Stella chuckled as another native ran off, terrified. It had been the middle of the night, and the already timid Tsabhua didn't seem too keen on the darkness, so when the small Tsabhua had dragged his claws over a rock making a horrible scratching noise, the older Tsabhua had bolted away. As the tsabhua ran, she realized that it was Siris- a native tsabhua who had actually been quite kind to them in the past.
Olly shook his head as he watched him. "You should really stop that, Stella." Stella, however, didn't seem impressed. "C'mon it's a little bit funny."
Cecilia seemed hesitant, too. "What has Siris ever done to you?" the belemoid sighed, walking over to where Siris had dropped some fruits. "What if he needed those, Stella?"
The mentioned Tsabhua shrugged. "Well, we could use it, too. I haven't had fresh fruits in forever- these look really good!"
Crash frowned as Stella reached for the fruits "I don't think that's right, Stella..." Stella shrugged again "Not much we can do now, though, so let's just dig in."
Olly frowned swiping the basket away from him. "I can still see him in the distance... we could probably catch up."
Crash and Cecilia nodded, and helped Olly put the fruits back in the basket again. Stella stayed behind, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure it's fine!" but he was quickly shot down by Crash. "We really shouldn't be making enemies..."
The three looked over the hills. The night made them almost pitch black, but luckilly Siris had been carrying a lantern, and was easy to spot as he ran across the fields back to safety, a warm glow surrounding him.
"I'm sure we can still catch up." Cecilia insisted, and ran off with the basket in her hands. Crash and Olly were quick to follow, and eventually even Stella chased after them shouting "wait for me!"
The four, being whelps, were a lot slower than Siris but lucky for them, since Siris had been carrying a bunch of things even after dropping the fruit basket, the Tsabhua was slowed down a tad which allowed the four of them to start catching up. However, to their surprise, Siris did not seem the slightest bit pleased to see his fruits again- instead letting out a terrified screech and speeding up.
"Wait, we're trying to bring you your fruits back!" Cecilia shouted, although it ended up sounding strange as she tried talking around the basket in her mouth. Siris did not seem to listen, and instead sped up, crossing a river by running over a log and quicckly pushing said log into the river, making the water splash up on the whelps before the currents carried it away.
Olly and Crash, who had been running at the front of the small group, were caught quite off guard, Olly falling to the group as he already had his front feet on the log. He frowned, looking over at Cecilia and Stella. "Everyone all right?" the others nodded. "Man, I thought Siris was cool..."
Stella shrugged "Guess those fruits are for us after all!"
Olly shrugged, handing some of the fruits to Stella as he watched Siris disappear into a more wooded area. "Not sure what that was... we were just trying to be nice."
Stella shrugged. "Maybe he didn't want them back?" she popped some greenberries into his mouth. "At least we get to keep all of these fruits."
Crash frowned. "We could've gotten hurt, Stella..."
The yellow-headed Tsab didn't seem to care much, still happily munching on the fruits. "I mean, I'm not the one who wanted to bring them back to him."
Neither of the others seemed too charmed by Stella's attitude. "Crash is right, Stella. You should really stop causing trouble. Olly could have gotten hurt." Cecilia said, as she examined Olly's legs for any injuries. Luckily the Tsabhua seemed fine.
Rolling her eyes, Stella waved them off. "Sure, sure. I'll be more carefull next time. Now who wants some berries?"
Crash, Olly, and Cecilia gave each other a look, knowing that this likely won't be the last of Stella's antics. Still, they sat down, enjoying the berries with him. It would have been a shame to throw them away after all this trouble.
Total Wordcount: 716
1 to 200
Stella chuckled as another native ran off, terrified. It had been the middle of the night, and the already timid Tsabhua didn't seem too keen on the darkness, so when the small Tsabhua had dragged his claws over a rock making a horrible scratching noise, the older Tsabhua had bolted away. As the tsabhua ran, she realized that it was Siris- a native tsabhua who had actually been quite kind to them in the past. Olly shook his head as he watched him. "You should really stop that, Stella." Stella, however, didn't seem impressed. "C'mon it's a little bit funny." Cecilia seemed hesitant, too. "What has Siris ever done to you?" the belemoid sighed, walking over to where Siris had dropped some fruits. "What if he needed those, Stella?" The mentioned Tsabhua shrugged. "Well, we could use it, too. I haven't had fresh fruits in forever- these look really good!" Crash frowned as Stella reached for the fruits "I don't think that's right, Stella " Stella shrugged again "Not much we can do now, though, so let's just dig in." Olly frowned swiping the basket away from him. "I can still see him in the distance we could probably catch
Mention Counter
Siris: 3 mentions
Crash: 1 mentions

201 to 400
up." Crash and Cecilia nodded, and helped Olly put the fruits back in the basket again. Stella stayed behind, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure it's fine!" but he was quickly shot down by Crash. "We really shouldn't be making enemies " The three looked over the hills. The night made them almost pitch black, but luckilly Siris had been carrying a lantern, and was easy to spot as he ran across the fields back to safety, a warm glow surrounding him. "I'm sure we can still catch up." Cecilia insisted, and ran off with the basket in her hands. Crash and Olly were quick to follow, and eventually even Stella chased after them shouting "wait for me!" The four, being whelps, were a lot slower than Siris but lucky for them, since Siris had been carrying a bunch of things even after dropping the fruit basket, the Tsabhua was slowed down a tad which allowed the four of them to start catching up. However, to their surprise, Siris did not seem the slightest bit pleased to see his fruits again- instead letting out a terrified screech and speeding up. "Wait, we're trying to bring you your fruits back!" Cecilia shouted,
Mention Counter
Siris: 4 mentions
Crash: 3 mentions

401 to 600
although it ended up sounding strange as she tried talking around the basket in her mouth. Siris did not seem to listen, and instead sped up, crossing a river by running over a log and quicckly pushing said log into the river, making the water splash up on the whelps before the currents carried it away. Olly and Crash, who had been running at the front of the small group, were caught quite off guard, Olly falling to the group as he already had his front feet on the log. He frowned, looking over at Cecilia and Stella. "Everyone all right?" the others nodded. "Man, I thought Siris was cool " Stella shrugged "Guess those fruits are for us after all!" Olly shrugged, handing some of the fruits to Stella as he watched Siris disappear into a more wooded area. "Not sure what that was we were just trying to be nice." Stella shrugged. "Maybe he didn't want them back?" she popped some greenberries into his mouth. "At least we get to keep all of these fruits." Crash frowned. "We could've gotten hurt, Stella " The yellow-headed Tsab didn't seem to care much, still happily munching on the fruits. "I
Mention Counter
Siris: 3 mentions
Crash: 2 mentions

601 to 716
mean, I'm not the one who wanted to bring them back to him." Neither of the others seemed too charmed by Stella's attitude. "Crash is right, Stella. You should really stop causing trouble. Olly could have gotten hurt." Cecilia said, as she examined Olly's legs for any injuries. Luckily the Tsabhua seemed fine. Rolling her eyes, Stella waved them off. "Sure, sure. I'll be more carefull next time. Now who wants some berries?" Crash, Olly, and Cecilia gave each other a look, knowing that this likely won't be the last of Stella's antics. Still, they sat down, enjoying the berries with him. It would have been a shame to throw them away after all this trouble.
Mention Counter
Crash: 2 mentions
Siris is in 3 chunks
Crash is in 4 chunks
*Olly is in 0 chunks
*Stella is in 0 chunks
*Cecilia is in 0 chunks
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Investigation STL-M2 II

In Investigation ・ By LostInProgres ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By LostInProgres for Simple Stealth ・ Location: Mireh (B'Av)
Submitted 4 months ago ・ Last Updated 4 months ago
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[Investigation STL-M2 II by LostInProgres (Literature)](
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