Having grown up and lived in Issiq nearly his entire life, Carus knew far more about Jaebo that he would've like to. When he was but a whelp, his parents would constantly have to chase the Jaebo out of their vegetable garden, and over time that job got passed on to Carus. He spent a frankly embarrassing amount of his youth trying to figure out how to keep the damn critters away from his home- remaining mostly unsuccessful in his attempts.

And because of that, when he heard that Jaebo were bothering the colonists in the Mireh outpost he did not hesitate. The Jaebo might have won before- but they certainly would not this time.

Koi had looked at him like he had grown a second head when he had asked her to come with him to remove the Jaebo. "Oh it's nothing- just not like you to do something from the kindness of your heart." Carus merely rolled his eyes at the comment.

Luckily, Reckon was already at the outpost and was more willing to help- or moreso *be* helped.

When they got to the outpost, Carus immediately went to work. Of course, part of the plan involved making it harder for the Jaebo to get to the garden. It was only a small field right now, planted moreso as a test, so that part was easy.

"I think they come from over the hill." Reckon said, gesturing to one of the many hills dotting the landscape. It was a rather unassuming place, really, mostly covered in grass and rocks. Which happened to be just what Jaebo liked.

"We've already tried to set up a small fence around the garden, but their either jump over or dig under." Reckon sighed.

Koi looked at the fence- she could immediately tell that it wasn't going to do much, noting that it was only a meter or so high and filled with tunnels underneath it, and cringed a tad at the clear lack of preparation for this scenario. "You'll have to get that sorted out regardless." She suggested. "Maybe Carus can help?"

Reckon shrugged. "It's only a temporary setup. We want to move to the field that we've been preparing over west, but with the Jaebo nearby it's not worth the effort. The bigger field would get decimated just as fast as the smaller one, and the damages would be way more severe, especially since we would be more likely to depend on it as a food source."

Koi nodded thoughtfully. In a way, Reckon did have a point after all.

Carus squinted into the distance. "We should be able to find their burrows. If we wait until morning they should be asleep, which should make it easy to kill at least a few of them."

Reckon nodded. "We usually see them in the night, so the morning should be a safe bet."

Koi didn't seem *too* happy with it all. "I suppose we best catch some sleep now then." she muttered. "We best be rested for this endeavour after all."

Total Wordcount: 509
1 to 200
Having grown up and lived in Issiq nearly his entire life, Carus knew far more about Jaebo that he would've like to. When he was but a whelp, his parents would constantly have to chase the Jaebo out of their vegetable garden, and over time that job got passed on to Carus. He spent a frankly embarrassing amount of his youth trying to figure out how to keep the damn critters away from his home- remaining mostly unsuccessful in his attempts. And because of that, when he heard that Jaebo were bothering the colonists in the Mireh outpost he did not hesitate. The Jaebo might have won before- but they certainly would not this time. Koi had looked at him like he had grown a second head when he had asked her to come with him to remove the Jaebo. "Oh it's nothing- just not like you to do something from the kindness of your heart." Carus merely rolled his eyes at the comment. Luckily, Reckon was already at the outpost and was more willing to help- or moreso *be* helped. When they got to the outpost, Carus immediately went to work. Of course, part of the plan involved making
Mention Counter
Carus: 4 mentions
Koi: 1 mentions
Reckon: 1 mentions

201 to 400
it harder for the Jaebo to get to the garden. It was only a small field right now, planted moreso as a test, so that part was easy. "I think they come from over the hill." Reckon said, gesturing to one of the many hills dotting the landscape. It was a rather unassuming place, really, mostly covered in grass and rocks. Which happened to be just what Jaebo liked. "We've already tried to set up a small fence around the garden, but their either jump over or dig under." Reckon sighed. Koi looked at the fence- she could immediately tell that it wasn't going to do much, noting that it was only a meter or so high and filled with tunnels underneath it, and cringed a tad at the clear lack of preparation for this scenario. "You'll have to get that sorted out regardless." She suggested. "Maybe Carus can help?" Reckon shrugged. "It's only a temporary setup. We want to move to the field that we've been preparing over west, but with the Jaebo nearby it's not worth the effort. The bigger field would get decimated just as fast as the smaller one, and the damages would be way more
Mention Counter
Carus: 1 mentions
Koi: 1 mentions
Reckon: 3 mentions

401 to 509
severe, especially since we would be more likely to depend on it as a food source." Koi nodded thoughtfully. In a way, Reckon did have a point after all. Carus squinted into the distance. "We should be able to find their burrows. If we wait until morning they should be asleep, which should make it easy to kill at least a few of them." Reckon nodded. "We usually see them in the night, so the morning should be a safe bet." Koi didn't seem *too* happy with it all. "I suppose we best catch some sleep now then." she muttered. "We best be rested for this endeavour after all."
Mention Counter
Carus: 1 mentions
Koi: 2 mentions
Reckon: 2 mentions
Carus is in 3 chunks
Koi is in 3 chunks
Reckon is in 3 chunks
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Hunting Jaebo II

In Hunting ・ By LostInProgres ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By LostInProgres for Hunting JaeboLocation: Mireh (B'Av)
Submitted 1 month ago Last Updated 1 month ago
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