Moon Stone placed a cold washcloth on Kel's forehead She and Kya had replaced or added the many linen wraps on his body. Kel had woken up in the night and seemed to know where he was but then after an hour had gone back to sleep.

The storm had raged all night long. It hammered at the walls and made the window shutters raddle. Moon Stone had opened the door at one point and had to quickly shut it before the hallway filled with the white snow.

She was glad that the storm had finally died down early in the morning. She hoped to see the team that Kya had sent come back with supplies. Even though she would still not know what to do to help Kel.

There was a knock on the door and Moon Stone rose up from where she had been sitting and walked to the door. She opened up and saw a stranger.

"Names Quetzalcoatl." The purple Tsabhua said as she made her way inside. She carried a large bag on her shoulder and it was immediately apparent that she was missing her horn.

"Well, don't just stand there with your mouth all agap. Where is the patient? I hope he is still alive." Quetzalcoatl said as she stomped her feet to get the snow out of her claws.

"Oh umm he is in the back room. Where are -" Moon Stone began to say but the Quetzalcoatl stopped her with a paw up.

"Questions later. Where is this back room?"

Moon Stone stepped around Quetzalcoatl and walked briskly down the hall and into the room. Moon Stone noticed that the wet, cold cloth that had been on Kel's head had fallen off. Moon Stone reached down and picked it up.

Quetzalcoatl was already examining Kel. She was looking under the wrappings and lightly moving her hand down his side. She moved on to the legs. She examined the right leg first and then the left. Taking care to not jar him too much. Moon Stone waited and watched. Moon Stone was getting the feeling that this was a real doctor. And that Kel was going to be in good hands.

"Whoever bandaged him up did a decent job. And I see you kept the bandage on instead of replacing it entirely. Good, good."

"It looks like he just bruised his ribs. He is breathing fine, which is good. But I don't like that left leg. It's broken in two places and I am going to have to operate on it. Do you have a surgery room? We very well can't do it here. It's not sterile." Quetzalcoatl asked, turning to look at a very much bewildered Moon Stone.

"I just started making one but it doesn't have much." Moon Stone stammered.

"Is it clean? And does it have a table? Lights?" Quetzalcoatl asked.

Moon Stone thought back to the night just a couple of days ago where they were hunting the huldah and the fact they had to repair and repaint the entire room.

"Yes it's clean. And I believe there is a table." Moon Stone paused to think. "There are overhead lights but no big lights for the surgery room yet."

Quetzalcoatl looked up from her exam. "You seem to know a lot but yet you are unable to care for your friend?"

"It's mostly book knowledge. But reading only gets you so far. I have been trying to get someone to come here to train me. " Moon Stone answered.

"Well your in luck. I don't have anywhere pressing to go. And if that storm is any indication with what to expect here in the near future then I will be staying for a while." Quetzalcoatl said.

"Let's get your friend to surgery. I have everything I need in my bag. But we are going to need some help."

Just then the door opened and slammed shut. "I am home!" A voice rang out.

"In here!" Moon Stone shouted.

A blue Belemiod with a black muzzle bounded into the room and then stopped short of entering the room.

What happened here?" Thomas asked.

"There was a cave-in and Kel got caught in it. We need to get him to the empty building by the main building. " Moon Stone answered.

"Sure I can help." Thomas said as he came into the room.

"Ma'am." He said as he nodded once in greeting. "So how shall we do this?" I might be able to pick him up but that might cause him more pain. "

"We are going to drag him out on his blanket. I take it the building isn't far from here?" Quetzalcoatl asked. When she got a nod in the affirmative she proceeded to lay out the plan.

The snow will make it fairly easy to slide him there. Once inside we all need to lift him up onto the table. And you" Quetzalcoatl pointed to Thomas. "Will hold the light well I operate and Moon Stone can hand me the instruments and tools I need.

"You are squeamish are you? You won't faint at the sight of blood?" Quetzalcoatl peered intently at them. Both Thomas and Moon Stone shook their heads.

"Alright then. Let's go. Thomas you pick up that corner and Moon Stone you grab the other corner. " Quetzalcoatl instructed.

Moon Stone and Thomas quickly did what Quetzalcoatl told them to do. They dragged Kel out of the house, across the snow covered ground and into the Clinic.

Quetzalcoatl didn't say a word as they moved through the nearly empty building. Moon Stone took out a key and opened the door to a very bare looking room. There were no longer signs of burnt spots on the walls and the room had been painted an off white color. The cabinets were now a light blue color. Some of which had locks on them while others had doors half opened showing empty shelves.

It took all three of them to get Kel on the operating table. Quetzalcoatl got a small glass bottle and a syringe. She quickly gave it to Kel.

"Alright. Let's get to work. Thomas take this flashlight and aim the light…right…Here. Yes, that's perfect. Now Moon Stone Lay out the instruments on the tray here and when I say I need something, hand it to me. We will see how much of that book learning comes in handy."

It took several hours but Quetzalcoatl stitched the last stitch. "Finished. Now let's put him back on the floor. I don't want him waking up on the table and falling off it. When he comes too enough then we will take him back to the room. Good job you too. I could not have had better help."

Total Wordcount: 1130
1 to 200
Moon Stone placed a cold washcloth on Kel's forehead She and Kya had replaced or added the many linen wraps on his body. Kel had woken up in the night and seemed to know where he was but then after an hour had gone back to sleep. The storm had raged all night long. It hammered at the walls and made the window shutters raddle. Moon Stone had opened the door at one point and had to quickly shut it before the hallway filled with the white snow. She was glad that the storm had finally died down early in the morning. She hoped to see the team that Kya had sent come back with supplies. Even though she would still not know what to do to help Kel. There was a knock on the door and Moon Stone rose up from where she had been sitting and walked to the door. She opened up and saw a stranger. "Names Quetzalcoatl." The purple Tsabhua said as she made her way inside. She carried a large bag on her shoulder and it was immediately apparent that she was missing her horn. "Well, don't just stand there with your mouth all agap.
Mention Counter
Moon Stone: 3 mentions

201 to 400
Where is the patient? I hope he is still alive." Quetzalcoatl said as she stomped her feet to get the snow out of her claws. "Oh umm he is in the back room. Where are -" Moon Stone began to say but the Quetzalcoatl stopped her with a paw up. "Questions later. Where is this back room?" Moon Stone stepped around Quetzalcoatl and walked briskly down the hall and into the room. Moon Stone noticed that the wet, cold cloth that had been on Kel's head had fallen off. Moon Stone reached down and picked it up. Quetzalcoatl was already examining Kel. She was looking under the wrappings and lightly moving her hand down his side. She moved on to the legs. She examined the right leg first and then the left. Taking care to not jar him too much. Moon Stone waited and watched. Moon Stone was getting the feeling that this was a real doctor. And that Kel was going to be in good hands. "Whoever bandaged him up did a decent job. And I see you kept the bandage on instead of replacing it entirely. Good, good." "It looks like he just bruised his ribs. He is
Mention Counter
Moon Stone: 6 mentions

401 to 600
breathing fine, which is good. But I don't like that left leg. It's broken in two places and I am going to have to operate on it. Do you have a surgery room? We very well can't do it here. It's not sterile." Quetzalcoatl asked, turning to look at a very much bewildered Moon Stone. "I just started making one but it doesn't have much." Moon Stone stammered. "Is it clean? And does it have a table? Lights?" Quetzalcoatl asked. Moon Stone thought back to the night just a couple of days ago where they were hunting the huldah and the fact they had to repair and repaint the entire room. "Yes it's clean. And I believe there is a table." Moon Stone paused to think. "There are overhead lights but no big lights for the surgery room yet." Quetzalcoatl looked up from her exam. "You seem to know a lot but yet you are unable to care for your friend?" "It's mostly book knowledge. But reading only gets you so far. I have been trying to get someone to come here to train me. " Moon Stone answered. "Well your in luck. I don't have anywhere pressing to go.
Mention Counter
Moon Stone: 5 mentions

601 to 800
And if that storm is any indication with what to expect here in the near future then I will be staying for a while." Quetzalcoatl said. "Let's get your friend to surgery. I have everything I need in my bag. But we are going to need some help." Just then the door opened and slammed shut. "I am home!" A voice rang out. "In here!" Moon Stone shouted. A blue Belemiod with a black muzzle bounded into the room and then stopped short of entering the room. What happened here?" Thomas asked. "There was a cave-in and Kel got caught in it. We need to get him to the empty building by the main building. " Moon Stone answered. "Sure I can help." Thomas said as he came into the room. "Ma'am." He said as he nodded once in greeting. "So how shall we do this?" I might be able to pick him up but that might cause him more pain. " "We are going to drag him out on his blanket. I take it the building isn't far from here?" Quetzalcoatl asked. When she got a nod in the affirmative she proceeded to lay out the plan. The snow
Mention Counter
Thomas: 2 mentions
Moon Stone: 2 mentions

801 to 1000
will make it fairly easy to slide him there. Once inside we all need to lift him up onto the table. And you" Quetzalcoatl pointed to Thomas. "Will hold the light well I operate and Moon Stone can hand me the instruments and tools I need. "You are squeamish are you? You won't faint at the sight of blood?" Quetzalcoatl peered intently at them. Both Thomas and Moon Stone shook their heads. "Alright then. Let's go. Thomas you pick up that corner and Moon Stone you grab the other corner. " Quetzalcoatl instructed. Moon Stone and Thomas quickly did what Quetzalcoatl told them to do. They dragged Kel out of the house, across the snow covered ground and into the Clinic. Quetzalcoatl didn't say a word as they moved through the nearly empty building. Moon Stone took out a key and opened the door to a very bare looking room. There were no longer signs of burnt spots on the walls and the room had been painted an off white color. The cabinets were now a light blue color. Some of which had locks on them while others had doors half opened showing empty shelves. It took all three of
Mention Counter
Thomas: 4 mentions
Moon Stone: 5 mentions

1001 to 1130
them to get Kel on the operating table. Quetzalcoatl got a small glass bottle and a syringe. She quickly gave it to Kel. "Alright. Let's get to work. Thomas take this flashlight and aim the light…right…Here. Yes, that's perfect. Now Moon Stone Lay out the instruments on the tray here and when I say I need something, hand it to me. We will see how much of that book learning comes in handy." It took several hours but Quetzalcoatl stitched the last stitch. "Finished. Now let's put him back on the floor. I don't want him waking up on the table and falling off it. When he comes too enough then we will take him back to the room. Good job you too. I could not have had better help."
Mention Counter
Thomas: 1 mentions
Moon Stone: 1 mentions
Thomas is in 3 chunks
Moon Stone is in 6 chunks
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Book learning is not enough.

In Class Specialization ・ By WhiteRaven ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By WhiteRaven for Physician Education ・ Location: Obsidian Mountain (Rekes)
Submitted 2 months ago ・ Last Updated 2 months ago
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[Book learning is not enough. by WhiteRaven (Literature)](
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