Submission (#3166)
Submitted 4mos and 3w ago
Processed 4mos and 3w ago by Spear
Hi hi!
Pasting the initial conversation here for ease of reference: link to xiunus server chatter
My suggestion is essentially introducing another monthly raffle to the group, similar to the wheel, and also allowing players to donate slots for said raffle.
Slot Donations:
Players can donate slots from eligible Colonists similar to how they can donate items to the Conclave. Unlike the Conclave, these donated slots get put into an RNG pool that can only be used once a month for a purely randomized breeding. All slots donated must be full slots, and not splits, to ensure that if the slot is used it goes solely to the player who submitted the breeding request.
Players can earn either immigration vouchers (since they're technically donating to future colonists) or some other currency as a reward for contributing to the pool.
Potentially a short cooldown or cap on donated slots per colonist (based on max available slots?) to avoid an influx of the same Dad Guy or Mega Mom?
Monthly RNG Breeding:
To pair with the idea above, players who have their breeding permit unlocked in Research will gain access to a new mechanic where they can submit a breeding to use one of the RNG slots. Players who partake can either use their own colonist, a slot they own personally, a split with someone else or allow the RNG to pair two random colonists together for the ultimate surprise.
Breedings shouldn't result in deceased / infertile whelps, so backend wise pairings would need to be unrelated to make sure the lineages are squeaky clean when the breeding is rolled.
This can only be done once a month
Players can use any relevant breeding items and unlocked research to maximize the outcome since RNG can result in duds if the pool is a little... lacking...
anyways that's about it :D thanks for reading.
Colony Rewards
No colonists are included in this submission.
No addons are included in this submission.
Feature Comment