It was a decently long journey to L'hatzif from Issiq. Panik and Sosa were glad to make landfall, both boys' legs shaking as they shimmy down the walkway off of the boat. Sosa took a heavy breath, raising his beak to the sky as he sucked in the spore filled air. Ahead, tall towering mushrooms clawed at the sky, releasing drifting whisps of spores through the air. It reeked of mushroom; a musky earthy scent. Panik wiped his nose, eyes squinting. Gross. "Who can stand to live here," he muttered, shaking his iridescent pelt.

Sosa choffed in amusement, "Mushroom lovers." He nudged against Panik, looking down the dock. They padded forward, glancing around the various buildings. Around a corner, a Belemoid peeped around the corner. His eyes lit up, and he bounded forward, claws clacking against the wooden path. "You're here, good!" Satyr chirped, head tilted upward as he greeted the taller individuals. "I heard you're here to investigate some of our local flora, yeah? Kanene was kind enough to let me know you were coming. I am Satyr!" A soft bow, and a heavy grin.

"Hello, uh- Satyr," Sosa chirped, surprised by the apparent excitement. "I'm Sosa, and this is Panik-" His head flicked backward, gesturing to the decently tall Tsab. "We're from-"

"Nuryuhr, I know. I've helped several individuals from your colony. It's nice to meet you both," Satyr's voice was genuine, his eyes soft and welcoming. "Come, come, we aught to get started before the sun sinks below the horizon," With a quick twist, he began to trot off. Sosa and Panik exchanged small glances, shrugged, and followed behind. The towering stipes casted long shadows across the mycelium infused soil. Panik found himself in awe, gazing up to the softly waving caps, far above. The air sparkled softly with drifting spores. "I've recently noticed some newer 'shrooms popping up down in this ravine-" Satyr called, his voice hupping with each footfall.

"Have you done any tests on them?" Panik replied in earnest curiousity, "Do we know if they're toxic-" He grabbed onto the sling pouch across his chest. Inside the PDA bounced, and a spark of worry tickled his mind. It'd suck a lot if it shattered. He gripped the bag closely to his chest, holding tight. "How much further?" Sosa gave a glance to the Tsab, rolling his eyes. Panik was known to be impatient but curious. The Tark'ee chuffed, headbutting Panik's rump as he charged forward. The Tsab yelped, bucking and kicking back, his feet whiffing past Sosa's cheek. "Hey!"

"Keep up, slowpoke!" Sosa laughed, charging past both Satyr and Panik with thudding speed. The Belemoid and Tsab gave a glance, barked in laughter, and followed suit.

"Up here, past the hill!" Satyr called, paws and claws thudding and scraping the mycelium rich soil. Panik held back a sneeze as the spores tickled his nostrils, resolving to shake his head aggressively. They slid past the bare hill and down the ravine, skidding to a stop before the odd patch of mushrooms. The ground was split in wide cracks, lines of mycelium stretching across the mini abyss. Twisting green and blue mushrooms seemed to claw their way from the ground, tendrils stretching to the bare sky. The stench of the mushrooms was almost undescribable, with a hint of umami and spice, laid heavily with the overwhelming scent of ammonia.

Panik took some hefty breaths, slowing his thudding heart. With a hand across his chest, he coughed a few times. "Oh- It reeks." His nose scrunched, ears folding back in displeasure. Resolving to get the job done, he pulled the shining blue PDA from the chest sling. "You never did answer my question, Satyr."

Sosa's reaction to the mushrooms was no better, squawking, "Ew!" He shook his head, tongue shooting out as he cried out a heavy "Blech!"

Satyr chuckled softly, a smile creeping across his face. "Yeah it's not pleasant. I've not done any tests, no, I don't have the fancy gadgets you Colonists have," His tail swept across the floor, puffing soft dust. "It does seem like whatever species this is, it's chasing off other flora and fauna, though."

A soft hum came from the Tsab as he examined the PDA and tapped a few things into the screen. He lifted it upward, snapping pictures of the eerie, stinky mushrooms. "Based off smell alone, I don't think we should opt for the more.. Organic tests, so to speak." Sosa gave a slight nod, agreeing. "As much as I'd loooove to find a hallucinogen, I'd rather not risk death for the fun of it." Satyr's eyes lit up with amusement at the notion, plopping his rump down. He seemed much unbothered by the lingering odor.

"At least you eventually get used to the smell," Sosa barked, noting it didn't seem nearly as strong as it was when they arrived. "Not sure if that's a good thing, though..." The Tark'ee adjusted his footing. "It still smells awful, don't get me wrong."

"It'd take you years to get used to the smell, Sosa," Satyr beamed, "Nuryuhrians are always welcome to join us here in L'hatzif," he teased.

"Despite how irritating the sand can be, I think we'll stick to Issiq, thank you very much," Panik chortled, snipping off a small shimmering piece of mushroom. He examined it closely, typing observations into the PDA with as much detail as he could, "You want a turn, Sosa?"

"Chunky paws, my friend!" Sosa barked, tail swishing. Amusement all around.

"Well, the PDA says this is an unknown species as of now. Any ideas on names," Panik pondered, looking over the 'shroom with unease. "Hopefully nothing tasty sounding because boy howdy it reeks."

"I'd say stinkhorn but I'm pretty sure that's already a thing," Sosa sighed, looking to the reaching cap and tendrils. "How about blue crawler?"

"I think it looks more teal than blue," Satyr hummed, looking over the shroom with curiousity.

"Teal crawler it is," Panik tapped it into the PDA, sending it to DPIP for approval. "Seems like a success to me. Anyone up for some food?"

Total Wordcount: 1020
1 to 200
It was a decently long journey to L'hatzif from Issiq. Panik and Sosa were glad to make landfall, both boys' legs shaking as they shimmy down the walkway off of the boat. Sosa took a heavy breath, raising his beak to the sky as he sucked in the spore filled air. Ahead, tall towering mushrooms clawed at the sky, releasing drifting whisps of spores through the air. It reeked of mushroom; a musky earthy scent. Panik wiped his nose, eyes squinting. Gross. "Who can stand to live here," he muttered, shaking his iridescent pelt. Sosa choffed in amusement, "Mushroom lovers." He nudged against Panik, looking down the dock. They padded forward, glancing around the various buildings. Around a corner, a Belemoid peeped around the corner. His eyes lit up, and he bounded forward, claws clacking against the wooden path. "You're here, good!" Satyr chirped, head tilted upward as he greeted the taller individuals. "I heard you're here to investigate some of our local flora, yeah? Kanene was kind enough to let me know you were coming. I am Satyr!" A soft bow, and a heavy grin. "Hello, uh- Satyr," Sosa chirped, surprised by the apparent excitement. "I'm Sosa, and this
Mention Counter
Panik: 3 mentions
Satyr: 4 mentions
Sosa: 5 mentions

201 to 400
is Panik-" His head flicked backward, gesturing to the decently tall Tsab. "We're from-" "Nuryuhr, I know. I've helped several individuals from your colony. It's nice to meet you both," Satyr's voice was genuine, his eyes soft and welcoming. "Come, come, we aught to get started before the sun sinks below the horizon," With a quick twist, he began to trot off. Sosa and Panik exchanged small glances, shrugged, and followed behind. The towering stipes casted long shadows across the mycelium infused soil. Panik found himself in awe, gazing up to the softly waving caps, far above. The air sparkled softly with drifting spores. "I've recently noticed some newer 'shrooms popping up down in this ravine-" Satyr called, his voice hupping with each footfall. "Have you done any tests on them?" Panik replied in earnest curiousity, "Do we know if they're toxic-" He grabbed onto the sling pouch across his chest. Inside the PDA bounced, and a spark of worry tickled his mind. It'd suck a lot if it shattered. He gripped the bag closely to his chest, holding tight. "How much further?" Sosa gave a glance to the Tsab, rolling his eyes. Panik was known to be impatient but
Mention Counter
Panik: 7 mentions
Satyr: 2 mentions
Sosa: 2 mentions

401 to 600
curious. The Tark'ee chuffed, headbutting Panik's rump as he charged forward. The Tsab yelped, bucking and kicking back, his feet whiffing past Sosa's cheek. "Hey!" "Keep up, slowpoke!" Sosa laughed, charging past both Satyr and Panik with thudding speed. The Belemoid and Tsab gave a glance, barked in laughter, and followed suit. "Up here, past the hill!" Satyr called, paws and claws thudding and scraping the mycelium rich soil. Panik held back a sneeze as the spores tickled his nostrils, resolving to shake his head aggressively. They slid past the bare hill and down the ravine, skidding to a stop before the odd patch of mushrooms. The ground was split in wide cracks, lines of mycelium stretching across the mini abyss. Twisting green and blue mushrooms seemed to claw their way from the ground, tendrils stretching to the bare sky. The stench of the mushrooms was almost undescribable, with a hint of umami and spice, laid heavily with the overwhelming scent of ammonia. Panik took some hefty breaths, slowing his thudding heart. With a hand across his chest, he coughed a few times. "Oh- It reeks." His nose scrunched, ears folding back in displeasure. Resolving to get the job
Mention Counter
Panik: 6 mentions
Satyr: 3 mentions
Sosa: 3 mentions

601 to 800
done, he pulled the shining blue PDA from the chest sling. "You never did answer my question, Satyr." Sosa's reaction to the mushrooms was no better, squawking, "Ew!" He shook his head, tongue shooting out as he cried out a heavy "Blech!" Satyr chuckled softly, a smile creeping across his face. "Yeah it's not pleasant. I've not done any tests, no, I don't have the fancy gadgets you Colonists have," His tail swept across the floor, puffing soft dust. "It does seem like whatever species this is, it's chasing off other flora and fauna, though." A soft hum came from the Tsab as he examined the PDA and tapped a few things into the screen. He lifted it upward, snapping pictures of the eerie, stinky mushrooms. "Based off smell alone, I don't think we should opt for the more Organic tests, so to speak." Sosa gave a slight nod, agreeing. "As much as I'd loooove to find a hallucinogen, I'd rather not risk death for the fun of it." Satyr's eyes lit up with amusement at the notion, plopping his rump down. He seemed much unbothered by the lingering odor. "At least you eventually get used to the smell," Sosa
Mention Counter
Panik: 1 mentions
Satyr: 3 mentions
Sosa: 3 mentions

801 to 1000
barked, noting it didn't seem nearly as strong as it was when they arrived. "Not sure if that's a good thing, though " The Tark'ee adjusted his footing. "It still smells awful, don't get me wrong." "It'd take you years to get used to the smell, Sosa," Satyr beamed, "Nuryuhrians are always welcome to join us here in L'hatzif," he teased. "Despite how irritating the sand can be, I think we'll stick to Issiq, thank you very much," Panik chortled, snipping off a small shimmering piece of mushroom. He examined it closely, typing observations into the PDA with as much detail as he could, "You want a turn, Sosa?" "Chunky paws, my friend!" Sosa barked, tail swishing. Amusement all around. "Well, the PDA says this is an unknown species as of now. Any ideas on names," Panik pondered, looking over the 'shroom with unease. "Hopefully nothing tasty sounding because boy howdy it reeks." "I'd say stinkhorn but I'm pretty sure that's already a thing," Sosa sighed, looking to the reaching cap and tendrils. "How about blue crawler?" "I think it looks more teal than blue," Satyr hummed, looking over the shroom with curiousity. "Teal crawler it is," Panik tapped it
Mention Counter
Panik: 3 mentions
Satyr: 2 mentions
Sosa: 5 mentions

1001 to 1020
into the PDA, sending it to DPIP for approval. "Seems like a success to me. Anyone up for some food?"
Mention Counter
Panik is in 5 chunks
Satyr is in 5 chunks
Sosa is in 5 chunks
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[ Gatherer I ] 1336 - 1419

In Class Specialization ・ By Nuryuhr ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
  • Travel to L'hatzif and document a variety of fungus.

Submitted By Nuryuhr for Gatherer EducationLocation: L'Hatzif (B'Av)
Submitted 4 months ago Last Updated 4 months ago
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#3213 by Nuryuhr
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[[ Gatherer I ] 1336 - 1419 by Nuryuhr (Literature)](
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