Kel grabbed the golden wheat and pulled the plant up root and all and placed it in the wheelbarrow that sat beside him. To his right Toffee was hard at work harvesting the wheat. Her wheelbarrow was quickly filling up and they would soon have to take it inside the harvest house where those in the village knew more about preparing the plant to get the much needed heads of grain. Kel was just glad that he was not in that group. Kel and Toffee had been working since suns up and now the suns were high overhead. In the distance he could see the black mountains loaming over the evergreen trees. Kel longed to be in those mountains digging up treasures not here pulling up plants.

Kel bent down to grab another wheat plant when a strange native came running out of the woods.

"Help!" The native managed to get out. His sides heaving as though he had run a great distance.

"Is that you Astur?" Bunsen said. She had been harvesting a few rows down.

Astur could only nod his brown head. His sides were heaving as he sucked in as much air as he could.

"Help-I-need-help. " Astur said in between breaths.

"What happened?" Kel asked. Toffee stood by waiting for the answer.

Astur took another couple of deep breaths. "There was a cave in. " He finally managed to get out.

As soon as the words were out of Astur's mouth Kel's stomach dropped. A cave in!

"Bunsen. Tell Moon Stone to get the healing hut ready. We are probably going to need her."

Bunsen nodded and then ran off to do as Kel had said.

"Toffee, as soon as Astur here has caught his breath we are going with him to see what we can do. Your big claws and bioluminescence will be a big help."

Kel was surprised to see Bunsen coming back. She had a water pitcher in her hands and she carefully made her way back to them. She handed the pitcher to Astur. And Astur took it in both hands and took long drawn out drink.

"I think I am ready. "Astur said as he handed the pitcher back. Bunsen set the pitcher on the ground.

"I am going with you." Bunsen stated.

Kel was going to tell her to stay here. But in truth they could probably use the help.

And with that. The four of them took off as fast as Astur could run. They ran through the evergreen woods. They had to dodge low hanging branches and run around large trunks and jump over feld tree limbs. They ran pass a rock formation that looked like a sitting Belemoid.

They ran deeper into the forest toward the looming black mountains. When they finally came to the cave entrance they were all winded and had to take several minutes just to catch their breath.

The light of the suns was starting to wane and deep shadows were creeping along the ground. They were losing precious light. Kel and Bunsen started to pull rocks away from the entrance. Toffee sat and looked at the rocks before moving over and starting to remove the rocks from a certain point. Astur started to pull the rocks from where Toffee was working.

"Over here." Astur called out. "This spot is more stable to work on." Kel and Bunsen moved from where they were working and started to pull rocks alongside Toffee and Aster.

The suns light disappeared and one of the moons peeked out from the trees. By its dim light they dug and pulled rocks until the second smaller moon also peeked out from the trees as A'gon chased the bigger Nasi.

Toffee used her Bioluminescent to help Astur, who was an actual miner and knew where to move the rock and where to dig. Kel and Bunsen worked alongside them. They had cleared all the small rocks and what was left were three large stones. Astur directed them. Toffee used her big claws to dig around the base of one of the rocks. Kel with Astur and Bunsen's help they pushed the first of the large stones. After that the other two were easy to roll away. They quickly moved back and waited to see if what they did caused another cave collapse. But it seemed to be stable. Toffee crawled in and with her better night vision spotted the three trapped colonists. A red Tsabhua with a white blaze was leaning over a Blue blanket Appalousa Belemoid. A third Tsabhua, This one black and white, blinked up at them as the dim moonlight reached into the cave.

"We are here to help you." Toffee said as she moved over to the clearly injured colonist. With her help they managed to get the injured colonist out.

Kel was the first one to the fallen Tsabhua. "We are going to need a stretcher." He finally announced. He didn't want to move the tsabhua until a doctor had looked him over.

"I will go." Bunsen said. " I know these woods quite well.

"You shouldn't go alone. " Kell said. " Take Toffee with you. She will be able to see in the dim light and help you move faster."

Now that the emergency was over Astur sat down. His exhaustion finally catching up with him.

" Rest now. " Kel said. " Bunsen and I will stand watch til they get back.

Total Wordcount: 911
1 to 200
Kel grabbed the golden wheat and pulled the plant up root and all and placed it in the wheelbarrow that sat beside him. To his right Toffee was hard at work harvesting the wheat. Her wheelbarrow was quickly filling up and they would soon have to take it inside the harvest house where those in the village knew more about preparing the plant to get the much needed heads of grain. Kel was just glad that he was not in that group. Kel and Toffee had been working since suns up and now the suns were high overhead. In the distance he could see the black mountains loaming over the evergreen trees. Kel longed to be in those mountains digging up treasures not here pulling up plants. Kel bent down to grab another wheat plant when a strange native came running out of the woods. "Help!" The native managed to get out. His sides heaving as though he had run a great distance. "Is that you Astur?" Bunsen said. She had been harvesting a few rows down. Astur could only nod his brown head. His sides were heaving as he sucked in as much air as he could. "Help-I-need-help. "
Mention Counter
Bunsen: 1 mentions
Kel: 5 mentions
Toffee: 2 mentions
Astur: 2 mentions

201 to 400
Astur said in between breaths. "What happened?" Kel asked. Toffee stood by waiting for the answer. Astur took another couple of deep breaths. "There was a cave in. " He finally managed to get out. As soon as the words were out of Astur's mouth Kel's stomach dropped. A cave in! "Bunsen. Tell Moon Stone to get the healing hut ready. We are probably going to need her." Bunsen nodded and then ran off to do as Kel had said. "Toffee, as soon as Astur here has caught his breath we are going with him to see what we can do. Your big claws and bioluminescence will be a big help." Kel was surprised to see Bunsen coming back. She had a water pitcher in her hands and she carefully made her way back to them. She handed the pitcher to Astur. And Astur took it in both hands and took long drawn out drink. "I think I am ready. "Astur said as he handed the pitcher back. Bunsen set the pitcher on the ground. "I am going with you." Bunsen stated. Kel was going to tell her to stay here. But in truth they could probably use the help.
Mention Counter
Bunsen: 5 mentions
Kel: 5 mentions
Toffee: 2 mentions
Astur: 7 mentions

401 to 600
And with that. The four of them took off as fast as Astur could run. They ran through the evergreen woods. They had to dodge low hanging branches and run around large trunks and jump over feld tree limbs. They ran pass a rock formation that looked like a sitting Belemoid. They ran deeper into the forest toward the looming black mountains. When they finally came to the cave entrance they were all winded and had to take several minutes just to catch their breath. The light of the suns was starting to wane and deep shadows were creeping along the ground. They were losing precious light. Kel and Bunsen started to pull rocks away from the entrance. Toffee sat and looked at the rocks before moving over and starting to remove the rocks from a certain point. Astur started to pull the rocks from where Toffee was working. "Over here." Astur called out. "This spot is more stable to work on." Kel and Bunsen moved from where they were working and started to pull rocks alongside Toffee and Aster. ((The suns light disappeared and one of the moons peeked out from the trees. By its dim light they dug
Mention Counter
Bunsen: 2 mentions
Kel: 2 mentions
Toffee: 3 mentions
Astur: 3 mentions

601 to 800
and pulled rocks until the second smaller moon also peeked out from the trees as A'gon chased the bigger Nasi. )) Toffee used her Bioluminescent to help Astur, who was an actual miner and knew where to move the rock and where to dig. Kel and Bunsen worked alongside them. They had cleared all the small rocks and what was left were three large stones. Astur directed them. Toffee used her big claws to dig around the base of one of the rocks. Kel with Astur and Bunsen's help they pushed the first of the large stones. After that the other two were easy to roll away. They quickly moved back and waited to see if what they did caused another cave collapse. But it seemed to be stable. Toffee crawled in and with her better night vision spotted the three trapped colonists. A red Tsabhua with a white blaze was leaning over a Blue blanket Appalousa Belemoid. A third Tsabhua, This one black and white, blinked up at them as the dim moonlight reached into the cave. "We are here to help you." Toffee said as she moved over to the clearly injured colonist. With her help they managed
Mention Counter
Bunsen: 2 mentions
Kel: 2 mentions
Toffee: 4 mentions
Astur: 3 mentions

801 to 911
to get the injured colonist out. Kel was the first one to the fallen Tsabhua. "We are going to need a stretcher." He finally announced. He didn't want to move the tsabhua until a doctor had looked him over. "I will go." Bunsen said. " I know these woods quite well. "You shouldn't go alone. " Kell said. " Take Toffee with you. She will be able to see in the dim light and help you move faster." Now that the emergency was over Astur sat down. His exhaustion finally catching up with him. " Rest now. " Kel said. " Bunsen and I will stand watch til they get back.
Mention Counter
Bunsen: 2 mentions
Kel: 2 mentions
Toffee: 1 mentions
Astur: 1 mentions
Bunsen is in 5 chunks
Kel is in 5 chunks
Toffee is in 5 chunks
Astur is in 5 chunks
Avatar of WhiteRaven

Miner I

In Class Specialization ・ By WhiteRaven ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments

Travel to Rekes to attempt to clear blocked tunnels

Submitted By WhiteRaven for Miner EducationLocation: Obsidian Mountain (Rekes)
Submitted 2 months ago Last Updated 2 months ago
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[Miner I by WhiteRaven (Literature)](
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