Content Warning: Blood; Injury mention

It feels like they’ve been walking for ages. 

All around them, the walls of the bunker have slowly dissolved into a backdrop of greenery, light rising from glowing organisms that act as microscopic suns in a place that might otherwise be completely devoid of warmth. Somehow, though, the humidity lay thick and heavy in the air and Finch’s fur feels bogged down from the sheer intensity of it. His eyes scan the various leaves and branches as Tallalune takes the lead, and behind her, a colonist from Nuryuhr by the name of Veldit skulks along after. 

Somewhere along their journey they’d stumbled into one another, and Finch could only assume at the time that Veldit had gotten separated from her own researcher in this spider’s web of a bunker system. Tallalune seemed familiar and didn’t protest to a tagalong on this excursion, and Finch isn’t above admitting that he immediately felt safer having two Tsabhua guard him from whatever man-eaters linger in the shadows. 

Bravery has never been his strong suit, but the desire for discovery leaves him almost desperate to prove that DPIP’s choice to designate him a glorified babysitter of his very own  colony was worthwhile. Similarly, he feels he owes it to Tallalune and the others  to do right by them. What kind of man would he be if he sent the colony’s Matriarch into this hazardous jungle on her own? What would he do if she never returned? 

So lost in his own head, Finch almost bumps into Veldit’s haunches as the trio comes to a complete standstill behind an entanglement of vines that block their way. Tallalune’s eyes flit back to where Finch is standing, and a quiet exchange is made between them that pushes Tallalune to pull at the vines. She grunts, beckoning the other colonist to join her, and before long nature’s netting has been dispelled and tossed aside, revealing another series of winding paths that disappear into the wilds ahead. Tallalune gives the Nuryuhrian time to rest her muscles, and before long they’re back on the path to find… Something. 

Something which could be anything in a place as damning as this. 

It’s been a long time since Finch has seen such an untamed expanse, and the memories of exploring the wilds is one hidden behind a cloud, undoubtedly due to age and various non-life threatening forms of trauma to the head. Finch adjusts his useless glasses, and Tallalune steers their small caravan to the right just as Veldit and Finch look up to see a shadow crawl out of sight to the left. His skin prickles and he picks up his pace just a bit, careful to avoid stepping on Veldit’s tail as he jogs to wedge himself by her side.

All the while, Finch has been making notes in his journal, a wild assortment of hatch marks and quick reminders jotted down that might hopefully prevent them from being remarkably lost once time comes to turn back. If they even can, that is. He has enough supplies for a few days at best, but without knowing what may or may not be poisonous, Finch isn’t sure how well Tallalune or Veldit would fare if he didn’t share what measly meals he brought with them. 

Maybe it was a mistake coming out here. Maybe this risk is too great, and the payoff too small to justify sacrificing their health in the name of science. 

Finch’s jaw sets and his eyes trail over the overgrown fern-like plants, watching as a pale blue light shimmers around another bend that Tallalune leads them towards. His stomach feels light, and his head pulses with worry as a shrill noise echoes from some faraway corner of the enclave that sends Veldit’s head rearing up in an attempt to scout out the source. 

But there’s nothing. 

The path is quiet. Both colonist’s hackles are on edge, and Finch feels like there are eyes peering at them from all directions. When did the path get so dark? Where did the pale blue light go? What became of the ambiance? 

In an instant, sounds returns, but it’s a hard warning from Tallalune that coaxes a response from Veldit before Finch’s hand is grabbed and he is all but dragged out of the way as a massive, many-legged figure slams into the path with enough force debris is knocked loose from the canopy above. To the ground Finch goes, Tallalune towering above him as her teeth bare towards their attacker who, knowing it failed its ambush, retreats with worrying speed back into the brush. Even after it’s gone, Veldit is sending warning calls in its direction, hurling small stones and sticks into the brush to ensure it knows it was spotted. 

Finch feels lightheaded, and the Matriarch helps him to his feet, stabilizing the researcher with her hands as she looks him over like a doting mother for any sign of injury. Sure enough, the beast nicked him, and Tallalune’s hand pulls away to reveal a smear of red that paints her pale fingers a translucent scarlet. 

Veldit’s called back by her, and the two have a brief conversation, undoubtedly about where to go from here knowing there may be all manners of things drawn to the stench of iron in the air. 

Tallalune pulls at Finch’s backpack, something she only ever does in a state of emergency, and finds the meager amount of gauze he had packed at the bottom of his bag. She cleans the wound with it best she can, applying great pressure to his shoulder where his coat has a thin, ghastly strip of cloth cut clean through. 

Of course the smart thing would be to turn back, but there’s no telling where the beast went and if they might encounter it again on the return trip in the very direction it had been stalking them. It seems both Tsabhua are in agreement that it’s far too risky, and after Tallalune is satisfied with her patchwork job at cleaning Finch up, she gestures for Veldit to lead the way. It seems like she won’t be leaving his side for a little while, and Finch selfishly allows himself to be protected. 

He’s a liability now, after all, one that could cost them a great deal more than he’d care to admit.

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[TT.S3.EE : Gift] Emerald Exploration 001

In Tark'ee Trespass ・ By Ororest ・ 1 Favourite ・ 0 Comments

Word Count: 1,054

Submitted 2 days ago Last Updated 2 days ago
Gift For:   Nuryuhr
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#2782 by Ororest
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[[TT.S3.EE : Gift] Emerald Exploration 001 by Ororest (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** Blood; Injury mention](


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