Exploring with Marchus was widlyl different from exploring with Wyrd. The other belemoid had gone home, seemingly satisfied with her notes, but Woodland hoped to find something more. "Uh so if we head that way, and then this way- and then past the stream-" she muttered, squinting at her notes as Marchus watched. "yes, we should reach the clearing I found before."
Marchus stood beside her, arms crossed, patiently waiting. "You’re sure this map’s accurate?"
Woodland sighed, frustrated. "About as accurate as it can be, given this place makes no sense. The soil feels normal, but it's all under a bunker? I don’t even know where we are in relation to the surface anymore."
Marchus chuckled. "We’re underground, Woodland. That’s about the best we can guess."
She shot him a look, but smiled in spite of herself. "Thanks, that really helps."
They started moving again, the strange jungle-like environment around them buzzing with life. **The air was damp and warm, thick with the scent of wet earth and overgrown plants. The walls of the bunker, though distant, loomed like the edges of a forgotten temple, barely visible through the dense undergrowth.**
"I still can’t wrap my head around why anyone would build a bunker like this," Marchus said as they walked. "It’s like... nature and technology had a really messy argument and decided to compromise."
They approached the stream Woodland had marked on her map- the one she had found before with Wyrd- a narrow, trickling line of clear water running over smooth stones. The sound of it was soothing, and Woodland paused for a moment to take it in. 
As they crossed, Marchus pointed to something ahead. "Look. A structure."
Woodland squinted through the undergrowth and saw it too—what looked like a crumbling stone building, partially overtaken by vines and moss. It was small, barely more than a ruin, but unmistakably out of place.
"Was this here before?" Woodland asked, flipping through her notes.
Marchus shook his head. "Not that I saw when we came through last time. Maybe some other explorer's made it? It looks like a rest stop of some sort."
"Let's check it out."
They approached cautiously. As they neared the entrance, a faint shimmer caught Woodland’s eye as it darted back into the bushes- must've been a bug of sorts.
"Hmmm. There doesn't seem to be much here." Marchus remarked, lifting some objects off of counters and tables.
Woodland frowned "Maybe I just didn't notice last time... How strange. A good opportunity to compare notes and have a snack, though." she grabbed some things from her backpack, offering Marchus a granola bar. He politely refuses, but gladly took the small notebook Woodland had offered him. "You went quite far in already-" he paused, squinting at the notes. "trying to reach Mireh?" 
Woodland nodded. "We should be halfway there now, if our theories are correct." she pointed at the map she had drawn. "See, should be right there. This place seems to go around in a circle."
Total Wordcount: 502
1 to 200
Exploring with Marchus was widlyl different from exploring with Wyrd. The other belemoid had gone home, seemingly satisfied with her notes, but Woodland hoped to find something more. "Uh so if we head that way, and then this way- and then past the stream-" she muttered, squinting at her notes as Marchus watched. "yes, we should reach the clearing I found before." Marchus stood beside her, arms crossed, patiently waiting. "You’re sure this map’s accurate?" Woodland sighed, frustrated. "About as accurate as it can be, given this place makes no sense. The soil feels normal, but it's all under a bunker? I don’t even know where we are in relation to the surface anymore." Marchus chuckled. "We’re underground, Woodland. That’s about the best we can guess." She shot him a look, but smiled in spite of herself. "Thanks, that really helps." They started moving again, the strange jungle-like environment around them buzzing with life. **The air was damp and warm, thick with the scent of wet earth and overgrown plants. The walls of the bunker, though distant, loomed like the edges of a forgotten temple, barely visible through the dense undergrowth.** "I still can’t wrap my head around why anyone
Mention Counter
Marchus: 4 mentions
Toxic Woodland: 3 mentions

201 to 400
would build a bunker like this," Marchus said as they walked. "It’s like nature and technology had a really messy argument and decided to compromise." They approached the stream Woodland had marked on her map- the one she had found before with Wyrd- a narrow, trickling line of clear water running over smooth stones. The sound of it was soothing, and Woodland paused for a moment to take it in. As they crossed, Marchus pointed to something ahead. "Look. A structure." Woodland squinted through the undergrowth and saw it too what looked like a crumbling stone building, partially overtaken by vines and moss. It was small, barely more than a ruin, but unmistakably out of place. "Was this here before?" Woodland asked, flipping through her notes. Marchus shook his head. "Not that I saw when we came through last time. Maybe some other explorer's made it? It looks like a rest stop of some sort." "Let's check it out." They approached cautiously. As they neared the entrance, a faint shimmer caught Woodland’s eye as it darted back into the bushes- must've been a bug of sorts. "Hmmm. There doesn't seem to be much here." Marchus remarked, lifting some objects off
Mention Counter
Marchus: 4 mentions
Toxic Woodland: 5 mentions

401 to 502
of counters and tables. Woodland frowned "Maybe I just didn't notice last time How strange. A good opportunity to compare notes and have a snack, though." she grabbed some things from her backpack, offering Marchus a granola bar. He politely refuses, but gladly took the small notebook Woodland had offered him. "You went quite far in already-" he paused, squinting at the notes. "trying to reach Mireh?" Woodland nodded. "We should be halfway there now, if our theories are correct." she pointed at the map she had drawn. "See, should be right there. This place seems to go around in a circle."
Mention Counter
Marchus: 1 mentions
Toxic Woodland: 3 mentions
Marchus is in 3 chunks
Toxic Woodland is in 3 chunks
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[TT.S3.EE] TT.S3 - Emerald Exploration V

In Rebel ・ By LostInProgres ・ 1 Favourite ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted 3 weeks ago Last Updated 3 weeks ago
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[[TT.S3.EE] TT.S3 - Emerald Exploration V by LostInProgres (Literature)](https://xiun.us/gallery/view/1092)
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