Content Warning: Blood and gashes

Rozwel tidied up the clinic. The day was coming to a close and they were the last one left at the hospital. Looking around at what was left to do before she could go home, there thankfully wasn't too much. The plants in the lobby needed to be watered, as they really brightened up the area welcoming the clients as they entered. The bright windows currently reflected the sandy exterior of the Tsidal colony. Leading away from the lobby into the back the counters were pristine at this point. Most of the machines were turned off, their red lights blinking slowly to indicate they'd be ready to go for the next morning. There was still the matter of the dirty tools in the sink corner that needed cleaning from the day. Truly Rozwel's least favorite task- cleaning the instruments. They didn't appreciate not having more usable thumbs.

The lobby bell rang out as the door opened, momentarily saving Rozwel from this task. An unfamiliar navy tsab entered the door and looked around as Rozwel stepped into the lobby to greet them. "Hello…. I'm Frog". The tsab said cautiously. Roswell nodded politely and introduced herself. "What brings you in today?" She didn't mention the late hour- she was always happy to help someone in need.

Frog nodded at the belemoid and offered a hand that was wrapped up in dark cloth- a makeshift bandage. "I injured myself and uh, this was the nearest medical facility. Can you take a look?" The tsab was not forthcoming with how this injury occurred but that was none of Rozwel's business and they ushered the client in to a room. "Come with me, there's better lighting in here, and it provides better client-patient privacy. I'll take a look at your hand and see what I can do for you."

Frog followed Rozwel into the room and took in the brighter portable spotlight in the room that could be aimed in all sorts of angles to best see difficult things, and couldn't help but think that could be handy for situations other than medicine. Rozwel closed the door and asked permission to unwrap Frog's arm to take a look, which was granted.

Slowly unwrapping the cloth, Rozwel could see dark colouration of blood without even needing the aid of the spotlight. Upon removing the entire cloth they could see deep gashes across the stab's arm that looked as if it'd been dragged through teeth, or perhaps some sort of trap. Thankfully the cloth had done its job and the wound was no longer bleeding, though it seemed Frog had lost a fair bit of blood- more than Rozwel would've liked.

"My friend, these gashes are deep. Since it's no longer bleeding and didn't restart when I removed the cloth, I would like to remove the debris and apply an ointment and bandages so your arm can be well on its way to healing. I don't see a need for stitches at this time, these deep cuts will just take some time and care to heal fully."

Frog looked very unenthusiastic at the idea of time, but shrugged and agreed to bandages and ointment. "Would you humour me and do a few tests for me to make sure you haven't received any nerve damage or more serious issue from this wound?" At the idea of nerve damage Frog sat up a little straighter and hastily agreed. No way anyone wanted nerve damage in an arm.

Rozwel slowly walked Frog through different movements, rotations, opening and closing of fingers and temperature sensation tests to see how extensive the damage seemed. Thankfully, after several tests, everything seemed in working condition for Frog.

"Everything seems okay, which is very lucky with a wound like that. If you'll wait on me here, I'll grab that ointment and bandages and I can show you how to apply it to your own arm so you can go on about your business and not have to come back here. Not that I don't want to see you of course, but I'm happier when everyone is healthy and I'm not needed." Rozwel attempted to reassure Frog and swiftly exited to get the needed supplies.

Rozwel eyed the tools in the sink as they walked towards the cabinet with the ointments. The tools would still be there, needing cleaning later but for now there was a patient that needed her.

Total Wordcount: 734
1 to 200
Rozwel tidied up the clinic. The day was coming to a close and they were the last one left at the hospital. Looking around at what was left to do before she could go home, there thankfully wasn't too much. The plants in the lobby needed to be watered, as they really brightened up the area welcoming the clients as they entered. The bright windows currently reflected the sandy exterior of the Tsidal colony. Leading away from the lobby into the back the counters were pristine at this point. Most of the machines were turned off, their red lights blinking slowly to indicate they'd be ready to go for the next morning. There was still the matter of the dirty tools in the sink corner that needed cleaning from the day. Truly Rozwel's least favorite task- cleaning the instruments. They didn't appreciate not having more usable thumbs. The lobby bell rang out as the door opened, momentarily saving Rozwel from this task. An unfamiliar navy tsab entered the door and looked around as Rozwel stepped into the lobby to greet them. "Hello…. I'm Frog". The tsab said cautiously. Roswell nodded politely and introduced herself. "What brings you in today?" She
Mention Counter
Rozwel: 4 mentions
Frog: 1 mentions

201 to 400
didn't mention the late hour- she was always happy to help someone in need. Frog nodded at the belemoid and offered a hand that was wrapped up in dark cloth- a makeshift bandage. "I injured myself and uh, this was the nearest medical facility. Can you take a look?" The tsab was not forthcoming with how this injury occurred but that was none of Rozwel's business and they ushered the client in to a room. "Come with me, there's better lighting in here, and it provides better client-patient privacy. I'll take a look at your hand and see what I can do for you." Frog followed Rozwel into the room and took in the brighter portable spotlight in the room that could be aimed in all sorts of angles to best see difficult things, and couldn't help but think that could be handy for situations other than medicine. Rozwel closed the door and asked permission to unwrap Frog's arm to take a look, which was granted. Slowly unwrapping the cloth, Rozwel could see dark colouration of blood without even needing the aid of the spotlight. Upon removing the entire cloth they could see deep gashes across the stab's arm that
Mention Counter
Rozwel: 4 mentions
Frog: 3 mentions

401 to 600
looked as if it'd been dragged through teeth, or perhaps some sort of trap. Thankfully the cloth had done its job and the wound was no longer bleeding, though it seemed Frog had lost a fair bit of blood- more than Rozwel would've liked. "My friend, these gashes are deep. Since it's no longer bleeding and didn't restart when I removed the cloth, I would like to remove the debris and apply an ointment and bandages so your arm can be well on its way to healing. I don't see a need for stitches at this time, these deep cuts will just take some time and care to heal fully." Frog looked very unenthusiastic at the idea of time, but shrugged and agreed to bandages and ointment. "Would you humour me and do a few tests for me to make sure you haven't received any nerve damage or more serious issue from this wound?" At the idea of nerve damage Frog sat up a little straighter and hastily agreed. No way anyone wanted nerve damage in an arm. Rozwel slowly walked Frog through different movements, rotations, opening and closing of fingers and temperature sensation tests to see how extensive the
Mention Counter
Rozwel: 2 mentions
Frog: 4 mentions

601 to 734
damage seemed. Thankfully, after several tests, everything seemed in working condition for Frog. "Everything seems okay, which is very lucky with a wound like that. If you'll wait on me here, I'll grab that ointment and bandages and I can show you how to apply it to your own arm so you can go on about your business and not have to come back here. Not that I don't want to see you of course, but I'm happier when everyone is healthy and I'm not needed." Rozwel attempted to reassure Frog and swiftly exited to get the needed supplies. Rozwel eyed the tools in the sink as they walked towards the cabinet with the ointments. The tools would still be there, needing cleaning later but for now there was a patient that needed her.
Mention Counter
Rozwel: 2 mentions
Frog: 2 mentions
Rozwel is in 4 chunks
Frog is in 4 chunks
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[Trade] Deep scratches

In Healing ・ By Tsidal ・ 1 Favourite ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By Tsidal for Treat an Illness ・ Location: Ocean (Xiunus) ・ View Favorites
Submitted 2 months ago ・ Last Updated 2 months ago
Trade With:   Snip's Pinnacle Point
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[[Trade] Deep scratches by Tsidal (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** Blood and gashes](
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