The colony was mobilized. Soey recruited Mateo, Davus, and Temar to help in readying the headquarters. They took stock of supplies and made lists of things they may need depending on how many children they were about to take on (nobody would acknowledge out loud that perhaps there wouldn't be any). A medical triage area, sleeping arrangements, and so many other tiny details had to be set up. Cleaning, organizing, inventory. Creating new beds and securing linens. They'd be staying behind to ready everything and collect more resources and food. The boys were taking it all incredibly seriously. Rashi guessed it was partly from the training they'd received from their parents before they joined the Othermoons colony, and perhaps also partly from their new understanding of why their best friend had been having such bad dreams in the night. They would not be allowed to accompany the rescue mission, and they were determined to do their part, and be there for Taiah, and hopefully for her friends, when they returned.

Gwendolyn would be staying with them to help as well, but for now she was with Blip, Taiah, and Rashi, because her knowledge of caves and waterways was going to be invaluable in the search for clues as to where this mysterious cage in a cave may be, and in mapping a route for the small rescue squad. Neither Blip nor Rashi was super comfortable about Taiah coming… the possibility of her being recaptured was one concern, but also simply revisiting the scene of her horrors and what may await them there- would her friends be there at all, if they found the place? But there was no getting around it, they would need her to point out landmarks and were in general unlikely to find the place without her help. It was suggested at first that everyone should go in case they would need the strength of numbers, but Blip pointed out that should the rescue require a show of force, four adults and four children without any training or experience in combat were unlikely to be very effective against an unknown number of ne'er-do-wells and security robots. They were all hoping for a clean stealth mission. Ideally they would sneak in, free the children, and sneak out with them, but worst case, they'd information gather and then recruit some kind of help- now they had a few local allies, and though they were on shaky terms with DPIP they could radio for aid if they had to. Provided they weren't behind whatever was happening underground, but the colony was really hoping the moral compass of the entity that had sent them here to make a home and learn things hadn't sunk quite that far.

Gwendolyn approached the table where they were drawing maps with a grim face and an object in her palm.

"This is something I found just before I joined the colony," she said. "I held onto it because I wasn't sure exactly what it was, but since then I've learned about message pods from Rashi and, well… when I first opened it, I thought it was unfortunate news but not relevant to our life here on Rekes. But now… I think you need to read it."

The report was alarming. Apparently, some kind of facility in Northern Mireh, nearly the other end of the planet, had been discovered and raided following some kind of calamity. It was implicated in the disappearance of children. It seemed too coincidental for them to ignore when now they were themselves searching for clues to missing children.

Given what they were able to piece together from Taiah's story and the location Rashi had found her originally, near Skullcrack Ravine, there was very little chance she'd come from Northern Mireh. But if this was affiliated with the group implicated in the report, it might be a much bigger organization than originally surmised.

They had precious little to go on, so Blip and Rashi took the location Mireh and the currents and waterways that might lead to a somewhat discreet location near Skullcrack where child-smuggling baddies could rendezvous without too much notice from lawful citizenry. This would be where they'd begin their search. They chose their gear carefully, and in preparation of a jailbreak, Rashi shouldered her strongest pry bar. They recorded a route carefully, leaving the information with their friends in case of a worst-outcome scenario, and plotted exactly where they'd camp coming and going for the least chance of discovery. It was a quiet farewell, but Mateo, Temar, and Davus watched until their friend disappeared over the hill before returning to their duties. Temar remained in silent vigil until he couldn't see their tiny figures anymore. The rest did not comment on this and left him to his contemplation until he was ready to reengage with the preparations.

Total Wordcount: 808
1 to 200
The colony was mobilized. Soey recruited Mateo, Davus, and Temar to help in readying the headquarters. They took stock of supplies and made lists of things they may need depending on how many children they were about to take on (nobody would acknowledge out loud that perhaps there wouldn't be any). A medical triage area, sleeping arrangements, and so many other tiny details had to be set up. Cleaning, organizing, inventory. Creating new beds and securing linens. They'd be staying behind to ready everything and collect more resources and food. The boys were taking it all incredibly seriously. Rashi guessed it was partly from the training they'd received from their parents before they joined the Othermoons colony, and perhaps also partly from their new understanding of why their best friend had been having such bad dreams in the night. They would not be allowed to accompany the rescue mission, and they were determined to do their part, and be there for Taiah, and hopefully for her friends, when they returned. Gwendolyn would be staying with them to help as well, but for now she was with Blip, Taiah, and Rashi, because her knowledge of caves and waterways was going to
Mention Counter
Taiah: 2 mentions
Rashi: 2 mentions
Gwendolyn: 1 mentions
Soey: 1 mentions
Mateo: 1 mentions
Davus: 1 mentions
Temar: 1 mentions

201 to 400
be invaluable in the search for clues as to where this mysterious cage in a cave may be, and in mapping a route for the small rescue squad. Neither Blip nor Rashi was super comfortable about Taiah coming… the possibility of her being recaptured was one concern, but also simply revisiting the scene of her horrors and what may await them there- would her friends be there at all, if they found the place? But there was no getting around it, they would need her to point out landmarks and were in general unlikely to find the place without her help. It was suggested at first that everyone should go in case they would need the strength of numbers, but Blip pointed out that should the rescue require a show of force, four adults and four children without any training or experience in combat were unlikely to be very effective against an unknown number of ne'er-do-wells and security robots. They were all hoping for a clean stealth mission. Ideally they would sneak in, free the children, and sneak out with them, but worst case, they'd information gather and then recruit some kind of help- now they had a few local
Mention Counter
Taiah: 1 mentions
Rashi: 1 mentions

401 to 600
allies, and though they were on shaky terms with DPIP they could radio for aid if they had to. Provided they weren't behind whatever was happening underground, but the colony was really hoping the moral compass of the entity that had sent them here to make a home and learn things hadn't sunk quite that far. Gwendolyn approached the table where they were drawing maps with a grim face and an object in her palm. "This is something I found just before I joined the colony," she said. "I held onto it because I wasn't sure exactly what it was, but since then I've learned about message pods from Rashi and, well… when I first opened it, I thought it was unfortunate news but not relevant to our life here on Rekes. But now… I think you need to read it." The report was alarming. Apparently, some kind of facility in Northern Mireh, nearly the other end of the planet, had been discovered and raided following some kind of calamity. It was implicated in the disappearance of children. It seemed too coincidental for them to ignore when now they were themselves searching for clues to missing children. ((Given what they
Mention Counter
Rashi: 1 mentions
Gwendolyn: 1 mentions

601 to 800
were able to piece together from Taiah's story and the location Rashi had found her originally, near Skullcrack Ravine, there was very little chance she'd come from Northern Mireh.)) But if this was affiliated with the group implicated in the report, it might be a much bigger organization than originally surmised. They had precious little to go on, so Blip and Rashi took the location Mireh and the currents and waterways that might lead to a somewhat discreet location near Skullcrack where child-smuggling baddies could rendezvous without too much notice from lawful citizenry. This would be where they'd begin their search. They chose their gear carefully, and in preparation of a jailbreak, Rashi shouldered her strongest pry bar. They recorded a route carefully, leaving the information with their friends in case of a worst-outcome scenario, and plotted exactly where they'd camp coming and going for the least chance of discovery. It was a quiet farewell, but Mateo, Temar, and Davus watched until their friend disappeared over the hill before returning to their duties. Temar remained in silent vigil until he couldn't see their tiny figures anymore. The rest did not comment on this and left him to his contemplation until
Mention Counter
Taiah: 1 mentions
Rashi: 3 mentions
Mateo: 1 mentions
Davus: 1 mentions
Temar: 2 mentions

801 to 808
he was ready to reengage with the preparations.
Mention Counter
Taiah is in 3 chunks
Rashi is in 4 chunks
Gwendolyn is in 2 chunks
Soey is in 1 chunks
Mateo is in 2 chunks
Davus is in 2 chunks
Temar is in 2 chunks
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Othermoons Colony 6 (Rescue Part 2) : A Simple Report

In Investigation ・ By Othermoons ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments

Our intrepid heroes set out on their desperate rescue mission... 

Submitted By Othermoons for Simple StealthLocation: Skullcrack (Rekes)
Submitted 2 months ago Last Updated 2 months ago
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