Itching, twitching, full of mystery. That's what the report said, and that's what the trio of whelps intended to investigate. Byrd, the fearless, if not completely unwary and unwavering leader, had decided. She had stolen a report from Lynn's desk that early morning- At one of the deeper mineshafts in the area, there was reports of colonists breaking out in itchy hives and being unable to work entirely. No good for someone just trying to do their job, and because of it, productivity in the mines was drastically dropped to nigh zero. Much to the dismay of any adults, Byrd selected her favorite co-horts and trustworthy companions: Dixie and Ichor.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Dixie pestered Byrd as she dragged a bag across the hallway. "I don't want to get in trouble."

"It'll be fiiiiine!" Byrd booty-bumped Ichor out of the way. They had snagged a medical bay bag, chock full of examination tools. "I mean heck, Mister Apowai takes out whelps for this junk all the time!" Ichor nipped in Byrd's direction, her small ears folded downward in disapproval. "We're just saving them the trouble!"

Dixie looked up, her face falling. Behind Ichor stood Salmonberry. He had his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. "Running off, are we?" He leaned downward, scrutinizing the whelps with a disapproving scowl.

"Uhhhh- We were told to!" Byrd lied through her teeth, a faux grin of panic cresting on her face. "We need a grown-up with us, ooobviously, so you want the gig?" Her voice was sweet, playing at ones emotions in a sad attempt to get free of responsibility. Sure, she broke a cardinal rule, but who could stay mad at such a cute widdle face?

"Yeah Mr. Berry, won't you join us?" Dixie's voice cracked. She knew they were in trouble, but not how much. Salmonberry was a bit of an enigma. He himself was one of the many whelps taken on an Investigation report when he was young. Surely he could understand their desire to experience such a thing? Ichor looked disappointed and shook her head. She had already been on an excusion with Apowai for the same exact experience- The quad of Belemoid miners had found a whole nest of biting insects, something Kanene had called fleas. Surely it's just the same situation all over again.

"You're right, you can't go out alone," Salmonberry sighed, shaking his head. "Alright, I'll chaparone." Dixie and Byrd cheered in glee, bouncing in place. Ichor gave an inquisitive look up to the adult. Are they sure this is a good idea?

The sun above was baking hot despite the late season. Cactus lay heavy with spiky fruits, varying colors of reds and yellows. Heat wafted from the sands, yet the group seemed unbothered. They'd lived in Issiq their whole lives, the soft crunch of sand beneath their toes just being another aspect of home. Salmonberry shielded his eyes from the harsh light as he checked the map. They were only a few meters from their target- South 16th's mine entrance. It was a heavy crevasse in the sandstone hills, marked with sun-bleached wooden pillars. "Here we are, girls. Let's figure out what's got these fellas itching tail to toe." Dixie, Ichor, and Byrd were quick to scramble inside, avoiding Salmonberry's heavy footsteps.

"Quit rubbing, you're gonna go bald," shouted Woodard. The two belemoid brothers were at ends, butting and shouting at one another as they rubbed heavily against the sandstone flooring. Haywood wormed his way across the floor, wiggling his hips side to side and groaning.

"I can't help it!" Haywood barked in response, biting at his forelimb aggressively.

"Goodness you two are a mess-" Dixie chuffed, looking upward to Salmonberry for approval. The male Tsab shook his head in disbelief. The two young adult Belemoid had scattered red and white fur across the entranceway. Haywood's back was partially bare of fur, his naturally frail fur snapping off easily as he rubbed. "What did you guys find?" Dixie crossed her arms, shaking her head in mimicky.

"Some kinda gas pocket," groaned Woodard, bemoaning their situation. Ichor's face fell, it wasn't as easy as a nest of fleas. She'd heard from Lungric how the sandstone sometimes trapped some gasses in the depths of the mines. "We were chipping away side by side when we opened this gap-" Woodard paused to chew at his left forelimb, "Smelled rank, whatever it was. We dislodged some sand or something, it covered us and now we can't, " he chewed at the base of his tail, "Stop," another pause to chew at his back leg, "Itching!"

Byrd dug into the medical bag they brought, digging out a swab and the small microscope. She trotted forward, swabbing against Haywood's raw skin and rubbing it on the glass plate. "We'll fix you up in no-time!" Her confidence was inspiring, sure, but likely misguided.

Salmonberry sighed, shaking his head again. Ichor pondered if his neck ever got sore from how frequently he would shake his head like that- "Have you two tried y'know... Bathing it off?" The adult tsab crossed his arms, similar to Dixie, who herself was mimicking the adult's movements.

"It tasted awful!"

"Not with your mouth, you dinguses!"

"Oh, no. We haven't." Salmonberry's hand made an audible thwap as he slapped his own forehead. Woodard and Haywood exchanged a look, and shrugged.

Byrd gazed down into the microscope, carefully looking for mites or fleas or... something. All there was? Blood, skin flakes, and fur. Guess it wasn't parasites. Ichor nudged her aside and looked herself, agreeing. No parasites here.

Dixie dug in the bag, pulling out several bottles of water. "This might sting, might not," she chimed, before pouring a whole bottle down Haywood's raw back.

YELP! Haywood shot up like a rocket, eyes wide and toes spread.

"I'm so sorry!" Dixie looked mortified, ears pressed against her skull in shock.

"Why's it so cold!?" Haywood barked, shaking it heavily, spraying Woodard with the remnants. The terrestrial Belemoid shot a pissed glare, only to notice that where the water touched, the itchiness subsided. "It-... It doesn't itch anymore?" Haywood looked down his side, the water turning an off color and dripping from his pelt. "It doesn't itch anymore!" The reef Belemoid bounced in glee.

"Wait really!?" Woodard shoved Dixie aside, grabbing bottles and dousing himself in the water. The young Tsab chuffed in disbelief, opening her hands in a did you see that? motion toward Salmonberry. The adult Tsab sighed, grabbing the bottles and assisting.

"Don't be rude, guys, we'll get you rinsed off."

Byrd and Ichor exchanged a glance, shrugging. Idiots.

Total Wordcount: 1108
1 to 200
Itching, twitching, full of mystery. That's what the report said, and that's what the trio of whelps intended to investigate. Byrd, the fearless, if not completely unwary and unwavering leader, had decided. She had stolen a report from Lynn's desk that early morning- At one of the deeper mineshafts in the area, there was reports of colonists breaking out in itchy hives and being unable to work entirely. No good for someone just trying to do their job, and because of it, productivity in the mines was drastically dropped to nigh zero. Much to the dismay of any adults, Byrd selected her favorite co-horts and trustworthy companions: Dixie and Ichor. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Dixie pestered Byrd as she dragged a bag across the hallway. "I don't want to get in trouble." "It'll be fiiiiine!" Byrd booty-bumped Ichor out of the way. They had snagged a medical bay bag, chock full of examination tools. "I mean heck, Mister Apowai takes out whelps for this junk all the time!" Ichor nipped in Byrd's direction, her small ears folded downward in disapproval. "We're just saving them the trouble!" Dixie looked up, her face falling. Behind Ichor stood Salmonberry.
Mention Counter
Salmonberry: 1 mentions
Ichor: 4 mentions
Byrd: 5 mentions
Dixie: 3 mentions

201 to 400
He had his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. "Running off, are we?" He leaned downward, scrutinizing the whelps with a disapproving scowl. "Uhhhh- We were told to!" Byrd lied through her teeth, a faux grin of panic cresting on her face. "We need a grown-up with us, ooobviously, so you want the gig?" Her voice was sweet, playing at ones emotions in a sad attempt to get free of responsibility. Sure, she broke a cardinal rule, but who could stay mad at such a cute widdle face? "Yeah Mr. Berry, won't you join us?" Dixie's voice cracked. She knew they were in trouble, but not how much. Salmonberry was a bit of an enigma. He himself was one of the many whelps taken on an Investigation report when he was young. Surely he could understand their desire to experience such a thing? Ichor looked disappointed and shook her head. She had already been on an excusion with Apowai for the same exact experience- The quad of Belemoid miners had found a whole nest of biting insects, something Kanene had called fleas. Surely it's just the same situation all over again. "You're right, you can't go out alone," Salmonberry sighed,
Mention Counter
Salmonberry: 2 mentions
Ichor: 1 mentions
Byrd: 1 mentions
Dixie: 1 mentions

401 to 600
shaking his head. "Alright, I'll chaparone." Dixie and Byrd cheered in glee, bouncing in place. Ichor gave an inquisitive look up to the adult. Are they sure this is a good idea? The sun above was baking hot despite the late season. Cactus lay heavy with spiky fruits, varying colors of reds and yellows. Heat wafted from the sands, yet the group seemed unbothered. They'd lived in Issiq their whole lives, the soft crunch of sand beneath their toes just being another aspect of home. Salmonberry shielded his eyes from the harsh light as he checked the map. They were only a few meters from their target- South 16th's mine entrance. It was a heavy crevasse in the sandstone hills, marked with sun-bleached wooden pillars. "Here we are, girls. Let's figure out what's got these fellas itching tail to toe." Dixie, Ichor, and Byrd were quick to scramble inside, avoiding Salmonberry's heavy footsteps. "Quit rubbing, you're gonna go bald," shouted Woodard. The two belemoid brothers were at ends, butting and shouting at one another as they rubbed heavily against the sandstone flooring. Haywood wormed his way across the floor, wiggling his hips side to side and groaning. "I can't help
Mention Counter
Salmonberry: 2 mentions
Woodard: 1 mentions
Haywood: 1 mentions
Ichor: 2 mentions
Byrd: 2 mentions
Dixie: 2 mentions

601 to 800
it!" Haywood barked in response, biting at his forelimb aggressively. "Goodness you two are a mess-" Dixie chuffed, looking upward to Salmonberry for approval. The male Tsab shook his head in disbelief. The two young adult Belemoid had scattered red and white fur across the entranceway. Haywood's back was partially bare of fur, his naturally frail fur snapping off easily as he rubbed. "What did you guys find?" Dixie crossed her arms, shaking her head in mimicky. "Some kinda gas pocket," groaned Woodard, bemoaning their situation. Ichor's face fell, it wasn't as easy as a nest of fleas. She'd heard from Lungric how the sandstone sometimes trapped some gasses in the depths of the mines. "We were chipping away side by side when we opened this gap-" Woodard paused to chew at his left forelimb, "Smelled rank, whatever it was. We dislodged some sand or something, it covered us and now we can't, " he chewed at the base of his tail, "Stop," another pause to chew at his back leg, "Itching!" Byrd dug into the medical bag they brought, digging out a swab and the small microscope. She trotted forward, swabbing against Haywood's raw skin and rubbing it on
Mention Counter
Salmonberry: 1 mentions
Woodard: 2 mentions
Haywood: 3 mentions
Ichor: 1 mentions
Byrd: 1 mentions
Dixie: 2 mentions

801 to 1000
the glass plate. "We'll fix you up in no-time!" Her confidence was inspiring, sure, but likely misguided. Salmonberry sighed, shaking his head again. Ichor pondered if his neck ever got sore from how frequently he would shake his head like that- "Have you two tried y'know Bathing it off?" The adult tsab crossed his arms, similar to Dixie, who herself was mimicking the adult's movements. "It tasted awful!" "Not with your mouth, you dinguses!" "Oh, no. We haven't." Salmonberry's hand made an audible thwap as he slapped his own forehead. Woodard and Haywood exchanged a look, and shrugged. Byrd gazed down into the microscope, carefully looking for mites or fleas or something. All there was? Blood, skin flakes, and fur. Guess it wasn't parasites. Ichor nudged her aside and looked herself, agreeing. No parasites here. Dixie dug in the bag, pulling out several bottles of water. "This might sting, might not," she chimed, before pouring a whole bottle down Haywood's raw back. YELP! Haywood shot up like a rocket, eyes wide and toes spread. "I'm so sorry!" Dixie looked mortified, ears pressed against her skull in shock. "Why's it so cold!?" Haywood barked, shaking it heavily, spraying Woodard with the
Mention Counter
Salmonberry: 2 mentions
Woodard: 2 mentions
Haywood: 4 mentions
Ichor: 2 mentions
Byrd: 1 mentions
Dixie: 3 mentions

1001 to 1108
remnants. The terrestrial Belemoid shot a pissed glare, only to notice that where the water touched, the itchiness subsided. "It- It doesn't itch anymore?" Haywood looked down his side, the water turning an off color and dripping from his pelt. "It doesn't itch anymore!" The reef Belemoid bounced in glee. "Wait really!?" Woodard shoved Dixie aside, grabbing bottles and dousing himself in the water. The young Tsab chuffed in disbelief, opening her hands in a did you see that? motion toward Salmonberry. The adult Tsab sighed, grabbing the bottles and assisting. "Don't be rude, guys, we'll get you rinsed off." Byrd and Ichor exchanged a glance, shrugging. Idiots.
Mention Counter
Salmonberry: 1 mentions
Woodard: 1 mentions
Haywood: 1 mentions
Ichor: 1 mentions
Byrd: 1 mentions
Dixie: 1 mentions
Salmonberry is in 6 chunks
Woodard is in 4 chunks
Haywood is in 4 chunks
Ichor is in 6 chunks
Byrd is in 6 chunks
Dixie is in 6 chunks
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To itch or not to itch

In Investigation ・ By Nuryuhr ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments

[SCI-I2] Something in the sand has been causing mild irritation to colonists.

Submitted By Nuryuhr for Simple Science ・ Location: Issiq (B'Av)
Submitted 4 months ago ・ Last Updated 4 months ago
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[To itch or not to itch by Nuryuhr (Literature)](
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