Two quiet tsabhua's walked side by side down the dusty dockyard of Issiq known as the Ochre Dockyard - the name suited it, considered that in front of them was a sea of ochre sandy buildings littered busily in an area, the only color breaking it up being the blues and teals of the ocean that allowed for trade to enter in and out of the docks. Ash was an older tsabhua, and he and his travelling companion and fellow colonist Rubus had not said much on their journey from Mireh to Issiq - they were on their way for their physician training from Quetzalcoatl. Ash scanned the buildings in front of them both, trying to spot the local hospital where their training would be taking place. Rubus tapped the end of his tail on the older tsabhua's shoulder and nodded towards a building that had hospital messily etched above the large doors. Ash nodded and the pair walked over to the building, just as a purple hornless tsabhua burst through the doors. "Oh! You two better be my trainees! C'mon now, inside, inside, you're… well you're not late but you may as well be. No time like the present!" a lively female tsabhua chirped at them as she swivelled back around and burst back through the doors into the building. Ash and Rubus glanced at each other but followed Quetzalcoatl inside.

Inside it was surprisingly brighter than either of the tsabhua's had expected - the walls were somehow a bright beige which was a stark difference from the ochre buildings on the outside, and the floors were a smooth dark polished sandstone. Considering the amount of sand collected between their paw pads and on their fur, it was surprisingly clean. There was a wide hallway and a selection of rooms each with their own labelled door, with most of them being exam rooms and treatment rooms. As Quetzalcoatl led the way, they slipped through a door labelled "authorised personnel only". The female led them over to a cleaning station and demonstrated how to clean up correctly, whilst she chatted away to them. "You will be assisting me on a minor surgery today, learning how to handle instruments correctly and conduct yourself in a surgery room properly" the purple tsabhua told them enthusiastically. "You can ask questions but obviously remember I am performing a surgery here! If you feel unwell at any point please leave the room as I do not have time to baby you" she continued on, not waiting for Ash or Rubus to pitch in any words - which worked perfectly fine for both quiet males.

As they finished cleaning up and placed on their masks and appropriate equipment, they entered through another door where a patient was already prepared on an iron surgery table. Ash blinked at it for a moment but watched Quetzalcoatl and followed her lead, and Rubus followed along with no complaints. Despite performing surgery, the purple female continued to talk brightly to the pair, with only brief pauses to look up and make sure that neither of them were going to faint or had any questions. "Hey, you-" she said, making eye contact with Ash who looked up at her with his head tilted "-grab this instrument from me and hold it exactly like I am". She demonstrated carefully before allowing Ash to carefully grasp the cool instruments and copy what Quetzalcoatl had instructed him to do. Rubus watched intently, following quiet commands and helping where he was told to. Neither of the male tsabhua's had any questions, and instead were following along fairly confidently despite their quiet natures. Time ticked by and Rubus adjusted the lights as the sunlight failed to reach through the windows, ensuring that the female physician had the ability to see what she was doing. Ash and Rubus took it in turns to handle equipment and make adjustments, fairly skilled at doing so despite being untrained.

After some time, the surgery was almost over. Quetzalcoatl looked at Rubus and blinked "come here, watch me suture this and then you can have a go" she told the quieter of the two, and Rubus could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He moved to stand closer to the hornless female, their shoulders touching as he peered at her hands whilst they worked. "Want a go?" she offered him, but Rubus shook his head. Quetzacoatl glanced at Ash and repeated the question. "With all due respect, I do not feel ready to do so" Ash replied politely, and the female nodded respectfully. "Not to worry boys, you can come back again and train some more, then you'll be feeling confident in no time!" she brightly chirped at them, causing Ash to almost crack a smile. Rubus dipped his head politely. As the surgery finished up, the two males helped clean up - even though they were not asked to - and then they were released back outside into the cool dusk evening of Ochre Dockyard.

Total Wordcount: 836
1 to 200
Two quiet tsabhua's walked side by side down the dusty dockyard of Issiq known as the Ochre Dockyard - the name suited it, considered that in front of them was a sea of ochre sandy buildings littered busily in an area, the only color breaking it up being the blues and teals of the ocean that allowed for trade to enter in and out of the docks. Ash was an older tsabhua, and he and his travelling companion and fellow colonist Rubus had not said much on their journey from Mireh to Issiq - they were on their way for their physician training from Quetzalcoatl. Ash scanned the buildings in front of them both, trying to spot the local hospital where their training would be taking place. Rubus tapped the end of his tail on the older tsabhua's shoulder and nodded towards a building that had hospital messily etched above the large doors. Ash nodded and the pair walked over to the building, just as a purple hornless tsabhua burst through the doors. "Oh! You two better be my trainees! C'mon now, inside, inside, you're… well you're not late but you may as well be. No time like the present!"
Mention Counter
Ash: 3 mentions
Rubus: 2 mentions

201 to 400
a lively female tsabhua chirped at them as she swivelled back around and burst back through the doors into the building. Ash and Rubus glanced at each other but followed Quetzalcoatl inside. Inside it was surprisingly brighter than either of the tsabhua's had expected - the walls were somehow a bright beige which was a stark difference from the ochre buildings on the outside, and the floors were a smooth dark polished sandstone. Considering the amount of sand collected between their paw pads and on their fur, it was surprisingly clean. There was a wide hallway and a selection of rooms each with their own labelled door, with most of them being exam rooms and treatment rooms. As Quetzalcoatl led the way, they slipped through a door labelled "authorised personnel only". The female led them over to a cleaning station and demonstrated how to clean up correctly, whilst she chatted away to them. "You will be assisting me on a minor surgery today, learning how to handle instruments correctly and conduct yourself in a surgery room properly" the purple tsabhua told them enthusiastically. "You can ask questions but obviously remember I am performing a surgery here! If you feel unwell
Mention Counter
Ash: 1 mentions
Rubus: 1 mentions

401 to 600
at any point please leave the room as I do not have time to baby you" she continued on, not waiting for Ash or Rubus to pitch in any words - which worked perfectly fine for both quiet males. As they finished cleaning up and placed on their masks and appropriate equipment, they entered through another door where a patient was already prepared on an iron surgery table. Ash blinked at it for a moment but watched Quetzalcoatl and followed her lead, and Rubus followed along with no complaints. Despite performing surgery, the purple female continued to talk brightly to the pair, with only brief pauses to look up and make sure that neither of them were going to faint or had any questions. "Hey, you-" she said, making eye contact with Ash who looked up at her with his head tilted "-grab this instrument from me and hold it exactly like I am". She demonstrated carefully before allowing Ash to carefully grasp the cool instruments and copy what Quetzalcoatl had instructed him to do. Rubus watched intently, following quiet commands and helping where he was told to. Neither of the male tsabhua's had any questions, and instead were following
Mention Counter
Ash: 4 mentions
Rubus: 3 mentions

601 to 800
along fairly confidently despite their quiet natures. Time ticked by and Rubus adjusted the lights as the sunlight failed to reach through the windows, ensuring that the female physician had the ability to see what she was doing. Ash and Rubus took it in turns to handle equipment and make adjustments, fairly skilled at doing so despite being untrained. After some time, the surgery was almost over. Quetzalcoatl looked at Rubus and blinked "come here, watch me suture this and then you can have a go" she told the quieter of the two, and Rubus could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He moved to stand closer to the hornless female, their shoulders touching as he peered at her hands whilst they worked. "Want a go?" she offered him, but Rubus shook his head. Quetzacoatl glanced at Ash and repeated the question. "With all due respect, I do not feel ready to do so" Ash replied politely, and the female nodded respectfully. "Not to worry boys, you can come back again and train some more, then you'll be feeling confident in no time!" she brightly chirped at them, causing Ash to almost crack a smile. Rubus dipped his head
Mention Counter
Ash: 4 mentions
Rubus: 6 mentions

801 to 836
politely. As the surgery finished up, the two males helped clean up - even though they were not asked to - and then they were released back outside into the cool dusk evening of Ochre Dockyard.
Mention Counter
Ash is in 4 chunks
Rubus is in 4 chunks
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[Trade] Physician Assistant 0015 + 0539

In Class Specialization ・ By Astraia ・ 1 Favourite ・ 0 Comments

Ash and Rubus learn from Quetzalcoatl

Physician Assistant - "Assist in a surgery by holding tools, etc."

Submitted By Astraia for Physician EducationLocation: Ochre Dockyard (Issiq) ・ View Favorites
Submitted 2 weeks ago Last Updated 2 weeks ago
Trade With:   Wayward Station
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#3006 by Astraia
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[[Trade] Physician Assistant 0015 + 0539 by Astraia (Literature)](
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