The bell on the front door dinged as two tsabs made their way into Tsidal's medical building. The sharp sound was sure to bring the attention of someone soon, but for the moment the pair of tsabs took in the sight before them. The waiting room looked surprisingly comfortable. In contrast to sterility of a surgery room, this waiting room had cozy beanbag chairs with what looked like easily disinfect-able covers for the patients to wait on. The large windows of the room let the costal sun shine in, creating a lovely natural light. There was even a cluster of potted plants on a desk in the middle of the room. It was clearly supposed to be a receptionist desk, but no receptionist seemed present. Brrr and Lohi looked at one another, slightly concerned by that detail.

As if to reassure them, three colonists appeared in the lobby. Rozwel, a small blue and red, curly furred belemoid, Skyner, a grey and white aquatic Tark'ee whelp, and Spalla, a bright pink aerobic Tark'ee whelp, greeted the newcomers. They rounded the desk of the lobby and stood politely to meet the tsabs, the whelps looking curiously at them, clearly excited to not only have patients, but new and exciting patients! Rozwel stepped forward to introduce them all. "Hello, welcome to Tsidal's hospital. I'm Rozwel, I'm one of the doctors here. These are Spalla and Skyner- they're my assistants for the day, and if you're okay with it, they'll be sitting in to learn more about medicine.

Lohi nodded politely while Brrr seemed to shift rather indifferently at the niceties. Lohi in turn responded "Hello, it's nice to meet you all. Of course the whelps can sit in. My name is Lohi, and this is my fellow colonist, Brrr. We are both in need of some medical assistance and were in the area. We figured we'd come by and see if you'd be able to help us."

Rozwel nodded. "Of course, follow me into a patient room. Would you two like to stay together or be seen separately?" The belemoid turned to walk towards their patient rooms with the whelps following on her heel. Brrr and Lohi glanced at each other and Brrr shrugged. Since they both seemed indifferent Lohi asked that they stick together.

All five colonists entered a rather large patient room. "You can take turns hopping up on the table. Who wants to be seen first?" Rozwel asked the pair. Spalla hopped up on a chair in the corner and grabbed a tablet to write something on, clearly intent on taking notes. Skyner had spotted a patch of fur missing from Lohi's leg on the way in and had taken some initiative, getting bandaging material out- just in case. Brrr gestured for Lohi to go ahead and hop up and the quiet tsab took a seat near Spalla, leaving an empty chair between them.

Lohi hopped up on the table but winced as she did so. Rozwel frowned. "Oh you didn't need to hop up if it hurt! I'm sorry. Tell me about what's going on?" At this point Rozwel had spotted the patch of fur missing as well. Lohi gestured towards it. "I took a fall, scraped myself up. I thought it wasn't so bad, but it's been a couple days now and it still hurts to walk. When I fell my leg caught on some thorns and they took the fur out."

Rozwel nodded along and Spalla wrote everything down as if her life depended on it. "Let me manipulate your leg and you tell me when or if a certain motion hurts. I'm not convinced by this description, and the fact that you've been walking for a couple days, that this is an issue an xray would help with. We may be dealing with a soft tissue injury."

Rozwel carefully moved Lohi's leg and the tsab quickly let her know when she was in pain. Brrr winced as Lohi did, and Skyner and Spalla looked equally concerned. Rozwel just nodded thoughtfully. "Okay Lohi, let me help you down carefully from the table. Don't jump up there again, I don't want you to injure yourself further. I think you do have a deep muscle bruise- I can see the coloration changes, but I also suspect you may have injured a ligament. I would like to actually test this, but it's a quite painful test so I'd recommend light sedation for your comfort." Lohi nodded and grimaced at the thought of a more severe injury.

"In the meantime, Brrr, why don't you tell me more about what ails you?" The other tsab shifted and finally spoke up, holding up a swollen finger. "I jammed my finger earlier today and Lohi already needed to come here so I came along too in case you can help." Rozwel looked at Lohi's finger and told Spalla to note the swelling, who happily drew a little picture of Brrr's finger. Skyner peered over to get a look at it as well.

"Can you bend it?" "Yeah, but it hurts." Brrr responded, skeptical about actually moving the finger. Rozwel nodded reassuringly. "May I feel the joints?" Brrr nodded and held out the finger. "Alright, this doesn't feel broken or like anything is out of place. I think we can just prescribe some pain killers and you rest it until it feels better, okay? If it continues to hurt after about 3-4 days, make sure to come back to me, or visit another hospital." Brrr accepted these instructions and sat back down, attention turned to Lohi once again.

"Lohi, have you had time to think about the sedation?" Rozwel asked, ears centered on the tsab. "Yes, I think it's a good idea. Let's do it." Lohi replied. "Skyner, please go get me the sedation consent forms, and Spalla, could you go ahead and make sure the new files for these two are updated properly with your excellent notes?"

The whelps ran off to their tasks. "Brrr, you're welcome to wait here, or if you'd be more comfortable in the waiting room, we can meet you back out there when we're done. It's not a long procedure, so you shouldn't be here more than another hour- and that's just to make sure sedation wears off enough for it to be safe to travel. If you think you might like to stay longer though, I can recommend you check out the brand new inn! It's just next door and has the lovely hanging potted plants." Rozwel gestured to her left and Lohi and Brrr looked at one another again, unsure as to what the best course of action would be. Spalla and Skyner, having overheard this decided to give their input. "It's a really nice place! When any whelps are found and brought into the colony and don't have a place to stay, they get to stay in the inn until they find the best fit for them. They also make really good food, and there's a coastal view from every bedroom!"

With the glowing recommendation from the whelps, Brrr decided to go next door and book accommodation for the night. From what Rozwel had said, it sounded like Lohi might need to wait until the next day to ensure safe travel.

Total Wordcount: 1215
1 to 200
The bell on the front door dinged as two tsabs made their way into Tsidal's medical building. The sharp sound was sure to bring the attention of someone soon, but for the moment the pair of tsabs took in the sight before them. The waiting room looked surprisingly comfortable. In contrast to sterility of a surgery room, this waiting room had cozy beanbag chairs with what looked like easily disinfect-able covers for the patients to wait on. The large windows of the room let the costal sun shine in, creating a lovely natural light. There was even a cluster of potted plants on a desk in the middle of the room. It was clearly supposed to be a receptionist desk, but no receptionist seemed present. Brrr and Lohi looked at one another, slightly concerned by that detail. As if to reassure them, three colonists appeared in the lobby. Rozwel, a small blue and red, curly furred belemoid, Skyner, a grey and white aquatic Tark'ee whelp, and Spalla, a bright pink aerobic Tark'ee whelp, greeted the newcomers. They rounded the desk of the lobby and stood politely to meet the tsabs, the whelps looking curiously at them, clearly excited to not
Mention Counter
Rozwel: 1 mentions
Brrr: 1 mentions
Lohi: 1 mentions
Skyner: 1 mentions
Spalla: 1 mentions

201 to 400
only have patients, but new and exciting patients! Rozwel stepped forward to introduce them all. "Hello, welcome to Tsidal's hospital. I'm Rozwel, I'm one of the doctors here. These are Spalla and Skyner- they're my assistants for the day, and if you're okay with it, they'll be sitting in to learn more about medicine. Lohi nodded politely while Brrr seemed to shift rather indifferently at the niceties. Lohi in turn responded "Hello, it's nice to meet you all. Of course the whelps can sit in. My name is Lohi, and this is my fellow colonist, Brrr. We are both in need of some medical assistance and were in the area. We figured we'd come by and see if you'd be able to help us." Rozwel nodded. "Of course, follow me into a patient room. Would you two like to stay together or be seen separately?" The belemoid turned to walk towards their patient rooms with the whelps following on her heel. Brrr and Lohi glanced at each other and Brrr shrugged. Since they both seemed indifferent Lohi asked that they stick together. All five colonists entered a rather large patient room. "You can take turns hopping up on the table.
Mention Counter
Rozwel: 3 mentions
Brrr: 4 mentions
Lohi: 5 mentions
Skyner: 1 mentions
Spalla: 1 mentions

401 to 600
Who wants to be seen first?" Rozwel asked the pair. Spalla hopped up on a chair in the corner and grabbed a tablet to write something on, clearly intent on taking notes. Skyner had spotted a patch of fur missing from Lohi's leg on the way in and had taken some initiative, getting bandaging material out- just in case. Brrr gestured for Lohi to go ahead and hop up and the quiet tsab took a seat near Spalla, leaving an empty chair between them. Lohi hopped up on the table but winced as she did so. Rozwel frowned. "Oh you didn't need to hop up if it hurt! I'm sorry. Tell me about what's going on?" At this point Rozwel had spotted the patch of fur missing as well. Lohi gestured towards it. "I took a fall, scraped myself up. I thought it wasn't so bad, but it's been a couple days now and it still hurts to walk. When I fell my leg caught on some thorns and they took the fur out." Rozwel nodded along and Spalla wrote everything down as if her life depended on it. "Let me manipulate your leg and you tell me when or
Mention Counter
Rozwel: 4 mentions
Brrr: 1 mentions
Lohi: 4 mentions
Skyner: 1 mentions
Spalla: 3 mentions

601 to 800
if a certain motion hurts. I'm not convinced by this description, and the fact that you've been walking for a couple days, that this is an issue an xray would help with. We may be dealing with a soft tissue injury." Rozwel carefully moved Lohi's leg and the tsab quickly let her know when she was in pain. Brrr winced as Lohi did, and Skyner and Spalla looked equally concerned. Rozwel just nodded thoughtfully. "Okay Lohi, let me help you down carefully from the table. Don't jump up there again, I don't want you to injure yourself further. I think you do have a deep muscle bruise- I can see the coloration changes, but I also suspect you may have injured a ligament. I would like to actually test this, but it's a quite painful test so I'd recommend light sedation for your comfort." Lohi nodded and grimaced at the thought of a more severe injury. "In the meantime, Brrr, why don't you tell me more about what ails you?" The other tsab shifted and finally spoke up, holding up a swollen finger. "I jammed my finger earlier today and Lohi already needed to come here so I came along
Mention Counter
Rozwel: 2 mentions
Brrr: 2 mentions
Lohi: 5 mentions
Skyner: 1 mentions
Spalla: 1 mentions

801 to 1000
too in case you can help." Rozwel looked at Lohi's finger and told Spalla to note the swelling, who happily drew a little picture of Brrr's finger. Skyner peered over to get a look at it as well. "Can you bend it?" "Yeah, but it hurts." Brrr responded, skeptical about actually moving the finger. Rozwel nodded reassuringly. "May I feel the joints?" Brrr nodded and held out the finger. "Alright, this doesn't feel broken or like anything is out of place. I think we can just prescribe some pain killers and you rest it until it feels better, okay? If it continues to hurt after about 3-4 days, make sure to come back to me, or visit another hospital." Brrr accepted these instructions and sat back down, attention turned to Lohi once again. "Lohi, have you had time to think about the sedation?" Rozwel asked, ears centered on the tsab. "Yes, I think it's a good idea. Let's do it." Lohi replied. "Skyner, please go get me the sedation consent forms, and Spalla, could you go ahead and make sure the new files for these two are updated properly with your excellent notes?" The whelps ran off to their tasks.
Mention Counter
Rozwel: 3 mentions
Brrr: 4 mentions
Lohi: 4 mentions
Skyner: 2 mentions
Spalla: 2 mentions

1001 to 1200
"Brrr, you're welcome to wait here, or if you'd be more comfortable in the waiting room, we can meet you back out there when we're done. It's not a long procedure, so you shouldn't be here more than another hour- and that's just to make sure sedation wears off enough for it to be safe to travel. If you think you might like to stay longer though, I can recommend you check out the brand new inn! It's just next door and has the lovely hanging potted plants." Rozwel gestured to her left and Lohi and Brrr looked at one another again, unsure as to what the best course of action would be. Spalla and Skyner, having overheard this decided to give their input. "It's a really nice place! When any whelps are found and brought into the colony and don't have a place to stay, they get to stay in the inn until they find the best fit for them. They also make really good food, and there's a coastal view from every bedroom!" With the glowing recommendation from the whelps, Brrr decided to go next door and book accommodation for the night. From what Rozwel had said, it
Mention Counter
Rozwel: 2 mentions
Brrr: 3 mentions
Lohi: 1 mentions
Skyner: 1 mentions
Spalla: 1 mentions

1201 to 1215
sounded like Lohi might need to wait until the next day to ensure safe travel.
Mention Counter
Lohi: 1 mentions
Rozwel is in 6 chunks
Brrr is in 6 chunks
Lohi is in 7 chunks
Skyner is in 6 chunks
Spalla is in 6 chunks
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[HEAL : Trade] Brrr and Lohi visit Tsidal’s hospital

In Healing ・ By Tsidal ・ 1 Favourite ・ 0 Comments

Lohi has a leg injury. Brrr has a finger injury. Rozwel and friends are ready to help them both 

Submitted By Tsidal for Tend an InjuryLocation: Ocean (Xiunus) ・ View Favorites
Submitted 2 months ago Last Updated 2 months ago
Trade With:   Dendan
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#3480 by Tsidal
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[[HEAL : Trade] Brrr and Lohi visit Tsidal’s hospital by Tsidal (Literature)](
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