave, but followed Lumen up into the trees once their work was done.

Walking back, Noodle full of energy from their nap, Bloodstone yawning as they walked beside her, and Rocky all but falling asleep. She heard the snuffling of nukaps in the grove around and behind them, and paused before boosting the youngsters up onto a low cap before jumping up herself to watch the group move past.

The small group watched the animals move past, Noodle occasionally trying to jump onto one, and both Rocky and Bloodstone curled up, asleep. Glow watched the six-limbed animals move along, noting the variation in colors with interest. Some of the colors she could see there being a use for - blending in with the strange mushroom foliage - but others she wondered if they were escaped farm animals. It seemed like it would be hard to keep a fence together out here.

Once the group had moved off and their snuffling had died down in the distance, Glow hopped down, rousing Bloodstone and Rocky from their nap. Thankfully, it seemed to have invigorated them, and they joined Noodle in playing the game of who could stay the driest following Glow. Glow was thankful it wasn't who could be the wettest, remembering Depths' ear infection.

Eventually, though, once they reached the port, the three were yawning and tired. Muddy and sleepy, they loaded into the small flier as Glow shooed them up the ram before passing out in a pile on the floor. Glow eyed the mud on them and herself and sighed, only now remembering Depths' complaints about having to decontam the flier. The entire thing now smelled like soggy furry animal, with some fun dashes of decomposing plant matter added into the mix. Glow sighed, resigned to the task.

Well, that would be something to deal with later. For now, she was happy to launch the flier into the air and head home, to the dry mountains of Rekes. And home.

Total Wordcount: 1301
1 to 200
This time, it was Depths that was injured, and Glow was taking the youngsters along on the hunting trip. He had gotten some sort of ear infection from the swampy water, and Glow was careful to avoid the deeper puddles as she splashed to the meeting point, strange, fungi-like foliage rising overhead. She also wished she had extra arms to corral the youngsters. Since while they had listened to Glow's warnings… she could see them eyeing the puddles hopefully. Bloodstone was very seriously pointing at the marshy ground and mushroom-like trees with their strange fruit and explaining to Noodle that you were not supposed to eat those. And also a winged tar'kee had come out of them, once. Noodle was paying rapt attention, eyes wide, not noticing Rocky about to pounce on their tail. It was with no shortage of relief that she spotted Marchus and Lairi approaching, and waved. They waved back with their extra set of limbs, and joined her on the moderately dry patch of dirt. Marchus looked at the youngsters with no small amount of trepidation, while Lairi let out a laugh at Rocky finally pounced on Noodle's tail, causing Noodle to jump about a food
Mention Counter
Lairi: 2 mentions
Marchus: 2 mentions
Noodle: 4 mentions
Glow: 3 mentions
Bloodstone: 1 mentions
Rocky: 2 mentions

201 to 400
in the air. Glow picked up Rocky before they could try something else and shrugged. "They asked to come again." Marchus shrugged dismissively. "I hope they like digging." The group was out to set snares again, in the same location they had last time, hoping to have some more luck with the golden nukap. The swamplands, though, were hard to navigate, even with maps and compasses. The more electronic navigation systems… well, they wouldn't fare well with all the water. Lairi and Glow monitored the youngsters, pointing at their surroundings and pointing out the strange flora and fauna. Marchus, instead, focused on his maps and the ground, studying it for clues. While the soft, marshy ground held prints well, it was also subject to water that softened the prints, and the tracks of other animals that had crossed it. Instead of grass, there were strange fungi-like protrusions, which Lairi and Glow and to shoo Rocky away from trying to sample. Thankfully Noodle and Bloodstone seemed to have more common sense, as they eyed the strange flora curiously but didn't try to taste. Marchus looked up from his examining of the ground and seemed to be about to speak, when a
Mention Counter
Lairi: 2 mentions
Marchus: 3 mentions
Noodle: 1 mentions
Glow: 3 mentions
Bloodstone: 1 mentions
Rocky: 2 mentions

401 to 600
voice from above interrupted him. "Are you going hunting, again?" Glow nearly jumped out of her skin, as did Marchus and Lairi, but the youngsters all just made ooo-ing noises at the two aerobics in the trees above, heads tilted on long necks. "Lumen?" Lairi asked, confused, while Marchus looked disgruntled about being interrupted. The green, glowing aerobic preened slightly. "Yes. This is Boti," they motioned at the black aerobic next to them, who seemed much shyer than their companion. "They wanted to see your techniques. As I said before, we are unused to hunting in this… environment," Lumen gestured almost distastefully at the surrounding mushroom forest and swampy ground. "We're hungry," Boti agreed, softly, craning down at the Bloodstone, Noodle, and Rocky who had gathered beneath them, making excited chatter between them. Glow blinked. Depths had mentioned strangers, briefly - but aerobics? Oh, she was going to strangle him for information when she got back. She exchanged glances with Lairi and Marchus, who all three shrugged. "You set your own stakes," Marchus stated, but then moved off. Thankfully, with the newcomers, Glow had no problem getting the youngsters to follow. Rocky seemed to be fascinated with the glowing stripes
Mention Counter
Lairi: 3 mentions
Marchus: 4 mentions
Noodle: 1 mentions
Glow: 3 mentions
Bloodstone: 1 mentions
Rocky: 2 mentions
Lumen: 2 mentions
Boti: 2 mentions

601 to 800
on Lumen's tail, and both Bloodstone and Noodle seemed to sense Boti's shyness in the way children do, and had decided to reassure the older aerobic. Boti seemed to appreciate it, though Lumen kept flicking their tail in annoyance at Rock's fascination. Thankfully, Lairi scooped the youngster up before they could alienate their strange guest. Marchus ignored all of this, following a trail only he could see beneath the fan of mushroom caps. Soon, both he and Lairi seemed to recognize the area, for they sped up slightly, and soon enough, the group emerged into a clearing with clear signs of being used as a foraging ground. Marchus looked around and nodded, then beckoned Boti over to show them how to set the stakes for snares. Boti moved over hesitantly, Noodle now curled between their shoulder blades, and Bloodstone very seriously telling them that it was very important to set stakes right. Glow thought the aerobic almost seemed to be sweating, but Lumen shared none of their companion's uncertainty. They and Lairi began working, Lairi occasionally correcting their form. Glow turned to her own patch of dirt, still carrying Rocky, and absently gave them a stake to entertain themselves with.
Mention Counter
Lairi: 4 mentions
Marchus: 2 mentions
Noodle: 2 mentions
Glow: 2 mentions
Bloodstone: 2 mentions
Rocky: 1 mentions
Lumen: 3 mentions
Boti: 4 mentions

801 to 1000
Rocky proceeded to hoist it over their head and let out a fearsome war cry before stabbing it into the ground. The others blinked at the youngster, who seemed quite proud of their work. More than a little amused, Glow handed them a rock and let them hammer in the stake, and then other stakes she placed for them. Rocky seemed to take the task quite seriously. Elsewhere in the clearing, Boti was learning quickly from Marchus' teachings, hammering in a stake while Bloodstone held it for them while Noodle still curled between the aerobic's wings, apparently asleep. Lumen and Lairi continued their work, seeming to get along well. The group finished setting in their stakes, and started on the wires, which Glow was careful to keep the youngsters away from. As the sun began to fade from the sky above, with the youngsters yawning, Glow decided to head back with them. She trusted Marchus and Lairi to pick up her share of the carcasses. Boti seemed almost reluctant to leave, but followed Lumen up into the trees once their work was done. Walking back, Noodle full of energy from their nap, Bloodstone yawning as they walked beside her, and
Mention Counter
Lairi: 2 mentions
Marchus: 2 mentions
Noodle: 2 mentions
Glow: 3 mentions
Bloodstone: 2 mentions
Rocky: 2 mentions
Lumen: 2 mentions
Boti: 2 mentions

1001 to 1200
Rocky all but falling asleep. She heard the snuffling of nukaps in the grove around and behind them, and paused before boosting the youngsters up onto a low cap before jumping up herself to watch the group move past. The small group watched the animals move past, Noodle occasionally trying to jump onto one, and both Rocky and Bloodstone curled up, asleep. Glow watched the six-limbed animals move along, noting the variation in colors with interest. Some of the colors she could see there being a use for - blending in with the strange mushroom foliage - but others she wondered if they were escaped farm animals. It seemed like it would be hard to keep a fence together out here. Once the group had moved off and their snuffling had died down in the distance, Glow hopped down, rousing Bloodstone and Rocky from their nap. Thankfully, it seemed to have invigorated them, and they joined Noodle in playing the game of who could stay the driest following Glow. Glow was thankful it wasn't who could be the wettest, remembering Depths' ear infection. Eventually, though, once they reached the port, the three were yawning and tired. Muddy and sleepy, they
Mention Counter
Noodle: 2 mentions
Glow: 4 mentions
Bloodstone: 2 mentions
Rocky: 3 mentions

1201 to 1301
loaded into the small flier as Glow shooed them up the ram before passing out in a pile on the floor. Glow eyed the mud on them and herself and sighed, only now remembering Depths' complaints about having to decontam the flier. The entire thing now smelled like soggy furry animal, with some fun dashes of decomposing plant matter added into the mix. Glow sighed, resigned to the task. Well, that would be something to deal with later. For now, she was happy to launch the flier into the air and head home, to the dry mountains of Rekes. And home.
Mention Counter
Glow: 3 mentions
Lairi is in 5 chunks
Marchus is in 5 chunks
Noodle is in 6 chunks
Glow is in 7 chunks
Bloodstone is in 6 chunks
Rocky is in 6 chunks
Lumen is in 3 chunks
Boti is in 3 chunks
Avatar of Skyward

Babysitting Once More

In Tark'ee Trespass ・ By Skyward ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments

borrowing lairi and marchus once more... golden nukap please.... please....

Submitted By Skyward
Submitted 4 weeks ago Last Updated 4 weeks ago
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[Babysitting Once More by Skyward (Literature)](
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