Nathalia had long ago decided that travelling by boat- wasn't for her. She hated every second of it, the rocking of the boat, the salty ocean air, being trapped in a relatively small space.
Still, when the colony had written to her, offering her a place while they learnt more about "potential options for an outpost in Rekes" she had happily obliged. She had already been considering life in a colony before she met the small group out in Rekes, and after they left the colony had kept sending her messages to check up on her. It seemed like an obvious choice for her potential new residence.
That all didn't make her disdain of the ocean any less, though. She sighed, looking over at her companion. Bilo'bjorn had had a similar encounter with the colony, and was likewise invited over to their home base. She was glad, really, to have an old friend travel with her.
"I'm glad you don't mind the ocean as much as I do, Bilo." she told the Belemoid, who chuckled. "It's quite nice, on days like these."
Nathalia supposed that he wasn't wrong. The waves were calm, and the sky clear. Even the sun wasn't too harsh, meaning the two Xunari could have a nice chat on the deck of the ship, looking over the railings to see the view of the ocean waves, seemingly endless.
She huffed, faking annoyance. "Still! Can't we hurry up a little? I'm sure this boat can go faster than this."
The black chuckled "Well, unless you want to jump out and push us-"
The two exchanges a few more playful jabs, until Nathalia noticed something in the waters. She pointed at it, leaning over the railings slightly "What's that? Some kind of fish, maybe? It looks massive..."
Leaning slightly over the railings himself, Bilo'bjorn hummed curiously. "I'm not quite sure, we don't have any fish like that back home..." he narrowed his eyes at the shape. "Do you think we should call over the crew? Could be dangerous?"
Nathalia shook her head. "I'm sure it's fine- Wait is it coming up?!"
Both Xunari jumped back a little as the bright orange shape popped up from the ocean, revealing a coral tTark'ee with an eye-catching frill around their head.
The Tark'ee grinned at them, amused. "I heard you were talking about me?"
It took both travellers a few seconds to shake off their surprise. Nathalia was first to recover, still stumbling over words. "Ah- we're sorry if we- offended you by any chance?" 
The Tark'ee laughed, still swimming along the boat "No worries! There is some pretty large fish out here, after all. What brings you guys out to the ocean?"
"We are travelling to L'hatzif- a colony there has asked us to join them." Bilo'bjorn answered, eyes sparkling with excitement as he spoke.
"Oooo!" The Tark'ee called out. "That seems quite exciting. A nice little adventure, then."
Nathalia nodded. "It'll be fun. The trip there had been less than enjoyable, though." she sighed "I wish I could swim like you, at least then I wouldn't have to travel by boat."
The Tark'ee raised an eyebrow "I'm not sure about that. There's all sorts of things down here- not all of them pleasant. Not to mention the energy it takes to swim such distances."
Nathalia nodded thoughtfully "I suppose so. Where are you travelling to, then?"
"I'm not really travelling," the Tark'ee started, "I was just hoping for a chat, really. I am not quite... accustomed to these lands yet, so I was hoping just hoping for a chat."
Bilo'bjorn nodded. Neither of the two Rekesens had really understood where the strange creatures had come from, only knowing they weren't there one day, and emerging from the oceans the next. Bilo'bjorn eyes the serpentine creature with sympathy.
"We'd be happy to chat for a bit." he said kindly, "the trip is quite long- the company would be appreciated. What's your name?"
The Tark'ee seemed to appreciate the offer, looking a bit more chipper now. "My name is Racer. It's a pleasure to meet you two."
"I'm Bilo'bjorn. and this is Nathalia. We came from Rekes, which is the land East of here."
Racer´s eyes widened "That's quite a bit away! This L'hatzif place must be great if you're willing to travel all the way there."
Nathalia nodded "We sure hope so. It's a bit of a gamble to both of us but..." she smiled at Bilo'bjorn "Let's just assume good things are waiting for us over there."
Racer smiled at them "Just hearing about it makes me excited for you two! The ship's almost there too. I'll have to leave, but think of me when you're on your adventure! Come find me for a chat sometimes, I'd love to be caught up!"
Total Wordcount: 805
1 to 200
Nathalia had long ago decided that travelling by boat- wasn't for her. She hated every second of it, the rocking of the boat, the salty ocean air, being trapped in a relatively small space. Still, when the colony had written to her, offering her a place while they learnt more about "potential options for an outpost in Rekes" she had happily obliged. She had already been considering life in a colony before she met the small group out in Rekes, and after they left the colony had kept sending her messages to check up on her. It seemed like an obvious choice for her potential new residence. That all didn't make her disdain of the ocean any less, though. She sighed, looking over at her companion. Bilo'bjorn had had a similar encounter with the colony, and was likewise invited over to their home base. She was glad, really, to have an old friend travel with her. "I'm glad you don't mind the ocean as much as I do, Bilo." she told the Belemoid, who chuckled. "It's quite nice, on days like these." Nathalia supposed that he wasn't wrong. The waves were calm, and the sky clear. Even the sun wasn't
Mention Counter
Nathalia: 2 mentions
Bilo'bjorn: 3 mentions

201 to 400
too harsh, meaning the two Xunari could have a nice chat on the deck of the ship, looking over the railings to see the view of the ocean waves, seemingly endless. She huffed, faking annoyance. "Still! Can't we hurry up a little? I'm sure this boat can go faster than this." The black chuckled "Well, unless you want to jump out and push us-" The two exchanges a few more playful jabs, until Nathalia noticed something in the waters. She pointed at it, leaning over the railings slightly "What's that? Some kind of fish, maybe? It looks massive " Leaning slightly over the railings himself, Bilo'bjorn hummed curiously. "I'm not quite sure, we don't have any fish like that back home " he narrowed his eyes at the shape. "Do you think we should call over the crew? Could be dangerous?" Nathalia shook her head. "I'm sure it's fine- Wait is it coming up?!" Both Xunari jumped back a little as the bright orange shape popped up from the ocean, revealing a coral tTark'ee with an eye-catching frill around their head. The Tark'ee grinned at them, amused. "I heard you were talking about me?" It took both travellers a few
Mention Counter
Nathalia: 2 mentions
Bilo'bjorn: 2 mentions

401 to 600
seconds to shake off their surprise. Nathalia was first to recover, still stumbling over words. "Ah- we're sorry if we- offended you by any chance?" The Tark'ee laughed, still swimming along the boat "No worries! There is some pretty large fish out here, after all. What brings you guys out to the ocean?" "We are travelling to L'hatzif- a colony there has asked us to join them." Bilo'bjorn answered, eyes sparkling with excitement as he spoke. "Oooo!" The Tark'ee called out. "That seems quite exciting. A nice little adventure, then." Nathalia nodded. "It'll be fun. The trip there had been less than enjoyable, though." she sighed "I wish I could swim like you, at least then I wouldn't have to travel by boat." The Tark'ee raised an eyebrow "I'm not sure about that. There's all sorts of things down here- not all of them pleasant. Not to mention the energy it takes to swim such distances." Nathalia nodded thoughtfully "I suppose so. Where are you travelling to, then?" "I'm not really travelling," the Tark'ee started, "I was just hoping for a chat, really. I am not quite accustomed to these lands yet, so I was hoping just hoping for a
Mention Counter
Nathalia: 3 mentions
Bilo'bjorn: 2 mentions

601 to 800
chat." Bilo'bjorn nodded. Neither of the two Rekesens had really understood where the strange creatures had come from, only knowing they weren't there one day, and emerging from the oceans the next. Bilo'bjorn eyes the serpentine creature with sympathy. "We'd be happy to chat for a bit." he said kindly, "the trip is quite long- the company would be appreciated. What's your name?" The Tark'ee seemed to appreciate the offer, looking a bit more chipper now. "My name is Racer. It's a pleasure to meet you two." "I'm Bilo'bjorn. and this is Nathalia. We came from Rekes, which is the land East of here." Racer´s eyes widened "That's quite a bit away! This L'hatzif place must be great if you're willing to travel all the way there." Nathalia nodded "We sure hope so. It's a bit of a gamble to both of us but " she smiled at Bilo'bjorn "Let's just assume good things are waiting for us over there." Racer smiled at them "Just hearing about it makes me excited for you two! The ship's almost there too. I'll have to leave, but think of me when you're on your adventure! Come find me for a chat sometimes, I'd
Mention Counter
Nathalia: 2 mentions
Bilo'bjorn: 8 mentions
Racer: 3 mentions

801 to 805
love to be caught up!"
Mention Counter
Nathalia is in 4 chunks
Bilo'bjorn is in 4 chunks
Racer is in 1 chunks
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Out To Sea VI

In Respect ・ By LostInProgres ・ 1 Favourite ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By LostInProgres for TT.S2 - Out to Sea ・ Location: Ocean (Xiunus) ・ View Favorites
Submitted 7 months ago ・ Last Updated 7 months ago
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[Out To Sea VI by LostInProgres (Literature)](
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