Snap yawned as he crawled out of bed, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. The mornings in Mireh were quite calm, as birds chirped in the distance and small drops of dew clung to the grass outside of the buildings of the outpost. Predict and Citrine were milling about outside, seeming to be making plans for more construction. Snap wasn't very interested in the plans. He recalled the two discussing building primarily underground, and honestly it didn't sound like anything that Snap wanted to get involved with. The three exchanged greetings, and Snap headed off to a nearby stream to get some water.
He started filling a few of the buckets. They hadn't quite had the chance to set up the best water systems yet, and Snap wanted to make sure they wouldn't ran out. When he was at the stream though, he heard a strange noise. At first he couldn't find the noise, and hesitantly was brought to the conclusion it must have been a huldah or something scurrying about, but eventually he spotted a small whelp laying in the grass next to the stream. The Whelp was *tiny*, likely not even a week old, and seemed a bit lethargic as Snap carefully picked the poor thing up. The Whelp seemed cold, and seemed grateful to be picked up by something warm, pushing it's little face into Snap's arms.
Snap stood there for a while, waiting for an adult to pop out from somewhere, but to his surprise nobody showed up. He frowned, wondering if the whelp was left here by it's parents- but surely that wouldn't be the case? Maybe the little one had wandered off- in which case Predict and Citrine should know what to do. He felt hesitant to leave the spot he had found the Whelp, but he had little other option. As he stood around for a bit longer, he felt something wet hit his face, and quickly realized it had started to rain. He suppose that that settled his decision then- the whelp would not be able to stay warm in the rain.
When he got back to the outpost Predict was the first to notice- raising a curious eyebrow as he noticed the absence of the large buckets Snap usually carried. "Where'd the buckets go? Did someone take them-" the belemoid stopped speaking when he noticed the small shape in Snap's arms. He nudged Citrine, drawing the Tark'ee's attention, giving him an odd look.
"Snap, where did you get that-" Citrine seemed stunned, and awkwardly approached the pair, gently taking the Whelp from Snap's arms. "You can't just take whelps with you Snap, their parents must be worried sick."
Snap's eyes widened. "What? No- I didn't, I promise! I found him near the streams, and nobody was nearby. They were all cold, and I thought he might be hungry so I thought I'd bring him back so we can look for their people..."
"O-oh..." Predict stammered awkwardly "I ah- shouldn't have assumed." Snap nodded awkwardly, avoiding Predict's gaze.
"In that case you did perfecctly, Snap. Let's just get them insane quickly and see what we can do... I think I heard the neighbouring tribe recently had a whelp born, maybe it's theirs..." Citrine's tone seemed disapproving as he spoke, but Snap couldn't quite figure out why.
Total Wordcount: 560
1 to 200
Snap yawned as he crawled out of bed, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. The mornings in Mireh were quite calm, as birds chirped in the distance and small drops of dew clung to the grass outside of the buildings of the outpost. Predict and Citrine were milling about outside, seeming to be making plans for more construction. Snap wasn't very interested in the plans. He recalled the two discussing building primarily underground, and honestly it didn't sound like anything that Snap wanted to get involved with. The three exchanged greetings, and Snap headed off to a nearby stream to get some water. He started filling a few of the buckets. They hadn't quite had the chance to set up the best water systems yet, and Snap wanted to make sure they wouldn't ran out. When he was at the stream though, he heard a strange noise. At first he couldn't find the noise, and hesitantly was brought to the conclusion it must have been a huldah or something scurrying about, but eventually he spotted a small whelp laying in the grass next to the stream. The Whelp was *tiny*, likely not even a week old, and
Mention Counter
Predict: 1 mentions
Snap: 5 mentions
Citrine: 1 mentions
Rust: 1 mentions

201 to 400
seemed a bit lethargic as Snap carefully picked the poor thing up. The Whelp seemed cold, and seemed grateful to be picked up by something warm, pushing it's little face into Snap's arms. Snap stood there for a while, waiting for an adult to pop out from somewhere, but to his surprise nobody showed up. He frowned, wondering if the whelp was left here by it's parents- but surely that wouldn't be the case? Maybe the little one had wandered off- in which case Predict and Citrine should know what to do. He felt hesitant to leave the spot he had found the Whelp, but he had little other option. As he stood around for a bit longer, he felt something wet hit his face, and quickly realized it had started to rain. He suppose that that settled his decision then- the whelp would not be able to stay warm in the rain. When he got back to the outpost Predict was the first to notice- raising a curious eyebrow as he noticed the absence of the large buckets Snap usually carried. "Where'd the buckets go? Did someone take them-" the belemoid stopped speaking when he noticed the small shape
Mention Counter
Predict: 2 mentions
Snap: 4 mentions
Citrine: 1 mentions
Rust: 2 mentions

401 to 560
in Snap's arms. He nudged Citrine, drawing the Tark'ee's attention, giving him an odd look. "Snap, where did you get that-" Citrine seemed stunned, and awkwardly approached the pair, gently taking the Whelp from Snap's arms. "You can't just take whelps with you Snap, their parents must be worried sick." Snap's eyes widened. "What? No- I didn't, I promise! I found him near the streams, and nobody was nearby. They were all cold, and I thought he might be hungry so I thought I'd bring him back so we can look for their people " "O-oh " Predict stammered awkwardly "I ah- shouldn't have assumed." Snap nodded awkwardly, avoiding Predict's gaze. "In that case you did perfecctly, Snap. Let's just get them insane quickly and see what we can do I think I heard the neighbouring tribe recently had a whelp born, maybe it's theirs " Citrine's tone seemed disapproving as he spoke, but Snap couldn't quite figure out why.
Mention Counter
Predict: 2 mentions
Snap: 8 mentions
Citrine: 3 mentions
Rust: 1 mentions
Predict is in 3 chunks
Snap is in 3 chunks
Citrine is in 3 chunks
Rust is in 3 chunks
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Investigation SOC-M2 I

In Investigation ・ By LostInProgres ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By LostInProgres for Simple SocialLocation: Mireh (B'Av)
Submitted 4 months ago Last Updated 4 months ago
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[Investigation SOC-M2 I by LostInProgres (Literature)](
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