Quake squinted into the distance. It was hard to make things out in the murky waters of the swamp, even with the bright afternoon sun shining trough the surface of the wate. Still, she could swear she could see some oddly artificial shapes lodged in-between piles of dirt on the bottom of the river. She frowned- it didn't look like the rocks that were strewn about at all. She frowned, thinking deep about any buildings that might be close, but came up with nothing. She looked behind her to her companions, who seemed to have been confused about why she had stopped.

Float was following just behind Quake, and behind her swam Boast and Drift. Boast and drift were a little younger than Quake and her sister, and they were taking the mission less seriously than the two belemoids. The two Tark'ee were probably right about their carelessness- after all, younger Xunari were rarely sent away on tasks that were important- they had really only been sent out to fish so that Seymore could trade their catches- but still, the two belemoid had been moping about it the entire trip, whishing the two would take their job a bit more seriously. They just felt like they were babysitting.

"Whoa!" Drift exclaimed as she noticed the odd shape. "What's that?"

Drift immediately came over to investigate too, and Quake groaned in annoyance.

"Be careful! We don't want to damage whatever it is!" he snapped, pushing the two back so she and Float could have a better look.

"No fair!" Boast cried out. "We want to look, too!"

Quake groaned. "No way! It could be dangerous."

Boast rolled his eyes. "If you're allowed to see we are, too!"

While Boast and Quake argued, Float carefully approached.

She slowly brushed off some mud, revealing- metal? She hummed curiously, which caught Drift's attention. "Whoa..." she said quietly, careful not to catch the attention of the other two. "What do you think it is?" she asked Float.

Float shrugged, carefully brushing more dirt off of the object. "I'm not sure- we don't usually find things here."

Drift tilted her head as Float uncovered a section of glass. She peered inside. It looked like one of the ships those weird DPIP guys controller, but it was missing the strange symbol that Roam had always told them to look out for...

"We should probably go back home and tell them about this- I'm sure they'd want to know." Drift said. Float nodded in agreement, nudging Quake. "I think someone back at home would like to hear about this."

Quake frowned, still a bit riled up from the argument he seemed to have been having with Boast. "Ugh! Fine! But we're telling them *I* am the one who found it."

Float rolled her eyes. She doubted that *that* would be what people were concerned by. "Sure we can. Let's just get home as soon as possible." she said, swimming ahead of the group. Luckily, everyone followed behind her.

Total Wordcount: 502
1 to 200
Quake squinted into the distance. It was hard to make things out in the murky waters of the swamp, even with the bright afternoon sun shining trough the surface of the wate. Still, she could swear she could see some oddly artificial shapes lodged in-between piles of dirt on the bottom of the river. She frowned- it didn't look like the rocks that were strewn about at all. She frowned, thinking deep about any buildings that might be close, but came up with nothing. She looked behind her to her companions, who seemed to have been confused about why she had stopped. Float was following just behind Quake, and behind her swam Boast and Drift. Boast and drift were a little younger than Quake and her sister, and they were taking the mission less seriously than the two belemoids. The two Tark'ee were probably right about their carelessness- after all, younger Xunari were rarely sent away on tasks that were important- they had really only been sent out to fish so that Seymore could trade their catches- but still, the two belemoid had been moping about it the entire trip, whishing the two would take their job a bit more
Mention Counter
Quake: 3 mentions
Float: 1 mentions
Boast: 2 mentions
Drift: 1 mentions

201 to 400
seriously. They just felt like they were babysitting. "Whoa!" Drift exclaimed as she noticed the odd shape. "What's that?" Drift immediately came over to investigate too, and Quake groaned in annoyance. "Be careful! We don't want to damage whatever it is!" he snapped, pushing the two back so she and Float could have a better look. "No fair!" Boast cried out. "We want to look, too!" Quake groaned. "No way! It could be dangerous." Boast rolled his eyes. "If you're allowed to see we are, too!" While Boast and Quake argued, Float carefully approached. She slowly brushed off some mud, revealing- metal? She hummed curiously, which caught Drift's attention. "Whoa " she said quietly, careful not to catch the attention of the other two. "What do you think it is?" she asked Float. Float shrugged, carefully brushing more dirt off of the object. "I'm not sure- we don't usually find things here." Drift tilted her head as Float uncovered a section of glass. She peered inside. It looked like one of the ships those weird DPIP guys controller, but it was missing the strange symbol that Roam had always told them to look out for "We should probably go
Mention Counter
Quake: 3 mentions
Float: 5 mentions
Boast: 3 mentions
Drift: 4 mentions

401 to 502
back home and tell them about this- I'm sure they'd want to know." Drift said. Float nodded in agreement, nudging Quake. "I think someone back at home would like to hear about this." Quake frowned, still a bit riled up from the argument he seemed to have been having with Boast. "Ugh! Fine! But we're telling them *I* am the one who found it." Float rolled her eyes. She doubted that *that* would be what people were concerned by. "Sure we can. Let's just get home as soon as possible." she said, swimming ahead of the group. Luckily, everyone followed behind her.
Mention Counter
Quake: 2 mentions
Float: 2 mentions
Boast: 1 mentions
Drift: 1 mentions
Quake is in 3 chunks
Float is in 3 chunks
Boast is in 3 chunks
Drift is in 3 chunks
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Investigation SOC-L2 II

In Investigation ・ By LostInProgres ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By LostInProgres for Simple SocialLocation: L'Hatzif (B'Av)
Submitted 1 month ago Last Updated 1 month ago
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[Investigation SOC-L2 II by LostInProgres (Literature)](https://xiun.us/gallery/view/1461)
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