Deliver had to run in order to keep up with everyone else. She had always been smaller than most Tark'ee, and the others had been excited to head out. Snowdrop had instantly run ahead, Boast and Cry following close behind. Deliver had stayed back, waiting for permission from Fawn to follow them outside. Only when Fawn had given her a little nod did she run after her friends.

"Wait up for me!" she cried out, although her friends were already too far away to really be able to hear her. She sighed. She really wished the others would wait up for her sometimes.

As the four ran trough the fields of Mireh, long grass tickling at their bellies, Deliver was suddenly stopped as she saw something familiar on the horizon. Or should she say someone.

"Guys look!" she said, finally catching the attention of the other whelps she was with.

The other three Tark'ee peered over the horizon until they caught sight of the shape standing on top of the hill. They gasped, and instantly ran towards them. Arazias, Ztuli and Rosemary didn't look like they had been expecting visitors, and the surprised look on their faces was kind of funny when they realized the four whelps were running at them.

"Hi!!!" Boast greeted, excitedly. Deliver came up the the group later, panting loudly. "I told you guys to wait up!" she sighed, rolling her eyes. Boast and Cry at least had the decency to look embarrassed, but Snowdrop was already busy chatting with Ztuli.

"We haven't seen you guys for a while." said Rosemary, with a soft smile on her face. "We were out looking for flowers. Didn't really expect to meet anyone else, but it's a good surprise."

Next to her, Arazias nodded politely. The bug net the Tark'ee was carrying told a different story than flower picking, but Deliver figured it wasn't worth pointing out.

"It's lovely weather to look for flowers." Boast nodded, and Deliver couldn't help but agree. The sun had been shining all morning, and the last few days had been free of rain too, which made the terrain easy to navigate. Deliver could also appreciate the lack of puddles to muddy her paws with.

"I saw some nice flowers where we came from!" Cry said, excitedly. "We can bring you to them if you'd like?"

"I saw a bunch of butterflies around there, too!" added Deliver quickly. Arazias perked up at that, excitedly looking at Rosemary.

"We can show you the way!" Boast called out, dashing off without waiting for an answer. Cry and Deliver sighed, by now used to the aquatic Tark'ee's antics. They ran after her, Deliver briefly checking to see if Rosemary and Arazias were following.

They were a decent way to the flowers when Deliver remembered that they had forgotten Snowdrop and Ztuli. She stopped briefly, looking at the two on top of the hill. "Guys! We're leaving!"

Snowdrop's head whipped around comically. Deliver could barely catch a "Hey! Wait up for us!" shouted her way, and briefly waited up for the last two of their little group to make their way over. A small smile spread across her face as she waited for them to catch up. She was glad that finally, she wasn't the one getting left behind.

Only when Snowdrop and Ztuli had caught up with her, she started moving again. "We're gonna go pick flowers." she briefly informed the other two, before running off again. The other two followed closely behind, and soon all three of them would catch up with their other friends again.

Total Wordcount: 600
1 to 200
Deliver had to run in order to keep up with everyone else. She had always been smaller than most Tark'ee, and the others had been excited to head out. Snowdrop had instantly run ahead, Boast and Cry following close behind. Deliver had stayed back, waiting for permission from Fawn to follow them outside. Only when Fawn had given her a little nod did she run after her friends. "Wait up for me!" she cried out, although her friends were already too far away to really be able to hear her. She sighed. She really wished the others would wait up for her sometimes. As the four ran trough the fields of Mireh, long grass tickling at their bellies, Deliver was suddenly stopped as she saw something familiar on the horizon. Or should she say someone. "Guys look!" she said, finally catching the attention of the other whelps she was with. The other three Tark'ee peered over the horizon until they caught sight of the shape standing on top of the hill. They gasped, and instantly ran towards them. Arazias, Ztuli and Rosemary didn't look like they had been expecting visitors, and the surprised look on their faces was kind of
Mention Counter
Snowdrop: 1 mentions
Boast: 1 mentions
Cry: 1 mentions
Deliver: 3 mentions
Rosemary: 1 mentions
Ztuli: 1 mentions
Arazias: 1 mentions

201 to 400
funny when they realized the four whelps were running at them. "Hi!!!" Boast greeted, excitedly. Deliver came up the the group later, panting loudly. "I told you guys to wait up!" she sighed, rolling her eyes. Boast and Cry at least had the decency to look embarrassed, but Snowdrop was already busy chatting with Ztuli. "We haven't seen you guys for a while." said Rosemary, with a soft smile on her face. "We were out looking for flowers. Didn't really expect to meet anyone else, but it's a good surprise." Next to her, Arazias nodded politely. The bug net the Tark'ee was carrying told a different story than flower picking, but Deliver figured it wasn't worth pointing out. "It's lovely weather to look for flowers." Boast nodded, and Deliver couldn't help but agree. The sun had been shining all morning, and the last few days had been free of rain too, which made the terrain easy to navigate. Deliver could also appreciate the lack of puddles to muddy her paws with. "I saw some nice flowers where we came from!" Cry said, excitedly. "We can bring you to them if you'd like?" "I saw a bunch of butterflies around there,
Mention Counter
Snowdrop: 1 mentions
Boast: 3 mentions
Cry: 2 mentions
Deliver: 4 mentions
Rosemary: 1 mentions
Ztuli: 1 mentions
Arazias: 1 mentions

401 to 600
too!" added Deliver quickly. Arazias perked up at that, excitedly looking at Rosemary. "We can show you the way!" Boast called out, dashing off without waiting for an answer. Cry and Deliver sighed, by now used to the aquatic Tark'ee's antics. They ran after her, Deliver briefly checking to see if Rosemary and Arazias were following. They were a decent way to the flowers when Deliver remembered that they had forgotten Snowdrop and Ztuli. She stopped briefly, looking at the two on top of the hill. "Guys! We're leaving!" Snowdrop's head whipped around comically. Deliver could barely catch a "Hey! Wait up for us!" shouted her way, and briefly waited up for the last two of their little group to make their way over. A small smile spread across her face as she waited for them to catch up. She was glad that finally, she wasn't the one getting left behind. Only when Snowdrop and Ztuli had caught up with her, she started moving again. "We're gonna go pick flowers." she briefly informed the other two, before running off again. The other two followed closely behind, and soon all three of them would catch up with their other friends again.
Mention Counter
Snowdrop: 3 mentions
Boast: 1 mentions
Cry: 1 mentions
Deliver: 5 mentions
Rosemary: 2 mentions
Ztuli: 2 mentions
Arazias: 2 mentions
Snowdrop is in 3 chunks
Boast is in 3 chunks
Cry is in 3 chunks
Deliver is in 3 chunks
Rosemary is in 3 chunks
Ztuli is in 3 chunks
Arazias is in 3 chunks
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[Gift] Investigation STL-M1 II

In Investigation ・ By LostInProgres ・ 1 Favourite ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By LostInProgres for Simple StealthLocation: Mireh (B'Av) ・ View Favorites
Submitted 2 months ago Last Updated 2 months ago
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[[Gift] Investigation STL-M1 II by LostInProgres (Literature)](
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