Claim (#45)
New Member - First Colonist Claim
Submitted 4yrs and 5mos ago
Processed 4yrs and 5mos ago by Xione
Hello! I would like to claim my starter colonist, please!
I am a new member and am very excited to participate! (This portion is just a little snippet about myself, but this is not required. You are able to fill out your user profile nicely with custom html and some css code, so don't feel pressured to include too much here!!)
I am a new member and am very excited to participate! (This portion is just a little snippet about myself, but this is not required. You are able to fill out your user profile nicely with custom html and some css code, so don't feel pressured to include too much here!!)
No rewards are attached to this submission.
No colonists are included in this submission.
No addons are included in this submission.
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